Fancy fighter vs skill

Well crap. It works on mine. TT, trash the thread. I can't edit it.:shocking:
I think youtube is preventing remote linking, if you click on the title "youtube" in the red bar it will open. I guess they are afraid they're not spamming you enough with their ads.

Oh, I un-trashed this thread :)

That little dancing sissy sure got the wind knocked out of him :D hooraah!!!
Kinda reminds me of the Indiana Jones scene where the guy comes at him with the machete...then Indiana calmly pull out his pistol and ends it..
No, the Indiana Jones thing is a guy comes up to him and trys to mug him with a switchblade, he asks him what it is, the guy says "it's a knife". Then he pulls out a real knife and says "Nah, that's not a knife, this is a knife". The guy runs away. Hilarious!

A saw a martial arts guy and a big drunk guy fight outside a bar in my younger days. The martial arts guy didn't do to well.
Thats right, I get my movies confused! Still, it was funny:amused:

It happens,i find the older i get the more it happens :censored: they were both funny as hell,wonder if Wayne (Saudi Vette) has a knife like that since he is from Oz. What do you say Wayne,do you carry a 3ft knife strapped to your back when you go for a walk about????:huh2: