Upgrade to Power windows


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
Oak Ridge, NC
This is MYBADs fault...with his fall/winter to do list, he's got me doin some planning....I am redoing the interior this winter.

Anyone put in a power window conversion kit? They are a bit pricey from the usual vette vendors...700+. The way I see it, I need new interior door skins which I have to replace anyway, cut holes for the harness , cut holes in the park brake console for the switches.

Is it pretty much strait forward, or am I missing something? Perhaps with the windows?

Anywhere else that has a good kit?
I agree those conversion kits can be a bit pricey.
Here's a much more affordable alternative ;)

Is that from the " Got to be a Red Neck" files. Or is he just kin to Bubba! You have got to love the humor!
One of the very first things I did to my '72 some 15 years ago.....you don't need vette motors/gearboxes any GM of the era will work, the mechanism is the hard/expensive part....I got reman ones from a vendor, the tracks are reused and as such you should soak them in gasoline overnight to soften and then scrub off all that damn dried up grease in them....I used them dry never did put anything on them windows still go up down like slick/fast.....I did regrease the gearboxes and dab some oil on the motor bearings.....

I would bet you find the right car of the era you will find the whole mechanism that can work fine in our sharks.....I didn't bother looking, was told it's vette specific, but I wonder.....:shocking::yahoo:
Right now I'm just making the list of parts. I won't be doing this until the winter. I definitely want pwr windows. Trying to decide if I'm going with new door panels or just the vinyl skins. The vynl skin replacement is harder and I'll have to cover the crank hole on the panel.