P99 caught in the middle, they all are on that one, it's company policy since IB took over all the forums....
over the years I have talked to P99 and all of them.....even Troy on the phone once, long time ago....damn shame it had to go down the tubes that way, but that's that happens when big company takes over a hobby group....
And I have talked to Jeoff , Dr. Rebuild, years ago too, back before there ever WAS a vette forum....OR the internet either far as I knew anyway....
and yes, but you see, Dr. Reuild has this running blood feud with Zip Products, a sponsor, and so the forum sides with Zip...MONEY....so that all came about years ago when Doc had his catalogue with all the construction diagrams and helpful hints in it, parts sketched HE drew himself, parts pix etc....well Zip lifted ALL of it for their catalog.....complete with errors on some vacuum schematic....so anyway, he got rocket pissed but maybe no copyright to the catalog so could essentially do nothing, or maybe lawyers took all the money anyway, so effectively could do nothing, or some quirk in some damn stupid state law to nullify the offense, and Doc screwed same as me on a business deal of some sort.....typical...crooks win...welcome to the infection of Wash DC taking over the land....