BUT curious as to legit round the world reports, not some bullshit EPA driven political site with questionable reports....
OK Gene here's a real life report from other parts of the world.
I've lived off & on but mostly here in Colorado for probably 45 of my 58 years. Our climate has always been more extreme than that of the eastern US, but that suits us Westerners just fine. But the weather has become more noticeably extreme over the past years, especially in this last decade. We used to have spring and fall. Not very long ones but nice nonetheless. No more: we only have summer & winter. Spring and fall last a couple weeks if we are lucky. Literally you can be scraping frost off the windshields Monday and have 85* by Wednesday, and vice versa. And several times in a row. It's been a long time since I experienced a sweet gentle 70* day, all day. They used to be fairly common. There will be a few hours of gentle sweet day, then it either gets too hot or too cold and the sweet breeze turns into a harsh wind. Some winters have weeks below freezing, below zero, and yards deep of snow, some winters--no snow at all. Some summers are nothing but clouds, rain & flooding, some are high 90s and 100s with raging fires and no hint of rain for months on end. This has accelerated geometrically in the last ten years. The weather patterns have changed dramatically and not for the better. There is no expectation --only a gamble with rapidly diminishing odds-- of crops & livestock surviving, or gentle days, anymore or even expectations of what the weather will be next week---except it will probably be extreme. Never used to be this way. Wildlife is stressed---migration & habits of everything from bugs, birds, coons, elk, bears is changing. Lands are stressed--longtime flowers, trees, crops are dying off and being overtaken by foriegn plants and exotic noxious weeds which can survive & thrive under these conditions, killing off native plants & species.
My ex-wife lives in the south of France--the same things are happening over there. Vinyards & farmlands are drying up, ground cracking open for lack of rain, but when it comes it is overwhelming & flooding washing away the soil. Frosts and snows like they have not had in generations, and only very rarely at that, are becoming more common.
Yeah it could be just the changing of nature's cycles, we live short lives on this earth, we only have stories our elders tell us of times in the past.
When the guages on your dash start fluttering erratically, when your engine starts misfiring and acting wierd, when your tranny doesn't shift right, when your house electricity or your stove starts misbehaving--- do you ignore it and just keep driving blindly denyingly on into the night or do you investigate it to find out the problem? For those you care about? Water in the gas tank, MAF sensors gone bad, loose grounds---sine waves! Do you ignore that stuff and just blindly say "It's all a conspiracy".
Yeah you'll be dead in a few years, it's not your problem. Your wife, your kids (stepkids, what ever---they are all 'our' kids and our only hope for immortality) --do you want to leave them with a burnt up dead car by the side of a dark road in the swamp with alligators and boars crawling up because you refused to maintain your vehicle that you left to them? You want to leave your wife a house that will short circuit and ignite a leaky propane fire and burn her to death because you couldn't be bothered to fix a problem in the wiring and gas piping? Because you didn't think it was a possiblity??? "It's just a conspiracy"??
This earth is our vehicle of life, we should at least try to look into some kind of preventative maintenence for it to get the milage from it we would like to have, if not for us for the others. My nieces & nephews and their friends & kids will be here after I am gone---I don't want to leave them stranded with a wreck I gave them because "It's all BS to meeeeee".