Times are Changing

2005 Viper vs 1967 Mustang...

Viper shows up at an 1/8 mile drag race with dealer paper plates...along side is a rat of a 67 Mustang with primer paint....the Mustang smoked the Viper by two car lengths...everyone cheered the Mustang...:yahoo:
At the end of the vid, they did say buy the vette and save the 30k lbs....

every shot in there the vette was right on Viper's tail, driver commenting the snake was so sideways in the corners there was no room to pass.....

course if they stop the grandstanding, it maybe a differant story....
At the end of the vid, they did say buy the vette and save the 30k lbs....

every shot in there the vette was right on Viper's tail, driver commenting the snake was so sideways in the corners there was no room to pass.....

course if they stop the grandstanding, it maybe a differant story....

Do you mean, like, conduct a REAL test, not the joke we saw?:bump:
I have to admit that some of you vette guys are die hards. However, there is a distant island called reality and in this dreadful place, the vette is not in the same class as the Viper. You see, a Viper is 100% hand assembled and has a much larger motor. While a Z06 has horrendous orange peel in the paint, a Viper is wet sanded by hand. These are just a few examples of the differences. Sure, vettes are more civilized crowd pleasers but a Viper is a more focused performance car, with fewer compromises and much higher build quality. Twin turbo Vipers are producing 1300rwhp and up, while Z06's are restrained by weak cylinder walls and drivetrains. As far as handling goes, the vette is lighter but also has a much weaker frame and less structural rigidity. Again, in handling, the Viper is superior, especially in the current 2008 model. Forget about the 2008 ACR, which will certainly hand any production road car its ass on a road course. The Z06 is a great car, especially for the money but it is not a Viper.
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I have to admit that some of you vette guys are die hards. However, there is a distant island called reality and in this dreadful place, the vette is not in the same class as the Viper. You see, a Viper is 100% hand assembled and has a much larger motor. While a Z06 has horrendous orange peel in the paint, a Viper is wet sanded by hand. These are just a few examples of the differences. Sure, vettes are more civilized crowd pleasers but a Viper is a more focused performance car, with fewer compromises and much higher build quality. Twin turbo Vipers are producing 1300rwhp and up, while Z06's are restrained by weak cylinder walls and drivetrains. As far as handling goes, the vette is lighter but also has a much weaker frame and less structural rigidity. Again, in handling, the Viper is superior, especially in the current 2008 model. Forget about the 2008 ACR, which will certainly hand any production road car its ass on a road course. The Z06 is a great car, especially for the money but it is not a Viper.

Yeh, I hear your side of the arguement, and my old buddy, past Prez of the Mopar club in the Wash DC area would take you side in an instant....

but I like my vette.....mainly cause I MADE IT....not bought it....

There's a big difference between a C3 vette and a new one. The C3's are a hell of a lot more fun and far better looking. That is the whole point of this thread.
Yeh, I hear your side of the arguement, and my old buddy, past Prez of the Mopar club in the Wash DC area would take you side in an instant....

but I like my vette.....mainly cause I MADE IT....not bought it....


I agree, and I'll add that not only did I build it, I OWN it.

OP: It is your opinion that vipers are the greatest cars to ever grace the surface of the Earth, it is my opinion that MY 'vette is. You are welcome to your opinion, and I'm happy that vipers are "hand" built by someone you don't know, my car is and is still in the process of being hand built by ME and that's something no viper will ever have. It's all in how you look at it, my car will probably never run a road course or have over 400 horses, but I will also have nowhere NEAR $40,000 in it much less 80-100.:thumbs:

Didn't I hear that they are going to stop building the viper?
Chevrolet can build a better car for money, that's been proven time and time again.

I waited many years for them to do exactly that. It never came and I finally decided to just buy the damn Viper instead. If Zora were still in charge, I would not have had to wait at all. It's not a better car for the money because it is not much cheaper and is slower, much less attractive, unreliable and indistinguishable to most people from the standard vette. I said it before, you cannot compare a vette to a Viper, period. Don't you think I drove some Z06's before I bought a Viper?
SMOKEY, I don't quite understand your line "I own it". I agree that building up a C3 is a lot of fun. That is part of the appeal of having a 40 year old relic. A new car will never have this kind of appeal and it sure is rewarding when the car you are building, progresses. Mine is still not finished but I am getting close.
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I waited many years for them to do exactly that. It never came and I finally decided to just buy the damn Viper instead. If Zora were still in charge, I would not have had to wait at all. It's not a better car for the money because it is not much cheaper and is slower, much less attractive, unreliable and indistinguishable to most people from the standard vette. I said it before, you cannot compare a vette to a Viper, period. Don't you think I drove some Z06's before I bought a Viper?

Tell like I have said, a man I have known for some 42 years now, and that marks my lifetime, damn nearly....he thinks the Viper is car of the year EVERY year....shame it looks as if it's going away, and things are not looking very good for ANY American car company, to who knows, this shit goes on much further with the overseas invasion, we going to be just like the rest of the world before long....

:amazed::cussing: damn corporate bean counters, Methinks the Vette and Viper are the only two cars in this country anymore, still built by CAR people....and even the Vette has that Caddy offshoot....which IMO is a better looking car....for that I maybe well shot too....

I cannot imagine GM discontinuing the vette. The Viper is surely more likely to be terminated.

Sadly, I believe this may happen. Unlike the Prowler, a niche car I like as well, the Viper promised to provide healthy competition and R&D progress.
Unfortunately, just like the muscle car era of the 70's, the fuel prices once again may prove to be the downfall AGAIN of the American Muscle car era.
If the fuel prices don't get them the insurance companies will. History has a way of repeating itself. As I see it now, it's only a matter of time before the insurance companies (I'm talking about the DD companies, not the specialty insurors) figure out that 450+ horsepower is too much for the everyday average person.

When I got the Vette, I went to my DD insurance guy and asked him- all he did was laugh and tell me no way. Not that they wouldn't insure it, but that I couldn't afford it.
The vette is responsible for the existence of the Viper, the Viper responsible for the Z06 and the Z06, responsible for the current '08 Viper. The two put pressure on one another to become better. If the Viper is discontinued, the vette will become complacent and will not be improved much. I would like to see the vette's appearance improved. I would also like to see them built with higher quality and the paint is a good place to start.
Sadly, I believe this may happen. Unlike the Prowler, a niche car I like as well, the Viper promised to provide healthy competition and R&D progress.
Unfortunately, just like the INDUATRIAL era of the LAST CENTURY, the fuel prices once again may prove to be the downfall AGAIN of the American Muscle car Companies.

There, fixed it, and this time there ain't no coming back, not that they ever DID anyway....

and I gotta be sad for Ford too, the new retro MUSTANG is a nice car, I really like it, not that I can AFFORD it or any of the new stuff these daze, but the one thing I would LIKE to see is a reissue of the COBRA in full production, but I know it's not happening for all that PC BS crap the .gov is so famous for....

Can you imagine what even a 4.8/new modular engine in a old COBRA chassis would do on a road course??? newer underpinnings?? kill our asses in a road course, that's what....
