5/8--NO. 7727--9/16
Cannot remember exactly where or when I got him--it was long long ago even for me now: A pimple-faced kid for some reason in a white-haired widow's tiny empty dirt floor garage, dust speckled shafts of sunlight through the siding boards.... An old well used wooden toolbox beneath a still older wooden workbench, it's edges softly rounded & worn from long use ...The moment my hand grasped him, I knew. We knew, he & I. This is the beginning of long friendship.
He enjoys his purpose, he takes pride in it. He feels good while doing his work and he feels so right in my hand. He's a bit longer than most box ends and so does not fit in some places, but that makes him all the better when he does fit. It is an honor for me to use him, to work together, to this day. He has proved himself so many times.
Ah, I could fill pages with the adventures we have had together. He has never let me down. Even when I have abused, misused him, he always stood up to the job and handled it without complaint. With pride, no less. He knows we gotta do what we gotta do to keep going, to get the task at hand accomplished. (He was even my third tire iron for years & years and never complained once. He bears the scars though.)
I have no idea of his history before me, but he's been with me for over four decades, in my traveling toolbag & now in my rollaway. I listen for his song every time I reach for him, and I love the song he sings when I use him--or should I say, when we work together. I look forward to using him and am dissappointed when he's not the right size or fit. But I know he'll be there, happy--eager-- to work, when it is right for him.
I have wrenches that are probably older-- Oh yeah, those old Model T monkey wrenches are invaluable in any traveling bag or toolbox! I got several, & other ones including some old Whitworths which cross over, and old Snap-Ons and such.
I ain't a real connoiseur of tools, but I do appreciate good ones. I especially appreciate good, old ones. My favorites are all older than I.
Mr. Williams Superrench #7727 may not be the oldest in my toolbox, but he's way older than me and he's still the one I always look forward to using the most.