Top speed runs

a couple of years ago I was driving with a few Lotus and ferrari's on an elevated highway with little to no traffic and a fairly smooth surface. had the vette up to 110mph and the other cars left me in the dust. The problem is the steering at that speed was scary I held the wheel with both hands and it felt like it wanted to wonder. needless to say I backed off and cruised at 90 and never did catch up with the rest.

Do you have any chassis/suspension/steering mods?? if so, what?? :stirpot:

Stock set up just newly rebuilt everything. At the time I was running 255/60/15 tires Firestone Firehawks. My thinking is the stock power steering set up is really not the best for high speed driving.

I've had my Vette to well over 130 a few times. Smooth and stable. Anything close to 140 and the front end starts to wander. I used to think it was due to the shape of the C2. It turns out alot of the wandering can be caused by the tires not being speed rated for over 112. The tires start to distort and cause the vehicle to become unstable. I saw some tire testing videos not too long ago that shows what can happen to the tires. It is really scary.:twitch:
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