Time of the year for Thieves

You'd be surprised as to how easy it is to break into "most" cars.
While working at a Chevy Dealer in the early '90s I probably rebuild 2 to 4
steering columns a week. Could take one look at a car and tell whether the
kid was experienced or a beginner. I can get into "most any" vehicle with
a plastic wedge and the antenna off "that" car.

Can't speak for "every" car cause there are a lot models I have never worked on.

One thing I learned while working for BMW was to never leave the keys in one....NEVER....LOL.
I could not convince our clean up boy the other day of this so I told him to go
sit in an '08 I had just finished. I had the remote...hit it twice...churp-churp...
and walked away. He could NOT GET OUT of the car....LOL....and had to set there
till I came back and....churp-churp....let him out.

Grandma always said, "locks only keep the honest folks out",...BUT
You won't get in that car with an antenna or slim-jim.......:drink:
You'd be surprised as to how easy it is to break into "most" cars.
While working at a Chevy Dealer in the early '90s I probably rebuild 2 to 4
steering columns a week. Could take one look at a car and tell whether the
kid was experienced or a beginner.

If you were rebuilding steering columns due to car theft I would think they were ALL damaged by beginners...experienced car thieves wouldn`t leave a car and if it was found it was stripped way past worrying about a steering column.
I remember a 8 year span there with the trips to Sayville/Bayport Long Island from Wash Dc, with the ex.....her folks....and driving up that a way and out the SState parkway......all the stripped abandoned burnt out cars, just setting there, no one to even clean the streets, driving around/through NYC all 5 boroughs....all the stripped NEW cars, some of them burnt out hulks....they just left them there,.....made me wonder how many were just allowed to burn and not even call the Fire guys.....

this from about '77 to '85 or so.....
