VPB Dual Mount Rear Spring

OK. I cranked on the spring end bolts even more and this is the current result. Tank is full and tool kit on board.


I carry a "tool kit" in the spare tire carrier instead of a wheel/tire. It weighs 55lbs. I measured the rear fender height with the kit in and out of the car. Difference is not measurable with tape measure. Inner spring mounts are slightly closer than VBP measurement. 1/4" per side or 1/2" total. The suspension does move when car jounced.
Look at the photos again: see the bolt length difference beteween Sam's and my setup? Also , Sam, your spring ends are pointing upwards, mine are flat or a tad towards pointing down....

If the springs are about the same (at least close) there's no reason for this much difference. The weight of our C2 or C3 rear is not all that much different.

On a side note: that is a really nice vert :)))))
Look at the photos again: see the bolt length difference beteween Sam's and my setup? Also , Sam, your spring ends are pointing upwards, mine are flat or a tad towards pointing down....

If the springs are about the same (at least close) there's no reason for this much difference. The weight of our C2 or C3 rear is not all that much different.

On a side note: that is a really nice vert :)))))
I don't know what's going on. Looks like your bolts are the same as mine but the nut is way farther down the shank. Sam's bolts may be stock length?

Side note: Thanks!
My bolts are a touch shorter than stock. I bought some grade 8 bolts from Fastenal figured out where I wanted the ride height, then cut the bolts off and drilled a hole for a stainless cotter pin.

Karsten, look at the profile of your spring vs. mine. Yours is about the same thickness all the way through, mine is noticeably tapered. It doesn't bend the same way in the middle, either. Yours is (I'm assuming) a relatively recent street spring. Mine is an early production example that came off of a race car that was being parted out. Same technology, slightly different application. I need to move the bolts inward one notch, it's too stiff the way it sits.
OK. I cranked on the spring end bolts even more and this is the current result. Tank is full and tool kit on board.


I carry a "tool kit" in the spare tire carrier instead of a wheel/tire. It weighs 55lbs. I measured the rear fender height with the kit in and out of the car. Difference is not measurable with tape measure. Inner spring mounts are slightly closer than VBP measurement. 1/4" per side or 1/2" total. The suspension does move when car jounced.

Gimme your address, I going up there and steal/hi-jack them wheels.....I will not leave you without wheels, you can have mine......:eek::thumbs::loveletter: Who made them, and what size are they?? best damn looking wheel I seen in a LONG time.....
OK. I cranked on the spring end bolts even more and this is the current result. Tank is full and tool kit on board.


I carry a "tool kit" in the spare tire carrier instead of a wheel/tire. It weighs 55lbs. I measured the rear fender height with the kit in and out of the car. Difference is not measurable with tape measure. Inner spring mounts are slightly closer than VBP measurement. 1/4" per side or 1/2" total. The suspension does move when car jounced.

Gimme your address, I going up there and steal/hi-jack them wheels.....I will not leave you without wheels, you can have mine......:eek::thumbs::loveletter: Who made them, and what size are they?? best damn looking wheel I seen in a LONG time.....
If I tell you where I got the wheels and you buy a set they won't be different anymore! Ok. I guess I'll have to fess up. I looked for a long time to find these Minilite copies. They are Team III. Made to order LT3. 17x8 4" bs front. 17x9 5" bs rear. I think the same size tires you are using? 255/50 front and 275/50 rear. I really need a little more bs in the rear. To keep the front side spacing the the same as the front wheels the will set the centers and shave the pad. I think 1/4" will do and hopefully still clear the Willwood calipers.

Minilites or copies thereof can be bought from numerous sources.... I bet money once Gene sees the pricetag he's choking .... Lol
Minilites or copies thereof can be bought from numerous sources.... I bet money once Gene sees the pricetag he's choking .... Lol
Yeah I found a few sources for copies. Of the ones I found I liked these the best. Most of the others keep a small center section and long spokes to attach to the 17" rim. The TIII have a larger center and the spoke length looks more appropriate for the rim size. JMO. Minilites are 8 spoke wheels. Perfect for 4 bolt cars. Not so much for 5 bolt. When using the smaller standard center with 5 lugs some of the holes are drilled right at the base of the spoke. Not so with the larger center. Certainly not cheap but I've seen wheels that cost allot more. Mine are two piece made to order.

Gene. Maybe I can make you a deal so I can get new wheels more back spacing?
