Fast Pedalphile
I have often thought that a website for contractors, where they could post the names and maybe addresses of deadbeat - non paying customers is in order. Independent contractors (like me) get ripped off by their customers all the time and liberal pansy ass judges like to give away our hard work for free because they favor the consumer. Law suits are a waste of time because of the amount of time and effort involved along with the poor rate of return. If contractors had a referral site - sort of like a "beware of so and so because they don't pay their bills" - it might deter repeat offenders once their name gets around. It also could serve to warn honest business people away from potential financial loss due to deadbeat customers. The banks have their credit reporting agencies, the big companies get your social security # so they can screw you if you don't pay them - the little guys need resources too.
Gene - I am sure that you agree on this one.:thumbs:
Gene - I am sure that you agree on this one.:thumbs: