BP spills

I don't know.
I was not there at the time.
I did not make the decision.
I had no prior knowledge.

You can reach me on my yacht if you need me......:crap:


Before you typed this "You can reach me on my yacht if you need me"....I actually thought you were impersonating Obama......well, I guess not, I didn't see a statement blaming Bush.
The complete and total MISS 'management' of this entire thing reads like a text book case in how to NOT run any .gov function...

it't going into college texts for the next generation....assuming there IS anyone willing to learn.....

Why are all the efforts of "our" government focused on finding someone to blame? Government seems to have very little interest in solving the problem and that sould be the number one focus. There is plenty of time to assign blame but the clock is ticking on the real fix to this mess.

40 years ago, we put a man on the moon and returned him saftley to earth. Am I nuts or, with the resources of the US government, is it impoosible to seal a leak?
Why are all the efforts of "our" government focused on finding someone to blame? Government seems to have very little interest in solving the problem and that sould be the number one focus. There is plenty of time to assign blame but the clock is ticking on the real fix to this mess.

40 years ago, we put a man on the moon and returned him saftley to earth. Am I nuts or, with the resources of the US government, is it impoosible to seal a leak?

LOOK, I spent 53 years in the Wash DC are, 40 of them cognitive as to just where I was living, it's a one horse town, for field trips in school, we went to Baltimore to see anything industrial, from a brewery to a GM plant....DC is full of office workers, and damn few of them are engineering.....

the vastly prevailing attitude is 1/2 hr late, 1/2 hr early, and 2 hrs lunch for a 8 hour day, with damn few exceptions, they are more interested in budget justification and spend your tax money like KRAZY mad come end of every fiscal year....

they specialize in getting lost in some department, behind some corner office, and the only people that know they exist is the payroll dept.....dead serious, it's the literal truth across ALL agencies, without exception...but they are civil service, and the lazy attitude makes your local school board operation seem ambitious....

I remember back in the 50's, my best friend in HS and I went down town to foggy bottom area of DC, most famous for State Dept....to visit his mom who worked there, the joint was the most lazy operation I ever seen, at 11am they standing around the coffee machines, talking, at 2pm/after lunch they all standing around each other's desks, secretaries leaning back filing their nails, men with feet on the desk snoozing....again, serious....

about the only section of .gov there that showed the slightest concern or organization or ability to do jack shit, was the Pentagon, and that was not across the board, either...

have two ex wives in that town, and in the better daze, we used to laugh about the shituation,

funny how political pull can get you a job....first ex was the youngest daughter of a southern RR VP....personal friends of Ga. Senator Herman Talmadge....so her mom, was like a GS14 secretary, to cabinet officers, like Elliot Richardson, and some other guy....so Betty could not get a job outside DC, as commuting was a bitch getting her in/out of town as we lived outside the city....no Metro/subway in those daze....so to get her a job in Bethesda at the NIH campus, one of the best locations in the world, it was almost impossible....ONE CALL from up top, and she was hired in a month...typical....

after the divorce, Betty quit the job and Federal service entirely...dummy....

I heard she left that job, I about fell over....but it's typical of the area, spoiled easy come easy go attitudes abound....

ME, I never worked Civil service, no degree and couldn't pass a typing test....:crutches: so I did electronics then after 20 years had my fill of that crap, and went into home remodeling....

SO, you ask if anyone in that town can seal a leak, the answer is...

FUCK NO!!!! MAY be some group in the Pentagon can help...maybe.....

Why are all the efforts of "our" government focused on finding someone to blame? Government seems to have very little interest in solving the problem and that sould be the number one focus. There is plenty of time to assign blame but the clock is ticking on the real fix to this mess.

40 years ago, we put a man on the moon and returned him saftley to earth. Am I nuts or, with the resources of the US government, is it impoosible to seal a leak?

I agree....and it doesn't seem to matter which party is in the White House.
I never could understand why we could "watch" people on TV in the Superdome dying due to lack of water but no helicopters were able to drop in water.
Why are all the efforts of "our" government focused on finding someone to blame? Government seems to have very little interest in solving the problem and that sould be the number one focus. There is plenty of time to assign blame but the clock is ticking on the real fix to this mess.

40 years ago, we put a man on the moon and returned him saftley to earth. Am I nuts or, with the resources of the US government, is it impoosible to seal a leak?

Now the govt. is in the oil business?:rolleyes:
You guys are always clammering for less govt., but now you expect the President to fix anything that goes wrong?
His primary job is "Commander in Chief". NOT, Joe the plumber.
Read again, never mentioned the president.

Since when does "less govt" include disaster releif? In my book, that's a real good use of government resources.

The politicians don't care about fixing the problem. The only thing they care about is face time at Congressional hearings!
Read again, never mentioned the president.Many others did

Since when does "less govt" include disaster releif? In my book, that's a real good use of government resources.I thought we were talking fixing the leak.

The politicians don't care about fixing the problem. The only thing they care about is face time at Congressional hearings!No arguement there

The govt is set up for natural disasters. FEMA.
Nobody is set up for man made disasters. I can only recall "Civil Defence."
I would say, closer to anything else, this is like Chernobyl. There is no book on it. All we can do is learn from this mistake, and hope like hell this relief well works.
The govt is set up for natural disasters. FEMA.
Nobody is set up for man made disasters. I can only recall "Civil Defence."

Wrong. There is no distinction made between natural and man made disasters in the FEMA charter:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security, initially created by Presidential Order on 1 April 1979.[1][3] The primary purpose of FEMA is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities. The governor of the state in which the disaster occurs must declare a state of emergency and formally request from the president that FEMA and the federal government respond to the disaster. FEMA also provides these services for territories of the United States, such as Puerto Rico. The only exception is when an emergency or disaster occurs on federal property or to a federal asset, for example, the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, or the Space Shuttle Columbia in the 2003 return-flight disaster.

While on-the-ground support of disaster recovery efforts is a major part of FEMA's charter, the agency provides state and local governments with experts in specialized fields and funding for rebuilding efforts and relief funds for infrastructure, in conjunction with the Small Business Administration. FEMA also assists individuals and businesses with low interest loans. In addition to this, FEMA provides funds for training of response personnel throughout the United States and its territories as part of the agency's preparedness effort.
The govt is set up for natural disasters. FEMA.
Nobody is set up for man made disasters. I can only recall "Civil Defence."

Wrong. There is no distinction made between natural and man made disasters in the FEMA charter:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security, initially created by Presidential Order on 1 April 1979.[1][3] The primary purpose of FEMA is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities. The governor of the state in which the disaster occurs must declare a state of emergency and formally request from the president that FEMA and the federal government respond to the disaster. FEMA also provides these services for territories of the United States, such as Puerto Rico. The only exception is when an emergency or disaster occurs on federal property or to a federal asset, for example, the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, or the Space Shuttle Columbia in the 2003 return-flight disaster.

While on-the-ground support of disaster recovery efforts is a major part of FEMA's charter, the agency provides state and local governments with experts in specialized fields and funding for rebuilding efforts and relief funds for infrastructure, in conjunction with the Small Business Administration. FEMA also assists individuals and businesses with low interest loans. In addition to this, FEMA provides funds for training of response personnel throughout the United States and its territories as part of the agency's preparedness effort.

Oh goodie.
Now FEMA can have divisions
Asteroid hits the earth division
Nuclear vessal sinking division
Nuclear power plant leak division
Sun burns out division
Earthquake division
Oceanic hazmat division
Moon hits the earth division
Certainly this will cost nothing.
Gas is gonna hit $5.00 a gallon over this shit.
We have no one to blame but ourselves. Greed and human arrogence will insure that.
The govt is set up for natural disasters. FEMA.
Nobody is set up for man made disasters. I can only recall "Civil Defence."

Wrong. There is no distinction made between natural and man made disasters in the FEMA charter:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security, initially created by Presidential Order on 1 April 1979.[1][3] The primary purpose of FEMA is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities. The governor of the state in which the disaster occurs must declare a state of emergency and formally request from the president that FEMA and the federal government respond to the disaster. FEMA also provides these services for territories of the United States, such as Puerto Rico. The only exception is when an emergency or disaster occurs on federal property or to a federal asset, for example, the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, or the Space Shuttle Columbia in the 2003 return-flight disaster.

While on-the-ground support of disaster recovery efforts is a major part of FEMA's charter, the agency provides state and local governments with experts in specialized fields and funding for rebuilding efforts and relief funds for infrastructure, in conjunction with the Small Business Administration. FEMA also assists individuals and businesses with low interest loans. In addition to this, FEMA provides funds for training of response personnel throughout the United States and its territories as part of the agency's preparedness effort.

Oh goodie.
Now FEMA can have divisions
Asteroid hits the earth division
Nuclear vessal sinking division
Nuclear power plant leak division
Sun burns out division
Earthquake division
Oceanic hazmat division
Moon hits the earth division
Certainly this will cost nothing.
Gas is gonna hit $5.00 a gallon over this shit.
We have no one to blame but ourselves. Greed and human arrogence will insure that.

NOPE, green weenies ensured it will happen, cry over every fish, cry cry cry.....so the working stiff can take it up the ass yet again....

friggin' lawyers enabling every crybaby in the country....my generation seen about the best this country will ever be....all down hill from here, question is how fast?? :bestwishes:
NOPE, green weenies ensured it will happen, cry over every fish, cry cry cry.....so the working stiff can take it up the ass yet again....

Then lets just let it leak. No one lives in Florida anyhow. It might solve the immigration problem there.:wink:
NOPE, green weenies ensured it will happen, cry over every fish, cry cry cry.....so the working stiff can take it up the ass yet again....

Then lets just let it leak. No one lives in Florida anyhow. It might solve the immigration problem there.:wink:

Bird, my point is that we wouldn't even BE in 5000' of water more like 200' IF the green weenies didn't cry over their view and all the smelly fish in some delta or what.....

hense my line about green weenies being mule fart sniffers....it's OIL or the mule, takes our pick, looks like we done it' to ourselves....the mule is in our kid's future, the messican invasion as about ensured THAT.....:surrender:
Why are all the efforts of "our" government focused on finding someone to blame? Government seems to have very little interest in solving the problem and that sould be the number one focus. There is plenty of time to assign blame but the clock is ticking on the real fix to this mess.

40 years ago, we put a man on the moon and returned him saftley to earth. Am I nuts or, with the resources of the US government, is it impoosible to seal a leak?

Now the govt. is in the oil business?:rolleyes:
You guys are always clammering for less govt., but now you expect the President to fix anything that goes wrong?
His primary job is "Commander in Chief". NOT, Joe the plumber.

Yeah, but even an amateur can patch up a shit pipe after sixty some odd days. The "experts" in this situation seem to be out to lunch. The fact that this thing is still spewing oil at the rate that it is for as long as it has been is simply unacceptable. If you can drill 5000 ft. down then you can shove a cork there too.
NOPE, green weenies ensured it will happen, cry over every fish, cry cry cry.....so the working stiff can take it up the ass yet again....

Then lets just let it leak. No one lives in Florida anyhow. It might solve the immigration problem there.:wink:

They can all collect the gobs of tar and pave a road back to Cuba:harhar:

Or start a new tar-oil based economy:trumpet:

If we all wait long enough we can collect it for ourselves!:zzz:

NOPE, green weenies ensured it will happen, cry over every fish, cry cry cry.....so the working stiff can take it up the ass yet again....

Then lets just let it leak. No one lives in Florida anyhow. It might solve the immigration problem there.:wink:

They can all collect the gobs of tar and pave a road back to Cuba:harhar:

Or start a new tar-oil based economy:trumpet:

If we all wait long enough we can collect it for ourselves!:zzz:


OR we can use logic and common sense, and eliminate the green weenie lobby with the TRUTH, and we all go back to work, in this country for a change....instead of crying over a smelly delta fish while shutting down industries keep people alive...farming....

guys, I know too much about this green weenie shit from too long ago, watched it grow, and so totally believe it's totally against our nation's national security interests.....and my belief has not changed in some 40+ years now....goes back to my fundaMENTAL statement that green weenies want to get behind a mule to smell the farts....

it maybe a little unkind, but still the truth......


OH, edit, as for the shituation at hand.....el presidente' can get off his dumb bastard ASS, and get some help in there, the guy is obviously in WAY over his head....

typical of a HAAAAVAD edjemakshun.....God's gift to the world is that they think......more like the devils' gift to the legal 'community' for confounding the obvious....
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