If you are an attorney, by me discussing this I'm probably going to learn something so please be easy on me.
A ticket doesn't mean your guilty,you have your day in court. When the cop is using radar you argue the accuracy of the radar unit and whatever else could effect the reading on the radar unit,environment,the time the cops been running radar and how many times the cop has had his tickets contested and so on.
When you go into court and its just the cops "word" that you were speeding its the COP that you target !!! This will open a very large door into the cops life,(drinks the night before,does he use Viagra?)he will be in court instead of on the street(someone has to cover his shift),even if the cop is good at estimating can you imagine every time they issue a ticket this way they could be in court AND now multiply that by 10 cops issuing tickets this way and the court will be overloaded with contested tickets.
First I doubt any cop will issue a ticket this way unless its absolutely necessary like a 50 in a school zone and I'm just guessing but the city is not going to push this because of the time (money) invested in getting a conviction will far exceed the fine (payoff). JMO
Wow. You are a tough sell!
The Ohio supreme cort ruling makes visual estimation of speed AS VALID proof of speeding. Exactly the same as radar evidence. No difference. So people are free to contest the visual evidence, exectly like they are free to contest the radar evidence currently. The courts won't be filled with any more people challanging these tickets than they are now. This is just like the seat belt law. It was a "no fine" warning when it was instituted and now it's a major money maker for Ohio (I think it's a $110 fine).
Lets try this. I should have made this a poll so let's do this:
People who think that visual estimation of speed is a
good thing-DWncchs
People who think that visual estimation of speed is a
bad thing-Everyone else
All the court has done, is make "visual estimation" a prima-facia case. Pretty much the same as radar/Lidar, and it still has to be defended in court if contested by the citizen (defendant/violator).
And yes, I can see the courts being overloaded with people contesting the violation, if for not other reason than to show thier disapproval for the means in which it was determined.
I'd be willing to sit there all night and pay the extra fine, just to make damned sure the judge had a splitting headache and little sleep for nights on end!!
What would likely happen would be a "conversation" or meeting of the minds, among various chiefs in the jurisdiction and this crap would stop

(been done before

Wow. You are a tough sell!
Tough , yes but not impossible. In my defense I spend most of my day chasing automotive electrical nightmares so I can't take things at face value, as you know bubba has been most everywhere. If I don't allow my brain to go outside the box many of the problems I run into would never actually be diagnosed.
You have issues with the seat belt law ? Can you imagine how much not having that law would cost us taxpayers ?
The jury is still out on that. It hasn't been "law" and enforced long enough to reach a valid determination.
A similar arguement was made by the state and those in favor of helmet laws in Florida and a few other states. The statistics didn't bear them out and we now have multiple states that have no helmet laws. (I won't ride without, but it's my choice).
From a practical standpoint go to the west side of Dayton and sit outside the beer drive inns. These people are wearing their seat belts ,they are drinking , they have no insurance , they are wrecking on a regular basis,with their seatbelts on they don't end up in our local hospitals with me and you paying their hospital bills. Click it or Ticket works.
If my 19 year old daughter didn't fear a ticket she wouldn't buckle up,she has crashed 4 times and totaled 2 cars. ( her dumbass mother thinks its funny )
I think helmets should be a law.
As for the helmet laws, see my post above.
As to the beer joints, in a maroity of cases, it's not the drunk who gets injured or killed.
Instead of worrying about thier seatbelts, why not sit outside those places and watch the azzholes get into thier cars! Follow them down the road a bit, establish PC for the stop and the rest will likely be history
As for your daughter, I'm sorry to hear that. This is one thing that we drove home to our kids on a daily basis (even when going to the corner in the neighborhood). BUCKLE UP!!
They would scold
me when I happen to forget.
to this day, law or otherwise, they always buckle up

I will admit, that the law does help "encourage" those who might otherwise not comply.
Lets try this. I should have made this a poll so let's do this:
People who think that visual estimation of speed is a good thing-DWncchs
People who think that visual estimation of speed is a bad thing-Everyone else
OK I keep looking at this poll comment of yours.
So your saying everyone at VM shares "your" opinion OR everyone "better" share your opinion ?
Lets try this. I should have made this a poll so let's do this:
People who think that visual estimation of speed is a good thing-DWncchs
People who think that visual estimation of speed is a bad thing-Everyone else
OK I keep looking at this poll comment of yours.
So your saying everyone at VM shares "your" opinion OR everyone "better" share your opinion ?
You don't read these threads before responding do you?
I'll make this simple. No one responding to this post (other than you) has voiced an opinion that visual estimation of speed is a good idea. Understand?
Lets try this. I should have made this a poll so let's do this:
People who think that visual estimation of speed is a good thing-DWncchs
People who think that visual estimation of speed is a bad thing-Everyone else
OK I keep looking at this poll comment of yours.
So your saying everyone at VM shares "your" opinion OR everyone "better" share your opinion ?
You don't read these threads before responding do you?
I'll make this simple. No one responding to this post (other than you) has voiced an opinion that visual estimation of speed is a good idea. Understand?
OK OK I'll shut up.
I didn't see where you were necessarily "for" the law.
regardless, don't give up so easily. It's interesting to see/hear others points of view on the matter:beer: