Today's and Tomorrow's Weather Report

OH, BTW, I have a Fluke DVM with temp probes, both say the same temps...TWO HVAC buttom gauges, the digital in the hallway, next to the ~40 y/o German thermometer, and the back room with it's weather station/matches the clock, Schatz, and so some time ago bought a very handy little IR heat scanner from Harbor freight, and checked it's accuracy with using transistor heat sink compound on the Fluke thermocouple on whatever same readings.....

SO when maybe what above? 10 devices all say the same shit....well, sorry, my probability is pretty high they are dead nutz on.....close enough for .gov work anyway....

and guess what? in the 15 years here, I have noticed NO damn change in the temps.....summers get their daze in the sun, and then not....

next winter probable be down to 17f several times, instead of twice....

so I still don't buy into warming one damn bit.....

BUT curious as to legit round the world reports, not some bullshit EPA driven political site with questionable reports....

BUT curious as to legit round the world reports, not some bullshit EPA driven political site with questionable reports....


OK Gene here's a real life report from other parts of the world.
I've lived off & on but mostly here in Colorado for probably 45 of my 58 years. Our climate has always been more extreme than that of the eastern US, but that suits us Westerners just fine. But the weather has become more noticeably extreme over the past years, especially in this last decade. We used to have spring and fall. Not very long ones but nice nonetheless. No more: we only have summer & winter. Spring and fall last a couple weeks if we are lucky. Literally you can be scraping frost off the windshields Monday and have 85* by Wednesday, and vice versa. And several times in a row. It's been a long time since I experienced a sweet gentle 70* day, all day. They used to be fairly common. There will be a few hours of gentle sweet day, then it either gets too hot or too cold and the sweet breeze turns into a harsh wind. Some winters have weeks below freezing, below zero, and yards deep of snow, some winters--no snow at all. Some summers are nothing but clouds, rain & flooding, some are high 90s and 100s with raging fires and no hint of rain for months on end. This has accelerated geometrically in the last ten years. The weather patterns have changed dramatically and not for the better. There is no expectation --only a gamble with rapidly diminishing odds-- of crops & livestock surviving, or gentle days, anymore or even expectations of what the weather will be next week---except it will probably be extreme. Never used to be this way. Wildlife is stressed---migration & habits of everything from bugs, birds, coons, elk, bears is changing. Lands are stressed--longtime flowers, trees, crops are dying off and being overtaken by foriegn plants and exotic noxious weeds which can survive & thrive under these conditions, killing off native plants & species.
My ex-wife lives in the south of France--the same things are happening over there. Vinyards & farmlands are drying up, ground cracking open for lack of rain, but when it comes it is overwhelming & flooding washing away the soil. Frosts and snows like they have not had in generations, and only very rarely at that, are becoming more common.
Yeah it could be just the changing of nature's cycles, we live short lives on this earth, we only have stories our elders tell us of times in the past.
When the guages on your dash start fluttering erratically, when your engine starts misfiring and acting wierd, when your tranny doesn't shift right, when your house electricity or your stove starts misbehaving--- do you ignore it and just keep driving blindly denyingly on into the night or do you investigate it to find out the problem? For those you care about? Water in the gas tank, MAF sensors gone bad, loose grounds---sine waves! Do you ignore that stuff and just blindly say "It's all a conspiracy".
Yeah you'll be dead in a few years, it's not your problem. Your wife, your kids (stepkids, what ever---they are all 'our' kids and our only hope for immortality) --do you want to leave them with a burnt up dead car by the side of a dark road in the swamp with alligators and boars crawling up because you refused to maintain your vehicle that you left to them? You want to leave your wife a house that will short circuit and ignite a leaky propane fire and burn her to death because you couldn't be bothered to fix a problem in the wiring and gas piping? Because you didn't think it was a possiblity??? "It's just a conspiracy"??
This earth is our vehicle of life, we should at least try to look into some kind of preventative maintenence for it to get the milage from it we would like to have, if not for us for the others. My nieces & nephews and their friends & kids will be here after I am gone---I don't want to leave them stranded with a wreck I gave them because "It's all BS to meeeeee".
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And the warmest June on record in the US?

Guess again


Umm Maybe, but what did they use to record the temperature?...One of the these? :skeptic::lol:


Probably. But isn't that the point? We're using one of those as our reference point for what temperatures were 80 or 90 years ago. Hmmm. The accuracy of that literally started at where you were standing when you looked at it.

Man made GW is a myth. I don't care what Algore or some exec from Exxon says. Ironically, the same people who want to quote him now won't believe him when he says gas prices are market driven.

As for the weather so far this year, here in Vegas it was actually cooler through the month of May than in almost any spring since I moved here back in '98. So if we were to go by my own personal observations, then clearly it is cooling. But it all goes to the fact that human existence is quite literally the blink of a planetary eye. It's been far warmer, and it's been far cooler.

Ironically, the most well thought out discussion I've heard on the subject was from Penn Gillette (from the comedy team Penn & Teller). He asked better questions than anyone I've ever heard.
1) is it really happening?
2) is it natural or man made?
3) if it's man made, can we change it?
4) if it's happening at all, is it really a bad thing?
There was a fifth question but I can't recall what it was. Fact is, it's been warmer than this since civilization. The Romans were growing grapes in England and there is a reason the island nation was named "Greenland".
Hmmm, here it is the middle of July and Wednesday was 111*, yesterday was 104* and today is only 94*. This is clear evidence of global cooling. Break out the woodpiles and stoke the coals boys, we got us some global warming to do.
But it all goes to the fact that human existence is quite literally the blink of a planetary eye. It's been far warmer, and it's been far cooler.
c'mon Gary, we've been studying geological layers, old tree trunk and layers of polar cap ice for decades if not centuries.
It's not just like we're relying on everyday people observations, We have datas and statistics tools.
Maybe cooler here, maybe warmer there, the point is the whole system is getting more and more unstable. I don't really worry for life on earth, it saw much worse, it more about human I'm concerned.

One "amusing" fact, recently scientists came to a surprising explanation for French revolution : Icelandic volcano.
Turned out at that time an icelandic volcano erupted, significantly clouding the european sprint sky and dramatically reducing the crops growth.
Massive starvations sparked the revolution.
Just to pinpoint that global warming probably won't kill us by itslef, but would easily push us to kill each others for what remains of food,water or just liveable land.
c'mon Gary, we've been studying geological layers, old tree trunk and layers of polar cap ice for decades if not centuries.
It's not just like we're relying on everyday people observations, We have datas and statistics tools.
Maybe cooler here, maybe warmer there, the point is the whole system is getting more and more unstable. I don't really worry for life on earth, it saw much worse, it more about human I'm concerned.

You're exactly right. But what do you think these people live off? You think they'll keep their cushy university jobs without some kind of impending disaster? How many home security companies have you ever heard say, "nah, everything is fine where you live. You don't need our services." Wouldn't stay in business very long if they did. What about your local government? Money shortfall? Well crime is down so we'll just cut the police department. Yeah, right. Everything is the end of the world, the sky is falling. Notice in a lot of schools that are having budget troubles there are programs and departments getting cut? Music, arts and athletic programs get cut. Not the earth science departments. No, their research is too important. They're going to save the world. What about you? When you finish a job or project, do you go in to your boss and say, "well I'm done, guess you don't need me anymore".

But so many people are buying into this horseshit because scientists are saying it and then they think, "well, I don't remember summers being this hot when I was a kid". Therefore it must be happening. It's how charlatins work.

And who's to say it's getting more unstable? We have empirical data and nothing more. Data that is supposed to describe what has happened over hundreds of millions of years on Earth. You really believe that in the last 100 or so years of scientific study they have it all figured out? They can tell you that 89,000,000 years ago it was kind of cool, but 89,000,100 years ago there was a warm spell. Bullshit.

Oh, and tell me. Just how many Suburbans and Explorers did these poor suckers drive?
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You're exactly right. But what do you think these people live off? You think they'll keep their cushy university jobs without some kind of impending disaster? How many home security companies have you ever heard say, "nah, everything is fine where you live. You don't need our services." Wouldn't stay in business very long if they did. What about your local government? Money shortfall? Well crime is down so we'll just cut the police department. Yeah, right.

Flip that right around. Very convenient for coal and oil interests to campaign that it's bullshit. And they don't have the majority of scientists on their side. They are starting to buy them off though.
c'mon Gary, we've been studying geological layers, old tree trunk and layers of polar cap ice for decades if not centuries.
It's not just like we're relying on everyday people observations, We have datas and statistics tools.
Maybe cooler here, maybe warmer there, the point is the whole system is getting more and more unstable. I don't really worry for life on earth, it saw much worse, it more about human I'm concerned.

You're exactly right. But what do you think these people live off? You think they'll keep their cushy university jobs without some kind of impending disaster?
Yes they will. And that's actually the point.
I have a Master in Computer physics, so I spent my lastest college years with the kind of laboratory rat you're talking about.
Their world is completly different for ours. People here don't work for money, if they did they would have taken an engineer career or go working for some think tanks. Those people work for the fame of the recognition of their peers. I had my ways in for a time at MIT's medialab, so I also met american scientist, same goals.
Why they will keep their jobs? Because one does not simply forsee the usefulness of a certain research. Science is made of silly research rediscovered years later as major breakthrough.
Frankly, let those scientists alone, they're silly enough to waste their life stuck in a laboratory searching what will maintain you country technological supremacy. Lastest big brains that didn't sell their soul.

How many home security companies have you ever heard say, "nah, everything is fine where you live. You don't need our services." Wouldn't stay in business very long if they did.
Business, you said the word.
Guys doing research are aiming for the fame, not the money, and their biggest shame is to get denounced as non objective (if not liars).
Not saying it never happened, but it's not THE way to do.
What about your local government? Money shortfall? Well crime is down so we'll just cut the police department. Yeah, right. Everything is the end of the world, the sky is falling. Notice in a lot of schools that are having budget troubles there are programs and departments getting cut? Music, arts and athletic programs get cut. Not the earth science departments. No, their research is too important. They're going to save the world. What about you? When you finish a job or project, do you go in to your boss and say, "well I'm done, guess you don't need me anymore".
Well, you'd better back up those words with datas, because I hear this kind of sentences tens of time, each time with a different victim: education, social programs, arts...
But so many people are buying into this horseshit because scientists are saying it and then they think, "well, I don't remember summers being this hot when I was a kid". Therefore it must be happening. It's how charlatins work.
Horseshit? why so mych anger, why the hate. You probably live in the best place of the world to study the worst of mankind, and still you see those those wan nerds as a threat.

And who's to say it's getting more unstable? We have empirical data and nothing more. Data that is supposed to describe what has happened over hundreds of millions of years on Earth.
You really believe that in the last 100 or so years of scientific study they have it all figured out?
Surely more than you and me.
Too bad we didn't have time to debate those things in person last time.
There will be a next time.
Shit happens, life goes on, witness Japan today.....

they WILL get that/another nukey plant running, they WILL have a societal commitment to DO it, and they have the brains/WILL/and population to carry it out.....

only the tough survive....the tech marvels will save us, not some green weenie....

CASE CLOSED......:banned:
Case closed my ass! It's 100 deg today and 103 forecast for tomorrow here in St. Louis. I'm gettin tired of this shit. I might have to go back to Florida where its cool. :cussing: According to the local weather man, we are heading for the second longest streak on record of days over 90 by the end of the week. No end in sight so the new all time record is in serious jeopardy. Technology better start saving! :crap:
Case closed my ass! It's 100 deg today and 103 forecast for tomorrow here in St. Louis. I'm gettin tired of this shit. I might have to go back to Florida where its cool. :cussing: According to the local weather man, we are heading for the second longest streak on record of days over 90 by the end of the week. No end in sight so the new all time record is in serious jeopardy. Technology better start saving! :crap:

The record, or 5th highest record of days of 100 or more is in jeopardy of being broke by the end of the week. It is DAMM hot here in Mo. The 5 highest is 22 days,1st place was 33 days.
Sorry for you guys. So far here in Vegas, we've had one really hot week, but the rest of the spring and summer have been relatively mild. So far. Now that I've said something I expect the heat hammer to come down like an anvil on an ant.
...........the tech marvels will save us, not some green weenie....

The "Green Weenies" are whats driving the research to find solutions. Whitout them, big corporations would just say, "Don't worry, be happy. It's all fine.":stirpot:
...........the tech marvels will save us, not some green weenie....

The "Green Weenies" are whats driving the research to find solutions. Whitout them, big corporations would just say, "Don't worry, be happy. It's all fine.":stirpot:

IF you had a clue just what this weenie shit has cost US as a consumer oriented 'free' choice society, out of our back would shit....

one HUGE time waster over nothing but a few local issues, if that.....

the positives over an industrial society FAR outweigh the 'other' societies....

note how the rest of the world follows OUR lead, and not the weenies....

WTF, life here in America is damn near doubled over the last 100 years, and even the poorest American leads a better life than the middle class anywhere else on earth....

Pardon MY ass, but I feel fortunate, and hate the thought my kids will have to get behind the ass end of a mule, to live.....

I"ll take even Diesel fume over Mule farts,

...........the tech marvels will save us, not some green weenie....

The "Green Weenies" are whats driving the research to find solutions. Whitout them, big corporations would just say, "Don't worry, be happy. It's all fine.":stirpot:

IF you had a clue just what this weenie shit has cost US as a consumer oriented 'free' choice society, out of our back would shit....

I am not clueless Gene.
...........the tech marvels will save us, not some green weenie....

The "Green Weenies" are whats driving the research to find solutions. Whitout them, big corporations would just say, "Don't worry, be happy. It's all fine.":stirpot:

IF you had a clue just what this weenie shit has cost US as a consumer oriented 'free' choice society, out of our back would shit....

I am not clueless Gene.

Jeff, buddy, I seriously don't understand your position in light of reality....

simply NO proof of the weenie position of any of this ENVIRO crap....

nothing but CONjecture and manipulated numbers....


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