Wanted rear compartment doors


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
I am in need of the rear compartment doors (3 door type) I could buy a new set but I have medium saddle carpet and buckskin trim. I have a good frame and hinges, also have the correct carpet pieces but am missing the doors
MidAmerica sells "bare" doors, part number 602-445 - that might be just as expensive as complete used doors, at least you know these are new....

Do you need the bare doors only or the three frames for the doors also ?

I have a set that i just put together, it's black... gotta see if I have spare doors....
I am in need of the rear compartment doors (3 door type) I could buy a new set but I have medium saddle carpet and buckskin trim. I have a good frame and hinges, also have the correct carpet pieces but am missing the doors

send a PM to brngrhd...ask him if the doors I saw and left there are any good.....I can get them from him if they are...
Doors are nothing but a piece of plywood or MDF with carpet glued on....

hinges ain't nuttin special either....really.....I just took my 3 panel set out of the car yesterday, sun got the carpet, it's now piss yellow instead of dark saddle...sux....so I thinking of black formica, same as a leftover piece from my kitchen counter top.....me being cheep and all.....

the ones i have are two door types

thanks for looking...been to the new Sonic in Middleton? My older daughter went to a party up there today so she picked up the little one at UW and they went for lunch...waited 1/2 hour to park but they said it was worth the wait.
I thought I only needed to replace my cracked rear compartment frame. Ordered the frame. After disassembly it turned out more parts needed replacement. Just ordered a complete assembled frame, much easier. Can't you fabricate new once from MDF?

I got the doors the seem to be made of "zachtboord" and are separating between layers.
I thought I only needed to replace my cracked rear compartment frame. Ordered the frame. After disassembly it turned out more parts needed replacement. Just ordered a complete assembled frame, much easier. Can't you fabricate new once from MDF?

I got the doors the seem to be made of "zachtboord" and are separating between layers.

is that another word for gloomp??
I've got a spare jack compartment door with at least 1 of the stickers intact if that would help.

Deleted the rest after being told of the other guys bad rep. I should've known too, sorry guys.

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I don't want to buy new doors because I would have to take em apart to repaint the trim the color I painted the rest of the trim in and swap the carpet for the pieces I have to match.
I don't want to buy new doors because I would have to take em apart to repaint the trim the color I painted the rest of the trim in and swap the carpet for the pieces I have to match.

I don't get it. If you have the frame , hinges and carpet all you need is the "bare doors" or simply some MDF cut into shape to glue the carpet onto....

I can use the 3 doors that I have in my garage for a template and cut three pieces MDF - I can send that with the other stuff for Marck...
He would still need the trim pieces, he has no doors whatsoever, all he has is the frame with hinges and the carpet sections
My large frame is broken, off this '72, I was thinking of fixing it and recarpeting the doors....but in fact, I not so happy with the entire setup....

lemme thimk it over for a couple daze meantime, I"m still sanding....

The interior is completely done, ended up getting those fiberglass doors, stripping them and putting the new carpet on.