Did we loose a Corvette brother?

This is so sad it makes me want cry and re-access this hobby. I can't count the times I have done stupid things with my Vettes. Project Ramjet has been in and out of the ditch over it's 38 years more times than I can remember. You guys have seen the pictures of my brothers 69 where he tagged a bridge and flipped upside down in a creek bed. His best friend Sig, standing next to his white 78 holding a seatbelt after rolling it. Those cars looked even worse than Rogers, but they came out with hardly a scratch. Seems like life is just not fair and some of us are on borrowed time. The older I get the more this hits home. I too feel the saddest for the other driver, he was an innocent victim. I pray alcohol was not involved.

My sympathies are with the families.

i wonder if there is any possibility the car being overtaken sped up.

WE will never know, however I feel it is quite likely from some 50 years on American roads, had that happen to me, some no nothing in a fart mobile doing some 30 in a 50 zone, which that would seem correct for Florida here anyway, and so when the Vette goes to pass, well guess the rest,

ONE thing I hate is early AM later day PM driving, sun in the eyes, a real threat here in Florida as well as PIA......

Shitty way to end my vacation, hearing of this.....RIP man....
I wondered if the unbroken line meant the same there as home. But, if the scenario was something like the guy in front of him going 20 below the posted limit, or on and off his brakes, wandering around on while on his mobile etc etc etc maybe Roger thought he could quickly zap past him. I'm sure we've all done similar things but, got away with it.

It's a real shame, very sad for both families.
I wrote "road like that" didn't mean to insult anybody, it was a bad translation word to word from french.
Here in Québec we also have "roads like that" and I like them much more than the Interstates because as a trucker I spend too much time on them.

But when I saw the pics of the accident, sorry but the Vette was at fault in this case. I did some time (another bad translation sorry) in an accident reconstruction team and seen that too often.
Solid no passing line was crossed and the hit was head on. They were probably traveling about the same speed (not as fast as you would think) because after the hit they stayed right there, the other car rearend lifted and went to the left because he was in a curve + dont see any hard braking from the Vette (who we know didnt have ABS) from what I read was blinded from the sun. He probably changed lane fast because the other driver who was 25 by the way never had time to react and probably saw him come since the sun was behind him.

When I write, a lot of time and I have to translate and sometimes if I go too fast I'll translate word to word and it wont come out too good.
so I'll do that from time to time. I apologize.
Also it doesn't mean I'm "sub-literate buffoon" for it

As I was doing car damage adjustment and reconstruction for some 10+ years, I agree with the above.

Customvette probably made a bad judgement, maybe the sun was in his eyes, maybe it was the slope. Doesn't matter much anymore, two are dead, one of them probably innocent ( and a young life) I feel sorry for both. The vette is something which is not pleasant, but that's just material.

RIP for both of them. Amen.