Don't worry about this.
According to our prez, it's more important to go to Home Depot and buy some weatherstripping.
hmmm, iraqis ans iranis killing beach other, well that was a new development 2000 years ago.......
It's the mid east, that's the norm there....
I say pull all our folks out and nuke the whole damn region, come back 30 years later and make a shitload of golf courses out of it. fuck the ragheads let'em kill each other.
History sadly has shown that the world "needs" a war now and then to get reorganized and to reduce the amount of people living on the planet...sad but true.
It has been said before that the next world war will start in the Middle East. I tend to think they are right.
The problem with a war in this age is that we now have the capability to annihilate everything and about stupid.
The world really needs to find another kind of energysource.
We could greatly reduce the need for oil world wide if someone came up with a prevalent, cheap and reliable alternative energy source. So far all the alternatives are expensive and unreliable...maybe if the government heavily subsidizes them it will fix everything.
We could greatly reduce the need for oil world wide if someone came up with a prevalent, cheap and reliable alternative energy source. So far all the alternatives are expensive and unreliable...maybe if the government heavily subsidizes them it will fix everything.
Screw that alternative energy shit. If it was worth a crap someone would already be selling it. We got plenty of oil and compressed gas, not to mention nuclear energy capability. Too many tree huggers and corrupt politicians getting in the way of us being independent using our own resources.
Please, don't say government subsidies. Take an Economics 101 course. Subsidies just distort the market (does ethanol come to mind???), and you end up with an expensive (in product price and higher taxes) and less efficient product.
Just unshackle the free market. Americans can solve our problems if just given the opportunity.
We could greatly reduce the need for oil world wide if someone came up with a prevalent, cheap and reliable alternative energy source. So far all the alternatives are expensive and unreliable...maybe if the government heavily subsidizes them it will fix everything.
Screw that alternative energy shit. If it was worth a crap someone would already be selling it. We got plenty of oil and compressed gas, not to mention nuclear energy capability. Too many tree huggers and corrupt politicians getting in the way of us being independent using our own resources.
Please, don't say government subsidies. Take an Economics 101 course. Subsidies just distort the market (does ethanol come to mind???), and you end up with an expensive (in product price and higher taxes) and less efficient product.
Just unshackle the free market. Americans can solve our problems if just given the opportunity.
Sadly, I think this is the main reason why an oil boycott wouldn't work. It still would be a good thing to free ourselves of dependence on these dickheads, but there will always be someone who wants/needs oil.Only one problem. They will never run out of people who want to buy oil from them.
Speaking of alternative energy, the new administration cut off funding for fuel cell research almost immediately when taking office.
I propose burning rag heads as an energy source... 2 birds 1 stone![]()