Lets do a You tube thread

THE EPA need to be shut down, HARD, and all the employees get uniforms and guard the southern border with machine guns, and squads go out and round up illegals.....

There are about 400 other departments in the Fed.gov that needs shut down hard, payrolls FIRED@!!!! they maybe employees, but they are not 'workers'........:cussing:
I agree, having worked for the federal government and around people that do I can honestly say it is a welfare program for 75 % of them. Fire the bums, pay them welfare give the money to the VA and the Military.
We sure as hell don't want a bunch of government workers in private businesses
Check out the C3 corvette at 3.54 min, and lots of video of a chopped VW with a H/D motor

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What it's like to drive the worst car in the world!
The 1951 Hoffman
