Lets do a You tube thread

Scotland The Brave - Amazing Grace

You'll Never Walk Alone
W​hen Football Was Really Tough

You have to watch this if you love real football, and if not, it's a good laugh.
When football was played by men, and not like today's pompous showboats!

USAF Band Holiday Flashback


Nothing changes in 3,000 years only the names

I had heard of the Chili Bowl Nationals Midget Race but never knew how big it is. It is a 1/4 Mile Clay Oval Indoors that runs for Five Days. There are 335 Entries from 236 Cities,24 States and 5 Countries The stands hold 15,000 Spectators
The Building is the Largest Building in the Country with no inside Pillars .It will be Televised on MAVTV that I don't get but Sat Race (Jan 16) will be Streamed on the Internet.


It's a Dog's Life at Technion - Seeing Eye Guide Dogs and Puppies on campus

Neighbor complains about dog

For dog lovers everywhere. Notice the camera shaking because the owner is laughing so hard.

She lives next door to a mosque. She bought a husky. He is very nice and does not bite. She is now getting complaints from the Muslim imam next door. She doesn't know why...!
