WTB 75 - 82 Frame


Dec 28, 2008
Looking for a good straight frame for my 82.

I would prefer a frame from a 80-82 car, but would consider a earlier frame as long as most of the stuff for the rear end is still there since 80-82 is different.

Anyways let em know what you got and a price. It HAS to be within a reasonable driving distance from Arkansas 72401 No more than 400 miles away from my zip..I want to be able to drive and pick it up in a day.

Anyways, let me know what you have and how much you are looking to get for it....I'm not looking to spend a fortune, maybe $500 max for a good solid frame.

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the car has been wrecked before and the frame has a bubba'ed repair. I took it to a guy that works on frames and he said it was a mess...he wouldn't touch it.

I figured I would locate a replacement and go ahead and do a chassis resto, and when it's ready drop my body/engine on it.
sorry if you've already noticed this, but listing # 220333479076 on ebay is on the fringe of your driving limit (waco) and $$ limit. i'm guessing he might take an offer being a dealer.

There's a lady I know just down the road from me who had a 78 frame. It was bought for a car she and her husband had. Her husband died last fall ans she sold the car. If your'e still looking I can see if she still has it.