Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
NOPE, green weenies ensured it will happen, cry over every fish, cry cry the working stiff can take it up the ass yet again....
Then lets just let it leak. No one lives in Florida anyhow. It might solve the immigration problem there.:wink:
They can all collect the gobs of tar and pave a road back to Cuba:harhar:
Or start a new tar-oil based economy:trumpet:
If we all wait long enough we can collect it for ourselves!:zzz:
OR we can use logic and common sense, and eliminate the green weenie lobby with the TRUTH, and we all go back to work, in this country for a change....instead of crying over a smelly delta fish while shutting down industries keep people alive...farming....
guys, I know too much about this green weenie shit from too long ago, watched it grow, and so totally believe it's totally against our nation's national security interests.....and my belief has not changed in some 40+ years now....goes back to my fundaMENTAL statement that green weenies want to get behind a mule to smell the farts....
it maybe a little unkind, but still the truth......
OH, edit, as for the shituation at hand.....el presidente' can get off his dumb bastard ASS, and get some help in there, the guy is obviously in WAY over his head....
typical of a HAAAAVAD edjemakshun.....God's gift to the world is that they think......more like the devils' gift to the legal 'community' for confounding the obvious....
Like any good idea, perhaps it has gone too far, but, I MAY be a green weenie.
DDT, agent orange, poor practise by industry, haz waste dumping, all are no good.
Simple fact remains, if we kill the ocean, we ALL DIE.
85% of the worlds oxygen comes from the top 6' of the ocean.
Gene, they have found FIRE RETARDENT in the blood of polar bears.,
Poisoning the earth in the name of "progress" must stop.
We won't be the first species to go extinct.
Yes, I like my cars, computers, garden supplies, etc, just like anyone. But things of the past like that love canal deal, or that coal mine lake deal still turn my stomach.