What IS Techron FI cleaner???

OK, another question.....would it make any difference where I put the filter in the fuel line?? I have had it between the tank and the pump input, it is a DPFI rated filter, AFAIK, suppose the filter was not as good as I think, far as flow it's fine, suppose it's not doing a good job for some reason....

what are the affects of this, can the engine be intermittant in operation? idle rough as a cob one second, and be smooth as silk the next?? sometimes it seems smooth as silk on startup, then gets rough, sometimes just the opposite, sometimes on restart its smooth, sometimes it's smooth running and then on restart when still hot....its really rough....thing is, it seems to stay rough forever without Techron, but with it, eventually the engine will smooth out....

OK, another question.....would it make any difference where I put the filter in the fuel line?? I have had it between the tank and the pump input, it is a DPFI rated filter, AFAIK, suppose the filter was not as good as I think, far as flow it's fine, suppose it's not doing a good job for some reason....

what are the affects of this, can the engine be intermittant in operation? idle rough as a cob one second, and be smooth as silk the next?? sometimes it seems smooth as silk on startup, then gets rough, sometimes just the opposite, sometimes on restart its smooth, sometimes it's smooth running and then on restart when still hot....its really rough....thing is, it seems to stay rough forever without Techron, but with it, eventually the engine will smooth out....


The filter should be AFTER the pump. The tank outlet should just have a filter screen.

I rarely drink hard booze, and when I do it's Crown Royal.....over ice and maybe some water.....

never been to the clear isle in the liquor stores.....it makes me sick to smell....vodka, GIN, whatever....had a very old female friend/acquaintance for decades she ran round with some clear booze in a cup of lemonade....only for her it was about a fifth a day.....I didn't even know it....being a beer drinker anyway it smell much worse than any lemonade....

I did a fifth of that shit a day, I be real dead....

:stirpot: but for the car....what is the diff between THAT and Denatured???

I know both will burn, hell they toss Vodka over some flambe' deserts in crazy high dollar restaurants for show....so I know if 100 proof burns....

any diff for the CAR??
Ok Gene, when I mentioned using Everclear & MMO I was joking. However, we did use that mixture in our bikes back when leaded premium disappeared but our engines were all bult to run on it. The old knuckles, pans & shovelheads were a pretty forgiving engine if not stressed too much with hotrodding. The idea behind the mixture was that the Everclear would reduce detonation & enhance the burning of the lower octane gasoline--at this moment I can't remember the difference of burning characteristics between alcohol & gasoline ( & I ain't got time to look it up) but I think alcohol burns slower & cooler, thus reducing pre-detonation. The Marvel Mystery Oil was used for top end lubrication to replace the missing lead.
We knew it was a bubba fix & probably bullshit, and usually only ran it on road trips or Saturday night TT racing, but I swear to god it helped--the bike always felt stronger with a few good shots of Everclear, and a little MMO is still good for some peace of mind. Plus it was always fun to freak the citizens by pulling a bottle of booze out of the saddlebag and pour it in the gas tank......
I somehow think this would not be good for a computer controlled fuel injection system, though.

Any of you guys smarter than me have any thoughts about the actual viability of our homegrown chemistry experiment?

I don't know if Grain alcohol will work as a fuel in a car or not,it certainly won't be any cheaper unless you brew you're own :eek: But since Gene is so curious about it i nominate him to be a Guenia Pig and try it in his car first and then let us know :push:
Quick Question

On the "Top Tier Gasolines". Is this ONLY the Premium gas we are talking about, or is it every grade of gas being sold by each manufacturer. ie if I buy Phillips 66 regular, does it have the same detergent amounts as (I assume) the Premium does?
I heard an advertisment on the radio today that O'reillys had 2 bottles of Techron for $8.00. That sounds like a pretty good deal.