New forum section

Do you want a forum section for old timers?

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Jeez, this is a pitiful debate so unworthy of the forum. Get over it.

I contribute cash to several forums I value cuz they're worth the investment for the interchange. If that's what we need to stop the whining here I'm willing.

I got $100 bux to support this forum and minimize the little girl rants.

Who's next?:bomb:

No you misunderstand me. Why donate then have them sell the thing out from under us like CF. Why would i contribute without some control in writing.

I may be a Nancy here, but Marck is a Nancy at CF and DC. You'd think he of all people would get it.
I really don't understand.......

I'm in this Forum because is named VetteMod....

if I would discuss about politics I should be in the Obama-Mod or Berlusconi-Mod or Merkel-Mod Forum!!!
For those who find it hard to believe that Bird left, just e-mail him. That's what I did. And contributing money to a forum is NOT a good idea. If you institute forum contributions, those that give money start thinking they are better than those that don't and that they can get away with all kinds of stuff. Hard to tell someone who has coughed up $100 that they are banned.
Better to have forum sponsorship. Of course, then the forum owner must conform to the sponsor's wishes or they yank the money.

"There are very few places where guys like me can pick the brains of members who have forgotten more that I will ever know about Vettes. Losing this website would be a loss to many of us who are just interested in our cars!"

What about losing the members who have that knowledge? Then you have a website with nothing but wax and shine and dual alternator posts. It's not the website that is the loss, it's the PEOPLE who make up the membership. Lose them and the website ain't worth visiting. That was the whole point of me suggesting that there be a section for 2008 members. There is a huge knowledge base that came from CF and DC to this place. Why lose them because of some dumb stuff like politics?
Jeez, this is a pitiful debate so unworthy of the forum. Get over it.

I contribute cash to several forums I value cuz they're worth the investment for the interchange. If that's what we need to stop the whining here I'm willing.

I got $100 bux to support this forum and minimize the little girl rants.

Who's next?:bomb:

No you misunderstand me. Why donate then have them sell the thing out from under us like CF. Why would i contribute without some control in writing.

I may be a Nancy here, but Marck is a Nancy at CF and DC. You'd think he of all people would get it.

Why am I a nancy @ DC & CF? I never paid any money to any of them.
For those who find it hard to believe that Bird left, just e-mail him. That's what I did. And contributing money to a forum is NOT a good idea. If you institute forum contributions, those that give money start thinking they are better than those that don't and that they can get away with all kinds of stuff. Hard to tell someone who has coughed up $100 that they are banned.
Better to have forum sponsorship. Of course, then the forum owner must conform to the sponsor's wishes or they yank the money.

"There are very few places where guys like me can pick the brains of members who have forgotten more that I will ever know about Vettes. Losing this website would be a loss to many of us who are just interested in our cars!"

What about losing the members who have that knowledge? Then you have a website with nothing but wax and shine and dual alternator posts. It's not the website that is the loss, it's the PEOPLE who make up the membership. Lose them and the website ain't worth visiting. That was the whole point of me suggesting that there be a section for 2008 members. There is a huge knowledge base that came from CF and DC to this place. Why lose them because of some dumb stuff like politics?

But you and turtle think you are better and deserve a more lenient treatment than others because you were part of the dirty fozen? How is that any different?

Where is the knowledgebase you speak of? It sure isn't coming from you or turtle, apart from the whinefst and bickering what else have you contributed lately? I must have missed it.

This is really starting to annoy me, all accusations but you are only willing to be a part of the problem, not the solution
For those who find it hard to believe that Bird left, just e-mail him. That's what I did. And contributing money to a forum is NOT a good idea. If you institute forum contributions, those that give money start thinking they are better than those that don't and that they can get away with all kinds of stuff. Hard to tell someone who has coughed up $100 that they are banned.
Better to have forum sponsorship. Of course, then the forum owner must conform to the sponsor's wishes or they yank the money.

"There are very few places where guys like me can pick the brains of members who have forgotten more that I will ever know about Vettes. Losing this website would be a loss to many of us who are just interested in our cars!"

What about losing the members who have that knowledge? Then you have a website with nothing but wax and shine and dual alternator posts. It's not the website that is the loss, it's the PEOPLE who make up the membership. Lose them and the website ain't worth visiting. That was the whole point of me suggesting that there be a section for 2008 members. There is a huge knowledge base that came from CF and DC to this place. Why lose them because of some dumb stuff like politics?

But you and turtle think you are better and deserve a more lenient treatment than others because you were part of the dirty fozen? How is that any different?

Where is the knowledgebase you speak of? It sure isn't coming from you or turtle, apart from the whinefst and bickering what else have you contributed lately? I must have missed it.

This is really starting to annoy me, all accusations but you are only willing to be a part of the problem, not the solution

Nope, me and Turtle KNOW we aren't better and we don't want more lenient treatment. We just want a place of our own like what was originally promised when we were first recruited to join here. We KNOW we "don't play nice with others". Past performance by us pretty much confirms that. The same holds true for the rest of the Dirty Dozen. That's WHY we were kicked out of the other two forums. The knowledge I speak of exists in the Dirty Dozen. Not all in one person, but in ALL of them. I haven't contributed lately (actually longer than "lately") because, quite simply, my whole project has been on indefinite hiatus because I had nowhere to work on it. I didn't like posting advice or opinions when I didn't even have a driveable car. That is changing. The new garage should be done by the end of next month. Hopefully sooner. But don't worry, the Dozen has already consulted with me via e-mail and informed me this whole thing is a lost cause. Obviously Larry isn't going to give us our own section and people that had a lot to contribute have or are leaving. Not much point in hanging around here. At least I can remember when this place held some promise. Now it's just a :waxer: hang out.


Proud member of the Dirty Dozen. :smash:
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No? You want a section for yourself? How is that not splitting off from any other member? We want this, we want that... you sound like an Obama supporter on welfare. Close your eyes, what you see then is all you're entitled to... we want... come on now!!!

You were never promsied a specific place here, you were promised and given an entire forum. I fucking put tons of time into this site and what do I get? A bunch whining about wanting a seperate playground for the cool guys.. How sad! What a waste of time on my part.

I played pretty well with others except for turtle and douche bag boy. The DB stuff is the only reason I ever got into trouble. I never had a problem with anyone before.

Larry isn't giving you your section? It is I who creates new sections here and no, I will not split up members by adding a section for the "better than other" guys.

A forum is what you collectively make of it. Should I single handedly fill it with posts or advise? No! Everyone who is a member here and wants to chip in, and it is preferred that people post their input. You haven't posted squat but claim to have vast knowlege. Why would you withhold that? Because your car isn't done? DUDE my car is sitting in the same corner and has been for the last couple of years. I try to help people here with advise, like I have always done on CF and a little on DC.

Will CF or DC give you your own section? You demand stuff here because you have some sort of twisted idea that it is owed to you... for what? All your positive contributions here? Same with turtle. Hasn't contributed squat either but is always in the forefront when the shitstorm hits. So what that some people you like, some you don't. That's just life, accept it and get over it or a reply with your griefs. You know you will not get banned for having a heated arguement as long as it doesn't get way out of line???

I am not banned @ CF, and DC I never go there.

Thanks man for the knife in the back, I'm glad I stuck with you guys and was part of the exodus... I'm also pleased I spent all this time tryig to give you guys a forum where you could do and say as pleased but tried to test it to the extreme, took advantage of it and now want even more. You sound like a socialist! Me me me me me me me!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Dude, That's the most Limp Dicked copout I've ever heard.

If you and the dirty dozen are so good than you should be staying, contributing and guiding the forum to be what you envision. Or go off and start your own DD forum.

I'd prefer the former to the latter cuz I need all the intelligent inputs I can get. BUT, if the twelve of you are that unhappy than I'll probably lurk at your forum at the very least.

Good luck and I for one will miss the knowledge lost from this infantle squabble.

Steve in Las Vegas

Adios. Good luck with the CF annex.
Easiest way out?? Why not answer my questions towards you? I think I DESERVE that!!
I played pretty well with others except for turtle and douche bag boy. The DB stuff is the only reason I ever got into trouble. I never had a problem with anyone before.

Selective memory. You've got to be kidding. Grandsport GSC3 etc etc etc, I'm not going to look it all up. There were tons of people. You got in a lot of peoples faces for good reason. You hated the moderators like Irishmac you can't stand Patrick at DC and on and on and on. I guess now you're gonna say you weren't part of the dirty dozen.

You used to be bad ass.

If you are in such good standing i suggest you log in at DC and say Hi and see what happens.

You've admitted that people here complain about you. You got in SuperBuick's face just the other day. That guy with the widebody kit etc etc etc.

Yep, you've always been an angel. LOL LOL LOL
Let's look at the votes.

You and larry voted against. Why are you voting?

Some guy GoVetteGo with 35 posts voted no.
Pancake who's been a member since June voted no.
Ricisan with 24 posts voted no.
rti has 77 posts and a no.

Who the hell are these guys anyway coming out of the woodwork?
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I played pretty well with others except for turtle and douche bag boy. The DB stuff is the only reason I ever got into trouble. I never had a problem with anyone before.

Selective memory. You've got to be kidding. Grandsport GSC3 etc etc etc, I'm not going to look it all up. There were tons of people. You got in a lot of peoples faces for good reason. You hated the moderators like Irishmac you can't stand Patrick at DC and on and on and on. I guess now you're gonna say you weren't part of the dirty dozen.

You used to be bad ass.

If you are in such good standing i suggest you log in at DC and say Hi and see what happens.

You've admitted that people here complain about you. You got in SuperBuick's face just the other day. That guy with the widebody kit etc etc etc.

Yep, you've always been an angel. LOL LOL LOL

Buick_guy likes to throw shit at TT and then act surprised when he isn't nice in return.....sounds like someone else we know....turtle.
Buick_guy likes to throw shit at TT and then act surprised when he isn't nice in return.....sounds like someone else we know....turtle.

I don't disagree with that. And i don't necessarily feel the separate section is a drop dead issue. I'd appreciate a more liberal policy here. Is insulting people really criminal. LOL

I've got a long rapsheet here.

0 point(s) total Latest Infractions Received
Post Date Expires Points Reason Posted By
Profile Infraction 10-17-2008
05:05 AM Expired 1 Insulted Other Member(s) Twin_Turbo
Profile Infraction 10-16-2008
01:40 PM Reversed 1 Insulted Other Member(s) Twin_Turbo
Profile Warning 04-27-2008
02:50 PM Expired 0 Insulted Other Member(s)
I really don't understand.......

I'm in this Forum because is named VetteMod....

if I would discuss about politics I should be in the Obama-Mod or Berlusconi-Mod or Merkel-Mod Forum!!!

Dont worry about it Pierpaolo, your NOT a pionneer, some chosen few or an old timer or whatever self given title.
Like me, you wont understand because they discuss all kinds of things that newer members wouldn't understand.

Gezzzzz can we drop the fgn drama queens and get back to CARS.

Oh and by the way, I didnt vote in the stupid poll and I suspect many did the same soooo results might be off a bit
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I played pretty well with others except for turtle and douche bag boy. The DB stuff is the only reason I ever got into trouble. I never had a problem with anyone before.

Selective memory. You've got to be kidding. Grandsport GSC3 etc etc etc, I'm not going to look it all up. There were tons of people. You got in a lot of peoples faces for good reason. You hated the moderators like Irishmac you can't stand Patrick at DC and on and on and on. I guess now you're gonna say you weren't part of the dirty dozen.

You used to be bad ass.

If you are in such good standing i suggest you log in at DC and say Hi and see what happens.

You've admitted that people here complain about you. You got in SuperBuick's face just the other day. That guy with the widebody kit etc etc etc.

Yep, you've always been an angel. LOL LOL LOL

I never said I wasnt part but I never had personal beef w/ GSC3, his dumb posts, him asking questions and putting aside all advise given because he knew it better...yes I shot at that more than a couple of times but IMO I have always been a straight shooter. Same with that Merlin guy and his McLaren beating C3 and others too. Nothing wrong with that but I never got banned over those arguements, the Dboy thing is from a different category alltogether.

What guy with the widebody? The fake poseur racer dude on DC with the red widebody that he uses for parade laps? i will not deny I said my piece about that too. I never said I was an angel, I said I was never banned for anything other than the Dbag BS. On DC I was banned because I wanted to know who that deadpool fellow was, you know, the cross breed frog and spiderman bloke.... They got all touchy feely there too. DC is a worse sesspool than CF, it may have cleared up now that that prick Patrick is gone but those autofellating moderators are still there. Those dicks that talk smack about me but once sent me PMs begging me to come into their blue hell.

If you want to compare me to you in this way, I will tell you this I have been a straight shooter but I have never been rude to people for the sake of being rude. I have been rude to those I felt deserved it because they were rude to me, not only too! There have been a couple of moments where I blew my headgasket. And I have contributed quite a bit to every forum where I posted. It may be a misconception of me but IMO I gave far more than I ever took! So yes I felt betrayed buy the likes of irishschmuck ang gdaina who as a computer enginer had puter probs in the mids of the shitstorm over there.

You posted your rap sheet, sure looks like a more lenient system than the 3 strikes you are out. You know it and I know you won't admit it but you have been treated well beyond fair.

Not sure if bird still reas here but if he why did you leave over a bs thread in OT about teamsters and what not?? Is this the reason why we don't see Doug Mariani, Darrow, etc ????
Ok, I'll whip the dead horse a little here.
The management tolerated alot of 1 sided political bs in off topic. Fine. Then when the other side started commeing on hard with rebuttal facts, it suddenly became too political. Stepped on a few management toes? A few regulars and a few outsiders whined a little and the management cracked down. Again, fine, it's your game. Now, as mentioned, there are alot of newer members that are aplauding the policies. Gee, I wonder where they came from? Again, fine. :kissass:
Looks to me like someone's playing the plausable denyibilty role here.

Now, if you really want a good forum here, you would listen to the members.

I'm not sure if a seperate old guys section is needed, but it is plain that some members/ex-members would like a section to discuss adult issues.
You don't want that, fine. But don't claim to be clueless when members leave.
You made a decision, you're sticking with it, and it has desimated this forum.
Just tell the truth.
Why would people leave? Too heavily moderated? not getting along with others and deciding to pack bags?

Enlighten me... what is brewing behind the scenes that I obviously don't know about??

Now, this is funny :harhar:

Please enlighten me how this is funny?

Intresting slant on recent history.

can you lift the fog and in layman tems tell me what exactly it is you want to say????
Ok, I'll whip the dead horse a little here.
The management tolerated alot of 1 sided political bs in off topic. Fine. Then when the other side started commeing on hard with rebuttal facts, it suddenly became too political. Stepped on a few management toes? A few regulars and a few outsiders whined a little and the management cracked down. Again, fine, it's your game. Now, as mentioned, there are alot of newer members that are aplauding the policies. Gee, I wonder where they came from? Again, fine. :kissass:
Looks to me like someone's playing the plausable denyibilty role here.

Now, if you really want a good forum here, you would listen to the members.

I'm not sure if a seperate old guys section is needed, but it is plain that some members/ex-members would like a section to discuss adult issues.
You don't want that, fine. But don't claim to be clueless when members leave.
You made a decision, you're sticking with it, and it has desimated this forum.
Just tell the truth.

i was never involved in that political BS apart from a little stab here or there. I don't even live in the US...I could give a rats ass who votes what.

So you are trying to say that I skewed the discussion and ended it when it didn't meet my political standpoint? What a fricken joke!!

You can discuss your adult issues in OT, no one said you couldn't. This is a car forum and people are leaving because of the OT section? That's pathetic!!

'What has decimated the forum is all the whining and bickering over something stupid. If you wat to talk politics, join a politics debate team or whatever. This is not obamamod, romneymod, liveralmod, democratmod or whatever.

I am clueless as to why people leave because I can't understand how narrow minded you have to be to be upset about something so trivial as being able to discuss politics in a non politics related forum...

If you want to eat lobster you don't go to mcdonalds do you???