Formerly the guy known as "clutchdust"


Formerly Known as Clutchdust
Mar 3, 2014
In transition
I thought about putting this in 'introductions' but I figure most of you already know me. Or at least know the me that I've allowed you to know. For those of you that don't, I have been a member here almost since the beginning. I know most of you from the old CF days. I have been a member over there for more than 11 years.

I have a confession to make. This is my first foray into coming out publicly. You see, something I've known since I was very young but never had the courage to admit is that I am transgender. I've believed ever since I was very small that I was supposed to be a female. This is something that I have suppressed my whole life. I have tried to rationalize, compartmentalize and deny for as long as I can remember. I have dealt with it through a strategy of denial and distraction. I convinced myself that I was pretty normal. I believed other guys often fantasized about being female. While I still believe that's somewhat true, the reality is that I dreamed of being female petty much my whole life. Every day.

I'm sure this is hard for a lot of you to understand. It's hard for me to understand, much less explain. Even now I don't understand why I feel this way, and have felt this way my whole life. Sadly, it's often considered to be a mental disorder (currently called “gender dysphoria”, or Gender Identity Disorder) but most of us that identify as transgender feel it's a physical defect. It's the only mental disorder that's treated medically.

As in my case, after decades of denying this, I finally accepted it and decided to take the steps needed to make my body in line with my mind. For the last few months I have been undergoing electrolysis to remove facial hair and today I am excited to report that I have actually started hormone therapy. My plans are to begin what's called the “Real Life Experience” late spring/early summer. In the RLE, I will live full time as a woman. Also this year I am changing my legal name and gender marker to reflect my female identity. I am hopeful that I can afford the expense of GRS (Gender Reassignment Surgery, known generally, but despised in the transgender community as a “sex change operation”) by the end of next year.

I think that's a good start. Since this is an open forum I am willing to answer any questions any of you may have, either publicly or through private message, just so long as it's all kept respectful. I have little doubt that this community as a whole will be open and accepting of me, although I know for certain there are one or two of you that will never be able to accept it. I also want to remain a member of this community since I am still the same person inside, it's just the outside I want to change.
good luck in your journey.i personally believe corvettes are a mental disorder, but admitting that is neither courageous or brave . are you going to be making progress posts? you know us pictures or it didn't happen. :drink: but seriously , i do wish you well and continue to contribute.
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yea right, i used to have a shirt that said i drag race because all the other sports only require one ball. but this is waaay better!:gurney:
Could explain why you've been quiet lately. Surely there's a lot on your mind....

Keep us informed, friends from before will be friends after and you'll quickly know who never was.

Good Luck with a tough decision,

Thank you all so far for your support. I didn't expect any different from this community.
good luck in your journey.i personally believe corvettes are a mental disorder, but admitting that is neither courageous or brave . are you going to be making progress posts? you know us pictures or it didn't happen. :drink: but seriously , i do wish you well and continue to contribute.
I will make occasional progress reports. Not sure what pictures I'm willing to post and what pictures anyone would be willing to see! I am hopefully getting my nose done in a couple of months. I may post a picture after that.

Damn, I bet it took some balls to do this!!!
I see what you did there! ;)

yea right, i used to have a shirt that said i drag race because all the other sports only require one ball. but this is waaay better!:gurney:
See above.

Could explain why you've been quiet lately. Surely there's a lot on your mind....

Keep us informed, friends from before will be friends after and you'll quickly know who never was.

Good Luck with a tough decision,


Yes, that is why I haven't been around much lately. I have been doing a lot of research and laying the groundwork for my journey.

Believe me, I don't wish this on anybody. It does suck. But the only thing I think that would suck worse is living the rest of my life regretting not doing anything about it. As it is now, the biggest regret of my life is not following this path 20 years ago. I knew then, but was too chickenshit to do anything about it.
One other real quick thing. I have a good sense of humor about the whole situation. I can still make a joke and I can still take a joke. Just so long as we all know the difference between good natured razzing and outright discrimination. So don't be afraid to say anything. If you're scared, grow a pair. If you're short I have a ball or two I could spare!
Manual or Auto? :amused:

More seriously, isn't it risky for a cancer survivor to go through an hormone therapy?
I applaud and admire your courage and determination.

We only live once and we have to make sure that at the end of it, before the lights go out, our last tought wont be

''I sould've done this or that!''

It's your life and live it for you and only you.
Life is way too short to live it miserably.
After all, who are we to judge you?

And Gene, TT is right, please this time think twice before answering.:tth:
Here is to peace of mind! I can't think of anything that sounds like wisdom, only to say I have no negative thoughts and wish you the best!
I applaud and admire your courage and determination.

We only live once and we have to make sure that at the end of it, before the lights go out, our last tought wont be

''I sould've done this or that!''

It's your life and live it for you and only you.
Life is way too short to live it miserably.
After all, who are we to judge you?

And Gene, TT is right, please this time think twice before answering.:tth:

Sorry guys, and Sorry Clutch/ VegasJen, I took it like it was a post on CF-OT/PRC, with a sense of humor like he was pulling our legs/something....seemed strange reading it here on this forum....:clobbered:
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I am sure that you feel a lot better now that you are out with this. A close member of my family is also transgender, female to male, and struggled terribly before he was able to be open and honest with the world about his situation.
Best wishes on what could be a very hard and lonely road to travel.
That decision took a lot of guts. Be well. You clearly have many friends here for support.

Cheers - Jim
One other real quick thing. I have a good sense of humor about the whole situation. I can still make a joke and I can still take a joke. Just so long as we all know the difference between good natured razzing and outright discrimination. So don't be afraid to say anything. If you're scared, grow a pair. If you're short I have a ball or two I could spare!

Glad to see you took my post as it was intended. (good natured humor) No underlying barb was intended although many people today jump at the chance to yell foul at the drop of a hat and claim it so. It tells me a lot about your character. Today's climate of absolute political correctness has little room for individual human interaction. Wish you all the happiness you deserve.

BTW, are you lesbian or straight? :devil:
I agree with 1Michel. As I've gotten older I keep fearing that I'll end up on my death bed with regrets on what I should have done, or not done in life. In my youth I was deathly afraid of failure, and some of my decisions and activities were self restricted because "I might fail" at that particular activity or action. I've spent the last twenty years trying to make up for that. Some things I've been able to finally accomplish, while there are other lost opportunities that I'll have to take to my grave. I still fail now on a regular basis, but I'm learning a lot of things and enjoying life more.

Good luck on this new journey of yours, and I wish you well, my friend.