Sirius Radio/I'm Livid


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
I don't rant very often, but when I do........
Last Xmas or so, my son bought me Sirius radio with a years "gift subscription.":thumbs:
I got a little tired of it, and money is tight, so I let it expire. I get a bill from them for $20. I call and ask WTFF? They say it's failure to renew fee. I say WTF? They say it's on the contract I signed. "I say lady, it was a gift, I didn't sign anything, I am not paying for lack of service.:twitch:
NOW, I get a COLLECTION NOTICE from an agency saying I'm in collections for $30.00. :smash::smash::smash::smash:
I'm so F.........G mad, I feel like getting a class action suit started.
Same here with XM radio. We collected a few "points" and received three radios and three subscriptions for 1 year free. One radio in each car and one in the garage... not bad at all.... THEN a month after starting the service they collected the applicible tax of $80 for the three radios and they REQUIRED a credit card number.... now I just called them to make sure the service is not going to be renewed and they said it renews automatically... wtf.... I said I do NOT want it to renew and it took three calls to finally get a confirmation via email that it's cancelled and there won't be any charges to the card....they suck.... I thought I heard that Sirius and XM are going to merge ??? From your experience it sounds like they both suck so if they merge they're at least a good match for each other.... :lol:
If you don't renew a magazine, they stop coming. If you don't pay cable, it goes off. When you "fail to renew" a radio subscription, they want to charge you? I never signed a contract. I'm going to spread this around like a bad smell.:trumpet::trumpet::trumpet:
That sucks! I'll bet there is a class action lawsuit going on but that's an even bigger scam. Lawyers get all of that money.
That sucks! I'll bet there is a class action lawsuit going on but that's an even bigger scam. Lawyers get all of that money.
Got THAT straight, I got a check here from....S.Larson, customer service at CITIBANK/ATT marked Schwartz refund.....who in hell HE is....

and so it's dated 12/1/2003.....uncashed.....

for the resounding amount of.......


I could pix it but why's true, I keep this shit for posterior rarity....:devil::devil::devil::(
That sucks! I'll bet there is a class action lawsuit going on but that's an even bigger scam. Lawyers get all of that money.

Your correct Larry. The lawyers get the $$, and the complanents get $1.00 @. However, if it helps keep the big guys in line, it's fine with me. However, like all deals, sometimes the class action suits themselves are an abuse of power also.
WTF....I've heard of cancellation fees if you end a special subscription type service early, but a cancellation fee for this...and a gift on top of it. Now that's just plain wrong.