Same arrogence that sunk the Titanic.
Actually it's not just BP, The Obama "regime" has a lot to do with it also. The Dutch offered to send their cleanup vessels a couple days after the initial disaster, your government turned it down. Same as w/ the levees in Nawlins...maybe it's arrogance that the big "US" doesn't want to accept the help of our little country. I can assure you, those vessels would have helped quite a bit with preventing oil spills from reaching the shores.
Back in the early 80's , that small security company also had another little gimmic they made....we called it a VORTEX machine....I suspect the industry calls it a 'skimmer'.....we made a floating platform with paddles on a shaft, kind of like a propeller in a way, except the blades were vertical in the water, the idea was to spin that huge paddle setup with a very large electric motor, I used to build the control box, a basic bomb proof/blow proof box for the contactors and control electronics, we had a patent on the machine for US waters, BUT, Don, the M/E in charge of the project said it was not used in the USA because it was against UNION RULES....and the only ones we made were shipped overseas, like to Indonesia....
SO, I suspect that is still the reason today ....something about the Jones? act and typical .gov crap....
on ALL the TV coverage I have watched on this mess I have caught ONE very quick glimpse of a machine that resembled what I built....
how it worked was to create a whirlpool affect and a vortex in the middle, into which we inserted a pipe to pump the oil out of the center, it would very effectively separate oil and water by centrifuge effect....
I would think in a couple weeks some boats and some 'skimmers' like the design I worked on could have been built and the joint flooded with them, NO excuse to not do it....