1958 MGA Coupe

woo hoo I get a roof tomorrow, just in time my daughter is now home from college since its closed and there are 5 adults and 2 little kids bunking in a 3 bedroom 1800 sq ft home, good thing we all like each other.


and the grade is getting finalized

well we are sleeping in it!!! inside is done, well except for a missing dishwasher..... some trim painting out side left to do, garage door is a no show....something about a pandemic screwing with the paint supply chain.

one of the three storage areas has been emptied, a second one is 85% empty. the last is our furniture and that may be 3 weeks out, once I have a garage door I will arrange to bring the MGA home. once we have more grass I can take down the silt fence and the super silt fence, that maybe in two weeks. the news paper used to wrap the glass with in one of the boxes said January 2019....its been a long time.





That looks fantastic! What a journey, I'm sure you're ready for the sigh of relief.
well it finally had to happen......Construction is over and our belongings are now in the house, MGA and welding stuff is still in race car trailer at sons inlaws house and as soon as we get the moving overflow boxes and stuff out of the garage the MGA Coupe and welding stuff will come home....maybe 2-4 weeks away




well I am whole again, car got delivered yesterday now i just have to square away the garage. car started on fourth pull after being in trailer since last october.....i did not even charge the battery, i drove it around the block it felt good. man is my garage packed!!!!

the garage is never large enough... I have this dastardly plan, though, my wife wants a LR Defender 110. I haven't mentioned it won't fit in the garage :amused: I guess I'll just have to put one of my cars in her spot.... sorry honey :D
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4 post lift has been ordered a bendpak hd9 xw its a 9000 lb lift , extra tall and extra wide. so I can store the vette or mga up top and completely walk under it, it will rise to 6'10" under the ramps so with the 12' cieling, i shoud be able to get either of the two cars up there when its fully raised