Phantom of the Opera
[ I need to replace the Teflon sealing rings on the input shaft. One on them is a solid ring. Will it really stretch that much? Afterwards the manual shows useing a resizing tool what do I do to get around this?
Tomorrow it’s pump time!
To resize the teflon seal I cut a piece plastic out of a coke bottle. Just enough to wrap around the shaft. Then put a hose clamp around it, and let it sit for awhile.[/QUOTE]
Tim and others say to use vaseline to hold it in place when you slip it all home....
hummmm, so to stay on topic, I have used tan wheel bearing grease on those rings, never had a issue with it....I have done the same with the little check balls in the valve body, upside down and backwards, balancing on my head with ATF dripping into my nose, and sliding down my pants....
wrestled that A518 Dodge tranny back into position just now.....hell of a battle, converter, and the block freeze plugs...but it works, I hope....friggin DODGE..:hissyfit::hissyfit::hissyfit: