Millionaire Playboy
i'm getting closer and closer on my (actually mrs. 'dust's) little 240z project. this is not the finished product but it's a pretty close approximation of what i want to do for throttle linkage.

the original dual side drafts use a lever and something like a 'z-bar' set up. i removed the bracket for the z-bar and fabbed up the bracket with the first pulley. i haven't finished the engine bracket yet because i'm not entirely sure of the location and angles yet. i also want to "pretty-fy" my linkage yokes. and i still need to arrange a throttle return spring.

the original dual side drafts use a lever and something like a 'z-bar' set up. i removed the bracket for the z-bar and fabbed up the bracket with the first pulley. i haven't finished the engine bracket yet because i'm not entirely sure of the location and angles yet. i also want to "pretty-fy" my linkage yokes. and i still need to arrange a throttle return spring.