What a collection of neat cars.

In today's economy where there's no interest on savings accounts or money market funds, buying assets like collectable cars is, I think reasonable. The stock market is going up since there's few things to put your money in. Unfortunately, you can't buy collectable cars with IRA funds, but if you do have after tax savings to invest, a collectable car is a pretty good choice in today's economy...plus you can drive it!!!! This philosophy of buying collectables was recounted to me by the person who owned the Ford GT40 I was looking at. He'd had it for several years and paid $140,000 for it. He said he regarded as a retirement asset that he could have fun with.
there are some investments that pay a decent dividend that remain relatively stable over the long haul however, Cars are tangible in that you can go to the garage and see your investment. still, you haven't done anything until you sell it.
there are some investments that pay a decent dividend that remain relatively stable over the long haul however, Cars are tangible in that you can go to the garage and see your investment. still, you haven't done anything until you sell it.

I dunno, I DRIVE mine......and not too far either since I"m about a mile from anything I need.....including car parts.....

So for 8 grand to buy it, plus maybe another ten at most after it, over a twenty year period.....call it a grand a year/100 bux/month and that includes tires, and miles of smiles, and countless pleasant conversations every time it goes out....guys and even once in a blue moon, some chick will ask about it, first question is 'What YEAR"??? and I just laugh.....What year you LIKE???

and it goes on from there.....
