I think youtube is preventing remote linking, if you click on the title "youtube" in the red bar it will open. I guess they are afraid they're not spamming you enough with their ads.
Oh, I un-trashed this thread
That little dancing sissy sure got the wind knocked out of him hooraah!!!
No, the Indiana Jones thing is a guy comes up to him and trys to mug him with a switchblade, he asks him what it is, the guy says "it's a knife". Then he pulls out a real knife and says "Nah, that's not a knife, this is a knife". The guy runs away. Hilarious!
A saw a martial arts guy and a big drunk guy fight outside a bar in my younger days. The martial arts guy didn't do to well.
It happens,i find the older i get the more it happens they were both funny as hell,wonder if Wayne (Saudi Vette) has a knife like that since he is from Oz. What do you say Wayne,do you carry a 3ft knife strapped to your back when you go for a walk about????:huh2: