Upper wheel well fender protection?


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
St. Charles, Missouri
How do you guys recommend protecting the upper fender in the wheel well from rocks being launched from the grooves in your tires. I have a nice star burst paint crack on RamJet's fender from one of my 130 mph dashes. Seemed like fun at the time:banghead:

I've sprayed mine with that black, tar-type-stuff, under body sealer. The type you spray on with a purpose made gun (with a HUGE hole for it to come out of). It splatters on and never actually dries hard.

It's actually a pain in the arse to remove when trying to to mod to your lower front fenders...
I've sprayed mine with that black, tar-type-stuff, under body sealer. The type you spray on with a purpose made gun (with a HUGE hole for it to come out of). It splatters on and never actually dries hard.

I used tar stuff too (brushed on, can be messy).
Bonus is- if it gets too dirty/damaged you just recoat it.
hippo liner, rhino liner, lava liner....whatever bedliner you can find, spray it inside the wheel well and add the rubber compound.