Update: Feb '09
Well I started taking the bike apart this weekend. Sheeit, I can't believe the condition of it. It breaks my heart that anyone, let alone a friend, could let a machine go like this.
Anyway, back in December I had cut all the oil lines and pumped a gallon or more of ATF/PB Blaster into the engine. Every day or two for a couple weeks, I would re-pump the top end, re-fill the cylinders, etc. About half of it seeped out, but there's still a bunch in it.
This weekend I pulled the primary drive & trans. I poured over a cup of water out of the tranny, any oil was long since gone. Friday evening, after draining out the water, I filled it to the very top with my ATF/PBB mixture and let it sit until Sunday when I cracked it open. See the photos below, but believe me they don't really show how bad it is. Good lord, no wonder it's stuck.
I'm not sure what to do with it, I just put it in the solvent tank and am letting it soak for now.......
I tried turning the motor over using a breaker bar on the sprocket shaft. It moved about 3 or 4 degrees, then stuck fast. I cannot move it at all in either direction. Shit. If the inside of the motor looks like the tranny, I may just have a coffee table base here....
I'm depressed.