FYI New Fender Flairs coming out

I am sorry for the Wheels you would have to go to the link above and ask Josh. But I posted this thread for the Flairs lol.

As they are not just a Flair but most of the Fender and Quarter panel.
Very Nice!

My fenders are in rough shape. I would really like to find some nice flares.
Nothing too wide. I would like to cut an L88 flare in half.
These are cool, I wonder how much?
More info and pics please.

My fenders are in rough shape. I would really like to find some nice flares.
Nothing too wide. I would like to cut an L88 flare in half.
These are cool, I wonder how much?
More info and pics please.


If you want 2" flares call Vanacor..... 1" for the front, 2" for the rear, fits 9.5" rims up front and 11" on the rear....

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There Site does not have much since they are revamping the site.

To be honest I was pretty darn MAD that the other forum would not let me post this information. I think things have gotten worse over there. :(

The few photos they have are nice, show good detail of their builds....

The "other forum" ?? I was looking for information on brake pads for my C6 and had to wade thru all their vendor crap..... somebody is asking "who has first hand experience with hawk hps pads (street use)" and vendors answer "we sold many of these Ca#$%tech pads, look here: link"

awesome info..... their paying vendors rule their forum, you say anything about it and you get banned.... LOL
I believe Vanacor has shut down.

rumor is their shop burned down.... they re-opened. I bought my rear flares before the fire in 2006 or so.... I was worried I would never get matching front flares, then they re-opened and I bought the front flares in 2011....
I believe Vanacor has shut down.

rumor is their shop burned down.... they re-opened. I bought my rear flares before the fire in 2006 or so.... I was worried I would never get matching front flares, then they re-opened and I bought the front flares in 2011....
I read that after the fire they got flooded and then went belly up for good, selling the molds.
I just hope I read it wrong.
Well actually a few years ago the Son killed the Father and there Daughter did try to make a run of it but sold things off and moved to California. So even though it is sad there is no more Vanacor.
They seem to be still in business:

Phone: 800-225-6508

website seems to be down though...
Wow! Fires, floods, murder. Sounds like a movie.

Karsten, I like the 1" front flairs, looks more balanced. Do you have a "how to" thread here at VM? I sorta recall that you do.
For what you get with the Fender Flairs that I posted to me is not a bad deal. As they are not just a flair but most of the Fender and Quarter panel. They go from the seem down and from the front to the back. So this will save you hours of work and shaping.

I am sure I will find out lol. As I feel that since I will be running a 5" Cowl Hood I think that without some good fender flairs it just will not look right.
Less is More!

Running giant tires w/o motor to push them is a touch of the posur to me.
I like the subtle look of 9.5 in front and 11 in rear. I like the small flares that you have to look at carefully to notice!

My fenders are very rough, this could save a lot of time and work!

For what you get with the Fender Flairs that I posted to me is not a bad deal. As they are not just a flair but most of the Fender and Quarter panel. They go from the seem down and from the front to the back. So this will save you hours of work and shaping.

I am sure I will find out lol. As I feel that since I will be running a 5" Cowl Hood I think that without some good fender flairs it just will not look right.

It is definitely less work with those flared quarter panels :thumbs:
This could save a lot of time and work!

I'd like some kind of flares on the front of the Darth Vader Vette to go with the built in flares on the C6 rear clip. I agree it could be faster to just swap out the whole quarter panel.

Anyone have the cost of these beauties yet? I scanned their website but could not find any additional info!

Those wheels are smokin'