[240z] check it out


Millionaire Playboy
Mar 27, 2008
In transition
i'm getting closer and closer on my (actually mrs. 'dust's) little 240z project. this is not the finished product but it's a pretty close approximation of what i want to do for throttle linkage.
the original dual side drafts use a lever and something like a 'z-bar' set up. i removed the bracket for the z-bar and fabbed up the bracket with the first pulley. i haven't finished the engine bracket yet because i'm not entirely sure of the location and angles yet. i also want to "pretty-fy" my linkage yokes. and i still need to arrange a throttle return spring.
It maybe not as techy looking, but why not a plain old fashioned slip cable like used on most modern cars?? junkyard raid will certainly yield that you need....

it looks good, i wonder if you can make it so that the cable has tension in both directions......so you could both pull and push the throttle linkage, like when you do when a gas pedal becomes stuck you can slip you foot underneath it and pull it up?
I would look into a hydraulic throttle setup, I'm just not feeling it with your pulley system there. With one pulley bolted to the firewall and the other to the engine, any engine movement is translated into throttle movement.
thanks bob. :)
i still have yet to mount the return springs but rest assured they will be there.
It maybe not as techy looking, but why not a plain old fashioned slip cable like used on most modern cars?? junkyard raid will certainly yield that you need....

sure, a regular cable would be easy and convenient but where's the fun in that?

I would look into a hydraulic throttle setup, I'm just not feeling it with your pulley system there. With one pulley bolted to the firewall and the other to the engine, any engine movement is translated into throttle movement.
TT, that's why the pulley mounted to the firewall is parallel to the engine. it should (my theory anyway) have minimal effect on throttle position as the engine torques. i'm sure there will be some additional throttle input from it but i'm trying to make it as minimal as possible, maybe even undetectable.