OK guys, I appreciate the support all have shown but from now on, this will be my last new post unless someone asks a specific question.
However, I do tend to edit it with updates periodically, kind of like my own little blog, for any of you interested in keeping track.
But be forewarned, some of this may seem really bizarre to you so from this point on, it's up to you if you want to read this.
To that end this will be my first blog entry (3/30/14)
Yesterday was my 5th shot of estrogen. My "birthday" is 3/2/14 so technically Wednesday would be one month but I'm rounding the months to the nearest injection. I really hate the shots and they do have oral estrogen but it's supposed to be harder on the liver and kidneys than the shot. It's supposed to be about as effective but I've heard some women seem to notice faster results through the IM injection. I give myself the shot in the thigh. It's a 1.5" (40mm) needle. I hate needles to begin with but that fucker looks positively huge when I have to jam it into my thigh. But the irony is that by Tuesday I'll be counting the days until my next shot. I may hate the act but I'm so desperate for the results.
As for results, I'm not actually seeing anything yet but I am beginning to feel it. I'm starting to feel boobs. They itch like mad and hurt to the touch. I probably can't expect to actually see any visible results until around 4-6 months. But the standard experienced girls say is to expect to be about one cup size smaller than your closest female relative. If that's the case, that would be my mom, and I'm going to have a rack! If that holds, I'm probably looking at something around a D cup.
Another effect of the estrogen is that over time fat will be redistributed to where women carry it so I'm looking at my hips filling out. If I can lose the gut and get a little bit in the hips I'll start to get that feminine figure.
Of course, the one thing estrogen can't do is reshape bones so I am stuck with the typical narrow male hips and broad shoulders. All I can do there is work out the places I want to build up and wear flattering clothes.
The other hormone medication I'm on is called Spironolactone. That's a testosterone blocker. To that end, I rarely get wood anymore. Got one last night and that surprised me. No idea where it came from. I don't really have much in the way of a sex drive anymore either. I still see and admire beautiful women but I'm finding the attraction less sexual and more envy. Haven't noticed being any more attracted to men. Some say that does happen the longer one is on HRT, some say it never happens for them. The current theory is that it's easier for younger transitioners to accept a heterosexual relationship than those of us that have been established in the "I like girls" or "I like boys" mentality. So at this point all I can and will say to that is I reserve the right to decide later on.
Which is just fine because right now I'm not in the market for any kind of relationship. I need to get everything else holding steady before I even entertain that idea.
That even kind of leads me to something I've said elsewhere that may be of interest to anyone who is still reading at this point. Pretty much my whole life I have used relationships as a means of distraction, so I didn't have to address this issue. Granted, my last relationship was with a wonderful woman who I still love as much as I could ever imagine myself caring for another person. But even that relationship was in part a tool I used to distract and deny being trans.
I have rarely ever been alone for any length of time . Whenever I was, I would go into some very dark places. I knew why but never wanted to acknowledge it. My marriage was such a distraction. I liked the woman, but never loved her. But I needed that or else I don't know what I would have done.
But back to what's going on. The universe of people who don't know is getting smaller and smaller. Of the people who I still need to tell, it's all family now. My mom is the only one who knows and she has been surprisingly accepting. I hate that I'm keeping this from my family but I just don't know how prepared they are for such a revelation. Most of my family is devoutly religious with the lone exception being my dad. But I don't suspect he'll take it any better. I hope I'm wrong but I just don't see him being tolerant of this. I don't think he can grasp the idea that being trans is not a choice. The choice is doing something about it. He's one of those uber masculine types, a little misogynistic. For him, male > female. Like others of that mindframe, I think he sees being male as an innate superiority, and I don't see him understanding why someone would want to give up the perceived advantage of manhood for womanhood. Some of you may be relating to that very thing. The answer is that there is no advantage to not being right with yourself.
[added] I'm also at about 50 hours of electrolysis. That's fun. If you aren't familiar [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAAwYGhjcdQ]HERE[/ame] is a quick video that shows what they do. Keep in mind they have to do each and every hair, often two or three times, before it is gone permanently. At 50 hours, I'm about 1/4 of the way there, although I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to take more than that. No, hormones don't stop hair growth of established hairs. It will make the hairs finer and lighter eventually but I would continue to grow a beard the rest of my life. I ain't gonna let that happen! Neither of my electrologists (yes, I see two) have really even touched under my jaw yet. And yes, it hurts like shit. I have a pretty high tolerance but about all I can stand it two hours and I'm crawling out of my skin. Although I do see one electrologist who works with an M.D. The M.D. offers a service where for a small charge I get a numbing shot so she can just go to town. Had that done on Wednesday. I only have that done for the upper lip because that part hurts like hell.
That's it for now. I'll update more later. As stated before, I'm open to answer pretty much any questions, either publicly or privately.
[UPDATE 4/3/14]
Well, as I said earlier, I have been over the shot for days. Needle really wasn't all that bad. Was ready for my next one on Monday. It's amazing. I'm sure what I'm feeling would freak most of you out but it's like crack for me. I can't get enough estrogen. I'm finally starting to feel like this is how I was supposed to be from the beginning.
I'm growing real boobs. They're teeny tiny right now but they're there. Fkrs hurt too. Sore to the touch and of course, it seems like everything I bump into finds a nipple now. I swear a "purple nurple" would put me in the hospital. The surprising thing though is how fast I'm seeing results. Most transwomen say expect it to take two to three months before they're even noticeable. My one month anniversary of HRT was yesterday and I'm already seeing it.
Made a downpayment on rhinoplasty today. That's going to set me back almost $6k but I really want to get my nose fixed. It's too big and has an unattractive hump in the middle. I think that will go so far toward making my face look more feminine. I'm so excited I can't wait for next month. We'll see what happens.
[UPDATE 4/15/14]
I'm guessing pretty much everybody has stopped paying attention to this thread by now so I can kind of let loose with some stuff that I want to put out but I'm pretty OK with nobody ever reading!
I've had several things go on since the last update so this will be fast and furious.
First, I've accepted a new job. It's an operating engineer position at a major laundry facility here in town. Being Vegas, this isn't like your corner drycleaner, this is a major company that owns locations around the nation. I'm not real excited about it but it is a bump in pay and because it is a major company I'm hopeful that they will be tolerant of my particular concerns. I do plan on going full time later this year so it will be nice to be able to present on the job. It's mandatory to qualify for the RLE.
I am trying an experimental hair regrowth treatment. I got my first treatment on Saturday and will do a second next month. I don't exhibit traditional MPB but I have thinning in the front and massive "widow's peak". If I can grow out hair enough to give me a feminine hairline, I will be thrilled. If this works, and there are no guarantees, it will be far less than grafts and less intrusive.
I don't know if I mentioned but I'm also in school currently. It's a PLC class so it's predominantly male. There is one other girl in the class but I haven't seen her in a few weeks and think she may have dropped. I started the class in "guy mode", although kind of androgynous, with no intention of presenting as female through this semester. As oftentimes what happens to us as we become comfortable with our gender presentation, I couldn't wait to dress for class any longer so about week four I went as Jennifer. I got just a couple of odd looks but that was the extent of it. Nobody said anything to me one way or the other. There was one guy that didn't bat an eye. The first time he saw me he just smiled a very friendly, inviting smile and asked "what's up?"
But I have had some difficulties in the class with the computer lab portion so a couple weeks ago I was asking the instructor for some help but he was busy helping someone else. This other student that has a pretty good grasp of the material rolled his chair over and helped me out. I thought it was very kind and accepting of him but nothing more. Then last week, I needed help again and he wheeled his chair over and helped me again. This time it was far more flirtatious and playful. I really don't know what to make of that. I'm still very much attracted to women but there was a different dynamic at work this time. I don't find the guy attractive at all but I found it very curious how he responded to me. I happen to think that I'm pretty attractive as a female, at least far more attractive than as a guy. Maybe that's not just my own ego talking. I do know that he would never have treated me or any other classmate the same way presenting as male. I really was quite flattered.
Finally to the fun stuff. I have kind of reconnected with my exwife. She accepts me as Jen and is supportive, even if kind of distanced. She's moving back down to San Diego at the end of the month and in exchange for quite a bit of clothing, furniture (not the least of which is a bed), and a TV, I volunteered to drive a load down last weekend. We loaded up a trailer and the back end of my suburban and rolled down to Sandy Eggo Saturday, got there and loaded all her stuff into a storage unit, then went to crash at a friend's house.
Here's where this story gets interesting and totally cool. The guy we stayed with knows me from before. The only way he's ever known me was as Gary and a Marine (he's also former Marine). Even so he welcomed and accepted me completely. He introduced me to his roomates as Jennifer and gendered me correctly the entire time. When we left, I did not know what to expect for a farewell. I kind of expected a handshake, which would be a total let down. Instead, he gave me a big bear hug and a kiss on the cheek! I was flying the whole way back. It was wonderful to be so accepted by someone who knew the previous me.
The only downside to the whole story is that somewhere along the adventure I picked up a bug and have been sick since Sunday night. After this, I'm laying back down and getting some sleep.
Will update more later. It's a fun trip!
[UPDATE 4/19/14]
If you're still reading this, you have some kind of an obsession. Totally cool though. If I wasn't OK with it I wouldn't put it out here. But if you're following along, help a girl out. This shit is expensive! I hate begging for money but I'm not too proud to do it in this case. In this case, it's a matter of timing. I'll get there on my own but that will probably mean two to three years of eating top ramen and soup. I'm willing to do that because I'm dedicated to this objective. But anything I can do to help move me to my goal, I'll do (within reason). If anyone reading were to be so generous, know that I have a savings account set up just for transition expenses and that's where any generosity would go. I currently have about $5k in it but about $4k of that will be going to my upcoming rhinoplasty.
So on to the update!
I'm finally getting over that cold. Nasty little bug.
This morning was shot #8. As usual I was ready to do it on Thursday and had to convince myself to wait. I am slightly bumping my dose though. I'm only supposed to be injecting .25ml but I'm getting closer to .3ml. I'm not going all the way to .3ml, more like if I'm over a bit, I don't bother being that precise. This morning was probably around .27-.28. I'm just "fudging" a little bit but it does seem to be working. I've had several people tell me they can tell a difference in my face but they can't quite figure out what it is.
My boobs, if you can call them that, are coming in. They're most definitely in the "mosquito bite" range right now, but I can tell a difference from week to week. They freakin' hurt too! Sore as hell to the touch. Totally awesome!
In general, I'm just feeling better when I'm able to be Jennifer openly. I'm far less comfortable being the old, guy me.
I do have one brief fun story I want to share.
I went into my nearest full service bank branch a few weeks back and told the manager what I was going through. I asked if she could put a note on my account for the tellers so I didn't get a hard time if I had to go to the counter presenting as female but showing a male ID. She told me she put a note on my account and she spoke to all the tellers about dealing with transgender customers. I just didn't want to be given a ration of shit so this story does not qualify.
Yesterday I went in to deposit a check and get cash back (ATM was down). I fill out my deposit slip, sign my check and have my ID in my hand. I get to the counter and the teller looks up my account, then looks at my ID, then looks at me, then back at my account, then ID again, then she asks "ma'am, are you on the account too?" I couldn't help but smile. I leaned in and said, "thank you, but that is me." She looked at me again and said "Oh! How would you like your cash back?" She was genuinely flustered. It was really a great feeling.
I can't pull off "passing" like that all the time but it does feel good when I can tell it's a genuine response. It gives me hope that I'm getting there.
[UPDATE 4/30/14]
I mailed a letter to my dad yesterday. He's out of town for a few days so it should be at the house waiting for him when he gets back. I am just slightly terrified. I'm not sure what his reaction will be but I have a hard time imagining it being positive. He spent most of my childhood trying to shape me into a man, which I never wanted to be in the first place. I don't know how this will all go over. I can't keep thinking about it. I start getting sick to my stomach if I think about it too long.
[UPDATE 5/13/14]
I still haven't heard from my dad yet but I did hear from my mom. My dad did get the letter and is struggling to understand. It's very confusing to him and I get that. I've been dealing with this for about 30 years and I'm still confused by it, this is the first he's heard of it. So I think it's a matter of time. When he reaches out to me I'll be here but I'm not going to push the issue.
I saw my endocrinologist today and she reviewed my latest blood work. My estrogen level is kind of high but she's leaving it for now. I will retest in about four months and if it's still high, she'll probably lower my dosage. She did up my antiandrogen (testosterone blocker) from 100mg/day to 200mg/day. I'm happy about that. That should help with breast growth and reducing body hair. My new dosage sounds pretty similar to what I'm hearing from a lot of other transwomen and their regimen.
Aside from breast soreness and growth (minimal so far) I haven't really seen or felt any other manifestations of the treatment. I'm very anxious to see how this progresses with my new dosage. Update again later.
[UPDATE 5/29/14]
Had rhinoplasty yesterday. I don't feel as bad as I look, but I don't feel great either. May actually post a pic once the nose heals up a bit. This is really exciting. I printed out a list of goals to accomplish for my transition. I now only have two things left on my list, change my name and gender marker, and reassignment surgery. It's amazing how fast it's all happening. I will be starting the name change process in about a month and now I continue with electrolysis and save for reassignment surgery.
That last one will take quite a while though.