New forum section

Do you want a forum section for old timers?

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Hey but instead of deflecting the course here... this is not about's about the gripes of you guys.. so bottom line, the big issue is that Big2Bird left. Now let's find out why he left. Was it a specific persons fault? I don't know, no one ever told me...people come people go... from the looks of the discussion I conclude that somehow it must be Larrys fault. So it comes down to the political obama romney crap that this forum was never intended for.

Where in all this does your twisted logic of having to man me up fit? .

You need to start caring about people and not just cars. You don't give a shit about bird and have never given a shit. Now that you see a mass exodus, now you pretend to give a shit. You know where the email is and you know his number. My god he built this place for you. Or do you think its your charming personality that attracts everybody here?

You used to be a more easy going guy until you took over the paranoid tendencies of your partner. Everything changed at that point. I predict he's going to back stab you in the end just like bird.
Give up Turtle. TT has blinders on. He doesn't want to see or hear the truth. This is a huge waste of time and effort. We are whistling in the wind. TT asks for explainations and then shits all over them. We don't need this crap. :tth:
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I just know that especially turtle is fouling his pants from enjoyment over all this... drama...controversy! Awesome!!! I will refuse to believe this whole bickering is about some BS stuff in OT. You guys hate someones guts...who? Larry? Me??

Well some day you'll have a wife and kids. I'm toughening you up for that ie, if you can handle me a defiant 2 year old should be no problem.. You know i love you man.

I don't hate you and i don't hate Karston. Are you staying up late over this?

Turtle, you limp dick. Marck has you pegged exactly. You guys have gone to far and now you think you can back peddle and kiss ass.

Hey Marck, You have more than defended yourself and the forum here. Its time to count to ten and let these pricks burn themselves out.
Dep thinks he can come back out of the blue and shit in the punch bowl. Seems to be a characteristic of his. I don't know if I have ever been categorized as a part of the "Dirty Dozen" having followed and participated in the start up here, but If these three dildos (Dep, Turtle, Beagle) are proud members, they mistake me for someone who gives a shit.
Bird, hope you and the LA guys are reading this and laughing your ass off at it all. Hope to see you back soon.


:withstupid: Seriously, Larry and Marck have put a lot of work into this forum with no financial reward. If you want politics, there has thousands of places to go to. I feel bad if Bird took his toys and left and hope he will return but he is a big boy and can speak for himself. Don't think he needs anybody to speak for him. Dep, Turtle, I usually enjoy your pot stirring but this time I think you're way off target.
It sure seems there are a few responses in this thread that have absolutely no value other than adding fuel to the fire.

So let's see: who of you is actually interested in a positive outcome? I've not seen much constructive over the recent replies here, just fingerpointing , namecalling, blaming and bickering...

Jeff can very well speak for himself, so can others. I don't think we need to hear this second hand from some self entitled messengers....How about finally coming out of the dark and say what your problem with Larry is ???
I have tried to plow through most of what was written here....

This place does not belong to me, it belongs to others who allow me to visit. I am their guest. As such I try to conduct myself respectfully, I am in someone else's "house."
I am not a technical genius and often have little or nothing of any real value to contribute to the upkeep or modifications to our Corvette hobby but THIS IS THE PLACE I prefer to come to when I need good information for my Corvette. I was back at CF and got hammered out by some ego tripping bastards. I went to DC wondering were all the "good guys" went. Fortunately I was able to find the crowd here at As far as I am concerned, this is where I am most comfortable and where I prefer to be. Marck and Larry have always been most tolerant and helpful in as many ways as they can. I am offended at the way some of you guys attack them. If you don't have something nice or helpful to offer, well then, don't!
As far as what Bird is up to.... we all have our private lives to deal with. I personally have been going through a hell of a time which has prevented me from indulging in my Corvette activities. As such I have not posted much lately. Maybe Bird has something going on. If I were to concern myself with it I would be offering prayers for him and his loved one's well being and hoping for his safe and happy return. Jeff has always been a gentleman, I find it hard to believe that he would take a hissy fit and bail out.

There was a saying somewhere that says " I learned everything I need to know in Kindergarten" things like how to share and get along with others (for the most part). It's a shame that we are all so grown up that we forget our basic values.
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I am not a technical genius and often have little or nothing of any real value to contribute to the upkeep or modifications to our Corvette hobby but THIS IS THE PLACE I prefer to come to when I need good information for my Corvette. I was back at CF and got hammered out by some ego tripping bastards. I went to DC wondering were all the "good guys" went. Fortunately I was able to find the crowd here at As far as I am concerned, this is where I am most comfortable and where I prefer to be.

I agree with you.
And what pisses me off is the ''old timer'' BS.
Judging people on how many post you have or what your car looks like.
But it looks like some need to have somekind of title or a separate forum to separate them from noobs and to satisfy theyr ego.

And about politics and religion?
It doesnt belong here (hobby car site).

Proof? just look at what it lead....
I am not a technical genius and often have little or nothing of any real value to contribute to the upkeep or modifications to our Corvette hobby but THIS IS THE PLACE I prefer to come to when I need good information for my Corvette. I was back at CF and got hammered out by some ego tripping bastards. I went to DC wondering were all the "good guys" went. Fortunately I was able to find the crowd here at As far as I am concerned, this is where I am most comfortable and where I prefer to be.

I agree with you.
And what pisses me off is the ''old timer'' BS.
Judging people on how many post you have or what your car looks like.
But it looks like some need to have somekind of title or a separate forum to separate them from noobs and to satisfy theyr ego.

And about politics and religion?
It doesnt belong here (hobby car site).

Proof? just look at what it lead....

Which part do you agree with, the part about me not being a technical genius or the part about me not having much to offer?
I was able to find the crowd here at As far as I am concerned, this is where I am most comfortable and where I prefer to be.

Which part do you agree with, the part about me not being a technical genius or the part about me not having much to offer?

Hahah I messed up again,
I didnt delete that part LOL
Hope this comes out better...

I was able to find the crowd here at As far as I am concerned, this is where I am most comfortable and where I prefer to be.

Which part do you agree with, the part about me not being a technical genius or the part about me not having much to offer?

Hahah I messed up again,
I didnt delete that part LOL
Hope this comes out better...


No need to be sorry, I'm just messing with you and trying to lighten things up here.
Must be because the moderators there are a lot nicer and not as trigger happy as us assholes here! Figures!
Making excuses for them eh? Dayum...did you kiss and make up there???

I like organised too, that's why all the crap is contained here and when we all reach a point where people have made their point or decision I will trash this whole thread... just because I am a nazi admin and will do as I please!

Making excuses for them eh? Dayum...did you kiss and make up there???

I like organised too, that's why all the crap is contained here and when we all reach a point where people have made their point or decision I will trash this whole thread... just because I am a nazi admin and will do as I please!

LOL...sorry...Turtle and I refuse to :kissass:
We don't buy into all that :bs: your admirers spout about you and Larry being martyrs to the forum.
What admirers? You certainly did kiss ass to get back @ CF. You re the biggest ass kisser of them all judging by the number of times you were let back in @ CF and DC.

I never asked to be unbanned ANYWHERE, I will not grovel for people I detest. Patrick unbanned me because he wanted me to come and explain myself over the deadpool situation @ DC, like I would do that. CF, I don't know.. for some reason they unbanned me a half or full year after being banned. I do not actively participate apart from the occasional parts buying in the Z06 section.

There are only 2 terrorists seeking martyrdom all the time, you and turtle. Constantly trying or even requesting to get banned or openly suggesting you will get banned in the hope you do. I will tell you, there are no 72 virgins waiting for you on the other side!

BTW, didn't you have to start a post @ CF.. oops, problematic.. some Internet Brands forums are down (CF, TGO, LS1tech still up) from the looks of it...must be Sandy.