We need to add even MORE laws, regulations, expenses to prevent the stupid from doing what stupid are always going to do???? ........
Should we start by eliminating your job? I'll just plumb my gas and water myself and hack the electrical while i'm at it. And town inspectors can get stuffed. Fire all of um.
I am conflicted by how I now earn my living.
But even though --no, because--I have turned to the dark side, I try to use my bureaucratic 'power' to enlighten people as to the real, down-to-earth reasons for so many of the laws & regulations. Instead of just saying "Because the code says so" I spend as much time as needed to explain to citizens building a patio cover or finishing their basement for kids bedrooms or whatever about wind loads, live & dead loads, voltage drop, cross connections, BTUs, venting, condensation planes, air stratification, etc. so that they will understand why I insist they do this or that. I know a number of 'inspectors' who live only for the power they have----fuck that. As a life safety inspector for the fire department doing annual inspections at businesses in town, I have had to do so much public relations work to repair the damage done by the previous fire inspectors. And now, there are many places I walk into where they say "Hey how ya doin? Can I ask you about something? & Thanks for pointing that out" where before, when they saw "The Inspector" walk in the mood immedidately went black and so many times I know they wanted to turn me upside down in the dumpster out back.
Jim, you do know what you are doing, or at least know how to find out or what your limitations are. Inspections I would do for you would be mere bureaucratic formalities to satisfy the beaurocratic machine. Others do not. How many times have I told a homeowner trying to do his best (and save money) on his basement project after the third or fourth "fail" and much time trying to explain with pictures drawn on the wall (jeez, translating to someone through a 9 year old girl the differences in shear & tensile strengths of sheetrock screws vs. 16d nails & thus the reasons of proper & improper uses of each is not easy either)---"Please sir! I do respect what you are trying to do! But think of it this way: All the time & money you have spent trying to do it yourself and it's still not right. Please, just go to work and do what you do to earn a living. Then call somebody who does this as his trade. You pay him and its done in a day, and done right."
Shit. Another goddam long day worn out inebriated Johnny Rant.
I fight against new (& existing) codes & laws & rules so much I have a reputation in the city where I work, way farther than just my office. All I want to do is help people do it right, with explanations of WHY. Educate rather than intimidate. The results may be slower in coming, but they last longer and spread further.
And I aint perfect either, sometimes (often?) I'm full of shit too.
Self justification? Of course.