TIPS of the Day

Geoff Coenen

Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
Stratford CT
Watch for blackish (fuel), bluish (oil) or whitish (coolant) smoke coming out of the tailpipe.
11 Days to the Common Sense Adults Being in Charge

PS I already lost where I read that first aphorism - I cannot take credit for it.

The politicians gutted the neighborhood my warehouse is Iocated in. Thirty five - Fourty Years ago it wasn't like this. Today it's called an Enterprise Zone. A BS concept that means many of the businesses ave departed.

A business man developer died in a plane crash and all his big business in my neighborhood went poof. Only 2 blocks away was Producto - a manufacturer of die sets that disappeared. Every metal stamping, casting, plastic molding tool I own or have ever seen sits in a die set. Well if the USA is not making tools - there is no need for die sets. Located about 3 block from me was Bridgeport Machines. Their machines built tooling. They helped win WWII. Their name was sold to a foreign entity. Their entire 2 story building was leveled; it's been a vacant gravel lot for over a decade. Guess you really don't need die sets. Wonder Bread had a giant Distribution Building across the street from me. They went belly up and the new owner closed that distribution facility and their Retail Store right behind me. Now just a dozen or so straight job delivery trucks parked overnight. The rigger across from our parking lot disappeared. I'll have to ask John what happened, next time I see him - but he doesn't come here often also.

Lord willing in 2025 I will be completely out of this chit hole dangerous city. Half gone, Half to go.

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