Way to go Doc Rebuild

Link works for me too now. He does have a point, I've seen bash the Doc threads that went on endlessly. Their nazi supporting vendor rules are rediculous anyway.

Didn't DeWitt leave the CF building at one time? I see he came back, must be a masochist.

You got that right. If it's OK to bash non-supporting vendors then it should be OK for someone to mention that they are happy with the same vendor. They are using the same BS logic to lock threads because one of their favorite members is a thief and got called out.

Apparently it's OK to criticize vendors who don't pay your extortion $ but not thieves!

Go Doc, give, 'em hell.

Would the favorite member referred to as a thief be the "head man"! On more than one occasion over there I have mentioned a non supporting vendor that was great to deal with and did the name disappear quick.

And don't ever question a supporting vendor, that thread gets locked real quick and you're banned to serve detention time just like back in school.
I personally would like to see Doc nail this guy, Pewter99 to the wall, for he is the SAME Napoleonic little prick who booted me from the CF. And I DO AGREE that Pewter99 hides behind his 'pooter screen and messes with way too many people. There are a lot of inflated blowholes on the internet and this guy is definitely one of them. I sure would like to stand toe to toe with him one day.... I'd leave him with a lasting impression :crutches:

PEWTER99! :rofl: I had a issue with him once and got some time in BAN camp for questioning him. :mad:

He bet me a nickel I would be in ban camp for a month. I made a few calls to IB and I was back on in a day. He owes me a NICKEL!

Can not stand the guy and some of the crap he pulls over there!
Hello Corvette Fans


I do appreciate the thoughtful invitation. Thank you again for thinking I would be a good recruit. Truthfully I am not a member of any groups anymore. After 30 consecutive years I did not even renew NCRS. No more Hemmings, Vette Vues, Corvette Fever, Vette, Corvette Club of Connecticut. If I wasn't a life member of the Corvette Museum I would not get any Corvette printed matter, other than MidAmerica catalogs. HaHa.

Actually I’ve know Mike Yeager for 35 years and never would have guessed that Corvette logo baseball caps and towels and T-shirts could go so far. I could tell you the exact day we met at a swap meet inside the Bryner Chevrolet dealership in PA, being that we were right next to each other in the mechanic bays. Mike had a display with wood dowels topped with Styrofoam balls and forms. Attached were baseball caps and panties attached. The panties were printed with “wrap your ass in fiberglass”– and I said to myself “who is gonna buy this crap?” Shows you how much I know about business. I had Corvette parts.

Gene mrvette and I were in the same Corvette club almost 40 years ago; the Fairfield County Corvette Club but even that club is no more. I drove my 63 split window then and I went to only a couple of meetings, one cruise and then the FCCC clubs first ever swap meet. And that’s where it all started. It was all serendipity and I never expected it would be career changing. And truthfully now I'm just burned out. Thankfully I saved and don't work to pay the bills anymore. I'm just a crusty old Corvette owner who likes Corvettes, but doesn't want to deal with the other part of that equation: work. I’m worn out. I need a restoration.

In the past few years I have kicked back a lot. I’ve always been a fan of sports car road racing and have indulged that recently. In the past two months I’ve been uploading my Corvette video’s to youtube. My favorite: We Race Corvettes 1. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-6s66QqSNA[/ame] Yep that me laughing my behind off like a fool. I plan on Limerock 2 times July & Sept and MidOhio in July when the new GT12 race Corvette debuts. Also Watkins Glen when the SCCA Pro Series GT Corvettes race. (I only race in a golf cart, but that could change. I regret passing on a Black 65 race ready small block coupe last year.) There is a video of that up there too. Very nice old Vette. All Corvette race fans welcome at my camping site.


PS Fornicate this fellow pewter99. He previously told me that if I responded to someone who was even lying about my company and I could prove it - he said that was advertising and he would delete it. This is the umpteenth time one of the CF employees have used that action to coerce payments.

I do appreciate the thoughtful invitation. Thank you again for thinking I would be a good recruit. Truthfully I am not a member of any groups anymore. After 30 consecutive years I did not even renew NCRS. No more Hemmings, Vette Vues, Corvette Fever, Vette, Corvette Club of Connecticut. If I wasn't a life member of the Corvette Museum I would not get any Corvette printed matter, other than MidAmerica catalogs. HaHa.

There is a good chance you have forgotten more details about the way these cars were originally made, than most of us will ever know.
You will also find that you can say anything you want here without fear of reprisal. There are no "chosen ones" here. Jeff

P.S. Puker 99 has no friends here.:smash:
P.S.P.S. How can you stop Mid America catalogues? Mine go right in the trash.:surrender:
PS Fornicate this fellow pewter99. This is the umpteenth time one of the CF employees have used that action to coerce payments.

don`t employees usually get paid? these guys work for free (if you can call being a "big man on campus" work) all while IB rakes in big bucks...
PS Fornicate this fellow pewter99. This is the umpteenth time one of the CF employees have used that action to coerce payments.

don`t employees usually get paid? these guys work for free (if you can call being a "big man on campus" work) all while IB rakes in big bucks...

It's all about big ego's and being puffed up with self importance. IB takes advantage of these personality types and profits from them because they work for free.

CF = :censored:
IB owns all these car sites....so WHO owns IB STOCK????


and Geoff, I was a breif member of CCA #1 then located out of Fairfax Co. Virginia and I THINK the sponsor was Rosenthal Chevvy......a tad unsure about that though....I lost my '60 in a wreck in '66-67 having owned it just one year...so I jumped into someting insurable....Pontiacs...they had NO ideal them things were faster than my stock '60 vette was.....:pprrtt::trumpet:

so in '92 I got my second vette and joined CCA#1 again, but by that time no one knew of me....records lost?? I dunno....anyways....I left when moving south in '97....here in Florida now....wouldn't trade weather for nuttin....:harhar:

pushing 42? years now....

Do you know Tony Avadezian of Tony's corvette shop in G'burg Md??? he was a friend of mine in the last go round....club guru and they redid the rear and some other stuffs on this '72 I still have....long about '95 or so....
the sponsor dealer is Chriswell Chevvy now....they addy on CF, I think....


I remember a conversation with you some years ago, over some damn operation detail....may well have been about shark vacuum systems....and you made a comment to me, think electricals, and it's just plumbing, same diagram....it all clicked immediately, me being a olde tyme ET and all....

take care man, keep up the good fight....can't let the bastards win....

PS Fornicate this fellow pewter99. This is the umpteenth time one of the CF employees have used that action to coerce payments.

don`t employees usually get paid? these guys work for free (if you can call being a "big man on campus" work) all while IB rakes in big bucks...

A while back in a thread where one of these internet toughguys mentioned that he did this for free, I asked him why he would do that....and then I said, that I wish that I could get all my employees free of charge......That thread was sanitized in a microsecond. Those guys are getting something, but they won't say...free computer maybe...comps/discounts from the vendors, free lap dance tickets...who know's. That kind of comp is easy to hide from the gov.....no taxes....JMHO.
PS Fornicate this fellow pewter99. This is the umpteenth time one of the CF employees have used that action to coerce payments.

don`t employees usually get paid? these guys work for free (if you can call being a "big man on campus" work) all while IB rakes in big bucks...

A while back in a thread where one of these internet toughguys mentioned that he did this for free, I asked him why he would do that....and then I said, that I wish that I could get all my employees free of charge......That thread was sanitized in a microsecond. Those guys are getting something, but they won't say...free computer maybe...comps/discounts from the vendors, free lap dance tickets...who know's. That kind of comp is easy to hide from the gov.....no taxes....JMHO.

There you go....hadn't thought of THAT....

PS Fornicate this fellow pewter99. This is the umpteenth time one of the CF employees have used that action to coerce payments.

don`t employees usually get paid? these guys work for free (if you can call being a "big man on campus" work) all while IB rakes in big bucks...

A while back in a thread where one of these internet toughguys mentioned that he did this for free, I asked him why he would do that....and then I said, that I wish that I could get all my employees free of charge......That thread was sanitized in a microsecond. Those guys are getting something, but they won't say...free computer maybe...comps/discounts from the vendors, free lap dance tickets...who know's. That kind of comp is easy to hide from the gov.....no taxes....JMHO.

There you go....hadn't thought of THAT....


I agree :thumbs:
P.S.P.S. How can you stop Mid America catalogues? Mine go right in the trash.:surrender:
I bought a couple of decals from them once and at checkout I specified that because I'd have to pay further shipping to get my decals from my US address to me in Saudi, I didn't want any catalogues or printed material included in the package as I'd have to pay for it once it reached this end.
Yep, they sent me the world's largest catalogue. I emailed them about it and asked if they hadn't read my comments on the checkout page and some half wit replied:
"Dear Mr. Cranky, we did read your comments but we never charge for our catalogues anyway, so we included one for you"!
I haven't bought from them again but a month or so after that episode, I got notification that I had a package to pick up. I wasn't expecting anything but I went down to the shipping place and found out it was another catalogue from Mid America. Because there was nothing in the package that I ordered, I said for the shipping mob to send it back, which they did - return to sender, COD! It must have cost them quite a bit as they haven't sent any more catalogues :lol:

Anyway, welcome aboard Geoff - nice to see there's a doctor in the house! Good luck with nailing puker69 :thumbs:
That's what I did with the ricer catalog Summit sent me....I was shocked, I sent it back to them LOL