Two blocks from home

I appreciate the theory of what the police do, and I know some good ones; however, all my stories are about bad ones.

like the time the police got new "non-lethal" weapons and were itching for a situation to use them - put the eye out of a schizophrenic whose crime was moving his stuff from his house into his yard. (convinced him to come outside, then shot him from behind with a "non-lethal" bean bag round. Bean bag, sounds so inocculous? right? there are 2 types, long distance and close range, anyone want to guess which one barney used? I'm just giving you the highlights, it's far worse then what I described above.

I do SAR (Search and Rescue) so I'm around the police and the wanna-be police fairly often - and you guys have no idea what stuff they're selling to the police e.g. drones.

Hate on lawyers all you want, but without them that 1st situation would have simply ended in an arrest, jackrabbit court, and a prison sentence.
I agree with that reporter. The police here over react alot. We saw 12 horse mounted sherrifs to watch maybe 50 protesters with signs. Give me a break. I sometimes think it just escalates a nothing deal.:stirpot:

Ever since the '68 riots in DC,all the damn communists/hippys/blacks just burning the joint down, flying over the city in a Twin Bonanza, owned by chief of pilots for Aggony Airlines, older brother to a g/f of the time...having seen that, sorry, IMO, the cops should level down with a AK or more....

dead serious....tired of all this protest bullshit making garbage outta the cities and parks,

vs the Tea Party protest with Beck on the mall, left the joint cleaner than it was.....:club::club::censored:
I agree with that reporter. The police here over react alot. We saw 12 horse mounted sherrifs to watch maybe 50 protesters with signs. Give me a break. I sometimes think it just escalates a nothing deal.:stirpot:

Ever since the '68 riots in DC,all the damn communists/hippys/blacks just burning the joint down, flying over the city in a Twin Bonanza, owned by chief of pilots for Aggony Airlines, older brother to a g/f of the time...having seen that, sorry, IMO, the cops should level down with a AK or more....

dead serious....tired of all this protest bullshit making garbage outta the cities and parks,

vs the Tea Party protest with Beck on the mall, left the joint cleaner than it was.....:club::club::censored:

Isn't interesting that you can tell more about a person by how they act when they think no one will hold them accountable for what they're doing?
I agree with that reporter. The police here over react alot. We saw 12 horse mounted sherrifs to watch maybe 50 protesters with signs. Give me a break. I sometimes think it just escalates a nothing deal.:stirpot:

Ever since the '68 riots in DC,all the damn communists/hippys/blacks just burning the joint down, flying over the city in a Twin Bonanza, owned by chief of pilots for Aggony Airlines, older brother to a g/f of the time...having seen that, sorry, IMO, the cops should level down with a AK or more....

dead serious....tired of all this protest bullshit making garbage outta the cities and parks,

vs the Tea Party protest with Beck on the mall, left the joint cleaner than it was.....:club::club::censored:

Isn't interesting that you can tell more about a person by how they act when they think no one will hold them accountable for what they're doing?
Yep, we call it the "Gene on Vettemod" syndrome, or "accute hydroboostisis", depending on the hour of the day.
..having seen that, sorry, IMO, the cops should level down with a AK or more....

dead serious....tired of all this protest bullshit making garbage outta the cities and parks,

Gene, you would have made a fine British commander at the Boston Tea Party. Freedom of speech is at the very root of what our soldiers die for.
..having seen that, sorry, IMO, the cops should level down with a AK or more....

dead serious....tired of all this protest bullshit making garbage outta the cities and parks,

Gene, you would have made a fine British commander at the Boston Tea Party. Freedom of speech is at the very root of what our soldiers die for.

BUT that don't include burning the hell outta all the businesses/food stores/auto dealers/homes/apartments/gas stations and shit that makes up a city, then complain they got NO groceries.....

yeh, they got freedumb of speech alright, just not freedom of destruction and insurrection.....

Seen the web vids of these kids doing that mob looting shit??? be MY store, it's a AK and then shotgun....I leveling the field, just for shits and giggles, and laugh like that kid in the batman gig.....

come after MY shit, and they can DIE, and honestly I don't give a damn, fuck the damn lawyers and the horses they rode in on....

DEADLY SERIOUS......:tomato:
..having seen that, sorry, IMO, the cops should level down with a AK or more....

dead serious....tired of all this protest bullshit making garbage outta the cities and parks,

Gene, you would have made a fine British commander at the Boston Tea Party. Freedom of speech is at the very root of what our soldiers die for.

BUT that don't include burning the hell outta all the businesses/food stores/auto dealers/homes/apartments/gas stations and shit that makes up a city, then complain they got NO groceries.....

yeh, they got freedumb of speech alright, just not freedom of destruction and insurrection.....

Seen the web vids of these kids doing that mob looting shit??? be MY store, it's a AK and then shotgun....I leveling the field, just for shits and giggles, and laugh like that kid in the batman gig.....

come after MY shit, and they can DIE, and honestly I don't give a damn, fuck the damn lawyers and the horses they rode in on....

DEADLY SERIOUS......:tomato:

OK Gene now tell us what you really think......

By the way do you still have that white sheet outfit in the closet....LOL:goodnight: