50 dollar paint job challenge....

i appreciate the topic of this post being twisted and turned into something that is not even close to the origional post. Obviously reading is also optional. Not once did I ask anyone if this was a good idea, or should I do it, or what do you guys think about painting my car with rustoleum? I simply wanted a little fun and creativity with cheap paint colors. I UNDERSTAND that there are much better ways to paint a car. I OWNED A BODY SHOP! So please for the love of god stop with the 100 reasons why some other paint is a better choice, that's not what I asked. For the last time, I am painting this car with rustoleum because I want to, not because I can't afford to paint it with something else or don't have the skill to do it. I don't care what your opinion is about me doing it, only what color. I plan to park this car with rustoleum next to my 69 firebird in my shop with a 10k paint job, then let the chips fall where they may. This car will be a toy, not a show car, but I am going to do everythig in my power to make the enamel look great, and piss a few people off in the process.

Mix up 1/2 a cup of the Rustoleum, with at least that much Acetone (which you'll need to get it through a 1.4 tip) and spray out the entire mix on something. Let it flash, slosh the cup around and shoot again, you'll see how it doesn't thin evenly.

If you did own a body shop, you'll understand how frustrating it is to shoot a mix that won't thin consistently pretty quickly.

I would certainly spray an entire car with it, but only to save money. There is no other reason to do it. So don't act like a connoisseur. Shoot some, you'll understand the frustration.

P.S. I don't care if you are Chip Foose. A Rustoleum paint job sitting next to my Vette will never look comparable.
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For the record I think it would be fun to do a car with the Rustoleum, and it would look pretty good too. I just think a Vette deserves better. I wouldn't even shoot a Vette with single stage.

If you decide to go ahead with it, I would spray a yellow base and mix some orange in with the clear, then spray that, then a third coat of clear. Might produce a neat Candy tangerine effect.


Having shot this stuff, I would say the only way to get it to shoot semi - consistently would be to thin the crap out of it and spray 8-10 light coats of it. For each stage, no I'm not exaggerating.
I dunno, I shot some Rustoleum black semi gloss on the front grill panel and many other parts on the camper already, and it did fine...dried in about 3 hours in the FLORIDA SUN.....been fine since....I don't remember any thinning/spraying problems, course I dunno about any tip in that top loader HVLP gun either, it's the same China junk one that I shot the vette with...

I can't blame the gun for any of my vette paint problems....

ya know, I think I am done with this topic. Thought it would be fun and interesting to see what folks could come up with and so far nothing. So if ya'll would like to use this thread to further discuss what a bad idea painting a car with rustoleum is then go right ahead. i would rather spend the time debating politics with my German Shepherd, he makes alot of sense sometimes. I am out.
ya know, I think I am done with this topic. Thought it would be fun and interesting to see what folks could come up with and so far nothing. So if ya'll would like to use this thread to further discuss what a bad idea painting a car with rustoleum is then go right ahead. i would rather spend the time debating politics with my German Shepherd, he makes alot of sense sometimes. I am out.


Aw, c'mon. Let's put the buts and what ifs behind us and see what comes of this!
What primary colors do you have to work with and what were you looking for in the end? Light color, dark color, any preferences? All I know from Rustoleum is what I see on the shelf at Home Depot. Black, White, Yellow, Red, Silver.
ya know, I think I am done with this topic. Thought it would be fun and interesting to see what folks could come up with and so far nothing. So if ya'll would like to use this thread to further discuss what a bad idea painting a car with rustoleum is then go right ahead. i would rather spend the time debating politics with my German Shepherd, he makes alot of sense sometimes. I am out.

The truth hurts.

Also you're wrong, I did come up with a cool idea. Tri-stage candy rustoleum, did you not read my last post?
I dunno, I shot some Rustoleum black semi gloss on the front grill panel and many other parts on the camper already, and it did fine...dried in about 3 hours in the FLORIDA SUN.....been fine since....I don't remember any thinning/spraying problems, course I dunno about any tip in that top loader HVLP gun either, it's the same China junk one that I shot the vette with...

I can't blame the gun for any of my vette paint problems....


Maybe it was just the Acetone, next time I'll try Mineral Spirits.
I dunno, I shot some Rustoleum black semi gloss on the front grill panel and many other parts on the camper already, and it did fine...dried in about 3 hours in the FLORIDA SUN.....been fine since....I don't remember any thinning/spraying problems, course I dunno about any tip in that top loader HVLP gun either, it's the same China junk one that I shot the vette with...

I can't blame the gun for any of my vette paint problems....


Maybe it was just the Acetone, next time I'll try Mineral Spirits.

When I go shoot the camper here, I was thinking of your acetone suggestion, as it takes a while to dry with min spirits....since this is obviously a outdoor project, methinks it needs to dry super fast, or at least harden enough that dust and leaves don't settle into it badly....

since the roof is really not seen except by maybe a 18 wheeler pilot....maybe I should use a roller, for a thick coat?? less paint all over the joint, and less problems with wind.....but the sides and the hood/doors....yeh, spray even if 50 coats....

So far ya'll have told me nothing that I didn't already know. ENKEI, you have posted two sentences of anything resembling helpfull in about 8 paragraphs. Way to go!

don't really car what color results as long as it was mixed from rustoleum. I have been working on this on and off all day at my shop. Mixing different colors and got some pretty good results so far. I have also shot a test panel in gloss black with hardener added and it looks great after a minor scuff and buff. One coat of wax and in the sun it will pop your eyes out! the perfect mixture in my SATA base coat gun was 50/50 mineral spirits. i am going to shoot another tomorrow with the enamel clear over a mixture of aluminum and yellow.

Here are the colors that are available. I have found out that Lowes carries almost all of them. http://www.rustoleum.com/CBGProduct.asp?pid=150
So far ya'll have told me nothing that I didn't already know. ENKEI, you have posted two sentences of anything resembling helpfull in about 8 paragraphs. Way to go!

don't really car what color results as long as it was mixed from rustoleum. I have been working on this on and off all day at my shop. Mixing different colors and got some pretty good results so far. I have also shot a test panel in gloss black with hardener added and it looks great after a minor scuff and buff. One coat of wax and in the sun it will pop your eyes out! the perfect mixture in my SATA base coat gun was 50/50 mineral spirits. i am going to shoot another tomorrow with the enamel clear over a mixture of aluminum and yellow.

Here are the colors that are available. I have found out that Lowes carries almost all of them. http://www.rustoleum.com/CBGProduct.asp?pid=150

SHIT, wish the hell I had the above information a little over a year ago....

but that car would have looked GRAND, enough for me anyway....

to boot knowing maybe Sherwin up the street a mile could have supplied some metallic to mix in....

I shoot rustoleum all the time mixed with a fast dry lacquer thinner using an old Binks #7 gun. You can really pour it on and it will flow out.
Probably tack dry in about 30 minutes in the Florida heat.

Haven't done bodies, but here is a 400 pan and I wasn't trying for a slick finish, just good coverage. Going with a slower thinner, it should be slick.

It dried that fast without any hardner in it? what ratio were you mixing it? Hmmmmm that's a handy little piece of info. there. I will try the lacquer thinner tomorrow.

any pics of those 2 cars
ok lets go ahead and get this out of the way. I have the skills and funds required to paint this car with anything I choose to. I have a downdraft paint booth in my shop. I owned a body shop and when I sold the business I kept the booth. I can apply the highest quality paint job to this car that is possible with todays PPG paints and modern chemistry. I am CHOOSING to paint this car with rustoleum. I have seen (in person) 2 vehicles painted in this fashion and can tell you it is stunning. i openly invite anyone to judge the two that I have seen against anyones paint job, and I think you will be surprised at the outcome. So lets stop with the low cost alternatives using different methods. I thought this would be an interesting way to get some folks involved and interested in having fun with a car again. It is just a car! I am very tempted to paint this car gloss black and park it next to my 79 that has the best paint that money will buy. Then a real comparison can be made. Some people cannot get past the idea that if it doesn't cost a lot of money it can't be good. People who can't do for themselves have paid for two of my houses and lots of cars over the years, I want to do this to see if I can do it and make the paint nazi's scratch their heads.

Now then..........I started playing with this earlier today and got a very nice lime green from the sunshine yellow and navy blue. I went a little too far though, I wanted something more like a green apple. try again tomorrow. snakeater
I"ll have to look in my pics on the camera. I know that i have pics of the black one, but don't know if I have any of the other one. i will see.
So far ya'll have told me nothing that I didn't already know. ENKEI, you have posted two sentences of anything resembling helpfull in about 8 paragraphs. Way to go!

don't really car what color results as long as it was mixed from rustoleum. I have been working on this on and off all day at my shop. Mixing different colors and got some pretty good results so far. I have also shot a test panel in gloss black with hardener added and it looks great after a minor scuff and buff. One coat of wax and in the sun it will pop your eyes out! the perfect mixture in my SATA base coat gun was 50/50 mineral spirits. i am going to shoot another tomorrow with the enamel clear over a mixture of aluminum and yellow.

Here are the colors that are available. I have found out that Lowes carries almost all of them. http://www.rustoleum.com/CBGProduct.asp?pid=150

I have posted two sentences of something resembling helpful? Or have not? Guess a highschool diploma and a grasp of the English language isn't required to own a body shop.

Nothing helpful? So far I'm the only one in here who has shot a car with this stuff, offered advice on how to do it and provided pics. And I thought up a neat tri-stage Rustoleum idea. You just don't like that I'm objective and that I'm calling you out for being a cheap fuck.

That oil pan has a ton of orange peel, looks just like my front bumper.

I shot HOK on my Vette so nice it didn't even need a buff and polish. And there is a thread full of pics on that. Lets see some pics of your work. I find it a little odd that you spent 'all day' mixing colors and the color you chose to shoot was black. Calling you out, let's see if you are who you claim to be. And what's the name of your shop? :photo:
Someone did this back on the CF - painted their car with rustoleum and a roller. It was yellow if I remember correctly.

He lives in Chino Hills, nice guy. I went to go look at his car before I did mine. The car looked good... but I decided to open up my wallet and do it right.
anyone can make a shitty paintjob look good with a camera......... Does someone have sand in their vagina? Let me look and see, yep sandy alright. Go change your diaper, and call me when you are done. i will pm you my number and you are more than welcome to call at your leisure to discuss anything you like regarding what i have said. And even block the number if you want that, if makes you feel more secure. Punks who type hostility on an internet forum are as concerning to me as a burrito fart. PS, I don't own a body shop anymore, but if I did I still wouldn't give you the name of it. And your "objectivness" was neither called for or requested. I think someone is up past their bedtime.
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anyone can make a shitty paintjob look good with a camera......... Does someone have sand in their vagina? Let me look and see, yep sandy alright. Go change your diaper, and call me when you are done. i will pm you my number and you are more than welcome to call at your leisure to discuss anything you like regarding what i have said. And even block the number if you want that makes you feel more secure. Punks who type hostility on an internet forum are as concerning to me as a burrito fart. PS, I don't own a body shop anymore, but if I did I still wouldn't give you the name of it. And your "objectivness" was neither called for or requested. I think someone is up past their bedtime.

Hahahahah, ok. You're funny. No more hostility on my end. I'll go clean out my vagina. Hahahahahahahahaha!

Does the Aluminum have a metallic appearance to it? If so, you should buy some dye for the clear, shoot candy over the aluminum and maybe even a bit of pearl. Then clear it. See just how crazy you can get if you're going to do it. Black isn't going to impress anyone.

Do a real candy apple, dyed clear over the aluminum. If you have the skill and you're shooting with a Sata I guess I shouldn't cry, because it will look better than the Maaco single stage paint job C3s out there.

What do you use to harden it?
I picked up some ppg enamel "activator". Supposed to be the hardening agent for acrylic enamels. Works ok. took about three hours for it harden enough to buff. It was sitting in the paint booth under the lights, about 100 degrees. Thought about that with the aluminum color. It really looks more like a titanium grey, not as sharp as the can makes out.