wow cute little ricer

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Whoever's driving it's still a mean lil bugger.

I absolutely agree. And if ANYONE thinks driving a drag race car is EASY, I suggest they take their car to a strip and try it. Making a car "fast" is only one small part of it. They have to be reliable, safe, stable, capable of puttting the power down to the road, and it takes considerable driver skill to beat the competition. You will also NOT see a C6Z06 on most dragstrips. That "ricer" would blow it's doors off and the embarassment would be too much for the owner.
Yeah and at the end of the day, the shitbox is still lucky to be worth 3k and the Z06 is worth 60k. The point is, drag racing is but one small aspect of auto performance and does not define a car. Sure it is amazing that the rican did a 7 second 1/4 mile in a garbage can. It's even a novelty of sorts but the vehicle is still closer to being a garbage can than a sports car.
I did not say that, sensitive one. However, you will not see a shitbox ricer like that beating a C6Z06 on a road course, will you? (no matter who is driving)

actually if you took either of your cars to an autocross there would be plenty of shitbox ricer Miatas that would kick your ass...same with a road coarse, go to one where it`s NOT all about horsepower and get your ass kicked.....all those ZO-6`s your terrorizing, are you doing it on a road coarse or are you doing it from stoplight to stoplight??

PS: I`m not all that sensitive but I have noticed you like to compare apples to oranges and when that doesn`t work you make it all about money.....which you just did above. I bet that shitbox ricer is someones pride and joy just as much as your cars are to you, I`m also willing to bet that car is much more of a handful than you give the guy credit for...when was the last time YOU went 7 seconds in anything?

PSll: I voted for the Turtle.............
Autocross is for pussies who are scared of speed. Maybe a miata could beat your shitcan on a road course but it sure won't beat my Viper(s) or vette. I agree that a 7 second 1/4 mile is hauling holy ass but the car is a lightweight garbage can with turbo on it. I'm not a big fan of drag racing, anyway. As proven in this video, anybody can build a winning car for such a small segment of performance. When did I compare apples to oranges? If you want to align yourself with a turtle who is crossing the highway, go right ahead. I have 4 heavy tires and will barely feel a jounce.
I absolutely agree. And if ANYONE thinks driving a drag race car is EASY, I suggest they take their car to a strip and try it. Making a car "fast" is only one small part of it. They have to be reliable, safe, stable, capable of puttting the power down to the road, and it takes considerable driver skill to beat the competition. You will also NOT see a C6Z06 on most dragstrips. That "ricer" would blow it's doors off and the embarassment would be too much for the owner.

I agree 100%
Maybe a miata could beat your shitcan on a road course but it sure won't beat my Viper(s) or vette.

my "shitcan" as you called it is a six time winner at Road America, you have won how many sanctioned races? My "shitcan" as you called it is also the third of three Owens-Corning built cars....the last one that sold went for $610K, yea thats SIX HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS........
Autocross is for pussies who are scared of speed. Maybe a miata could beat your shitcan on a road course but it sure won't beat my Viper(s) or vette. ..............

If you want to align yourself with a turtle who is crossing the highway, go right ahead. I have 4 heavy tires and will barely feel a jounce.

have you ever set foot on a roadcourse, ever? Why do i think the answer is NO? Oh, wait, because you told us as much.

what's this align with turtle stuff? Did you challenge me to something?. I'd hate to have to kick an old man's ass. Like i said last night. I've got your English Major......right here.
"Kick an old man's ass"? Surely I am not as old as you or in as of poor shape. Don't threaten me, weakling. You would get thrashed in pugilistic activities just as one sidedly as you get reamed verbally, against me.

Redvette, you obviously have a nice vette but it was you who presented it as a "shitbox", since you stated that you would get thrashed by a Miata on a road course. I had no idea you own an Owens Corning vette until now. Now where are the pics?

As far as the statements concerning my road course experience, I will be doing such activities in the near future. I joined an organization called "Safe Motorsports", who rents tracks in Florida, such as Sebring. I will also be doing some road course driving on other tracks, as a member of the VCA (a Viper organization). Don't forget that I raced motocross for 6 years, which is a shitload more intimidating and gutsy than driving a car. When was the last time any of my critics did a triple jump, traveling over 70 feet in the air?
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"Kick an old man's ass"? Surely I am not as old as you or in as of poor shape. Don't threaten me, weakling. You would get thrashed in pugilistic activities just as one sidedly as you get reamed verbally, against me.

Redvette, you obviously have a nice vette but it was you who presented it as a "shitbox", since you stated that you would get thrashed by a Miata on a road course. I had no idea you own an Owens Corning vette until now. Now where are the pics?

As far as the statements concerning my road course experience, I will be doing such activities in the near future. I joined an organization called "Safe Motorsports", who rents tracks in Florida, such as Sebring. I will also be doing some road course driving on other tracks, as a member of the VCA (a Viper organization). Don't forget that I raced motocross for 6 years, which is a shitload more intimidating and gutsy than driving a car. When was the last time any of my critics did a triple jump, traveling over 70 feet in the

WHAT I SAID was that a MIATA would KICK YOUR ASS, of course NEVER being on a road coarse you wouldn`t know that....."Safe Motorsports" is drivers education, NO racing involved, PASSING in designated passing zones which won`t include corners, and passing ONLY AFTER you get pointed by, no racing & no timing & scoring, BUT at least you`ll get to tell all your friend how your going racing, it won`t be the truth but you go right ahead and BS them anyway (and think of me when someone in a ricer shitbox cleans your clock at Moroso or West Palm Beach!! because it`s going to happen).....I`ve noticed you enjoy heaping your criticism on anyone and everyone....I`ve also noticed while your great at dishing it out you aren`t very good at taking it.....


PS: like the rest who have grown tired of your nonsense my participation in this debate is over, please let us know when you have won your first (real) race.....
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A Miata might kick your ass but it will not even threaten me. Driving a car is child's play. It is something I do everyday and I am certain that racing on a road course will not provide much of a challenge to me. Motocross is a far more physical, athletic and dynamic sport than driving a car on flat ground. Try a series of whoops, triple jumps, or how about a series of successive double and triple jumps. Safemotorsports is my way of having some fun. I did not say I was a professional road course racer. I haven't any aspirations to be. If you wander on down to the central florida area, how about I let you borrow one of my dirt bikes and we can see how your pot belly wiggles as you launch off a jump? Or how about you bring that "600k" vette of yours and see how it stacks up against a new Viper, hotshot? LMAO!! Where are the pics? Where is the beef? I see a load of talk and then a warning of retreat. I am on your doorstep now, redvette. What are you going to do?
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here is a picture of Redvette in the 80's running against Brech Knaffman's c3, which I now own. Howard has more miles racing a C3,, than most do in their street vettes. He knows his racing.

A Miata might kick your ass but it will not even threaten me. Driving a car is child's play. It is something I do everyday and I am certain that racing on a road course will not provide much of a challenge to me. Motocross is a far more physical, athletic and dynamic sport than driving a car on flat ground. Try a series of whoops, triple jumps, or how about a series of successive double and triple jumps. Safemotorsports is my way of having some fun. I did not say I was a professional road course racer. I haven't any aspirations to be. If you wander on down to the central florida area, how about I let you borrow one of my dirt bikes and we can see how your pot belly wiggles as you launch off a jump? Or how about you bring that "600k" vette of yours and see how it stacks up against a new Viper, hotshot? LMAO!! Where are the pics? Where is the beef? I see a load of talk and then a warning of retreat. I am on your doorstep now, redvette. What are you going to do?

why haven't you posted a pict of stuff.
Remember when this thread was about a guy drag racing a little car? The last time it was mentioned was 3 pages back.

Now this thread has become officially derailed with who will beat whom on a (fill in the blank) course with a (fill in the blank) vehicle.

It is unlikely that this discussion will result in an agreement.
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