Decline of St Louis

Here's another example of liberal policies hurting the very people they are supposed to be helping. Baltimore has had a Democratic mayor since 1967. Liberals don't really want to help minorities or the poor. Just want to keep them dependent on the big government teat and voting Democratic.
This just keeps getting better. Just like the protest leader whose car got stolen, one of these boneheads is going to find out karma is a bitch. Any bets on which will be needing to call police in the next week.
Oh and excuse me for calling them boneheads, I'm sure they're intelligent, deeply thinking individuals who researched the facts of this well before protesting. After all being able to catch a ball, run, etc makes them infinitely qualified to assess the legalities of the situation.

Oops wait, I was wrong about the deeply thinking thing. A quote from one of the hands up players:
Cook said. “So we all just hopped on the bandwagon and came up with the idea of how we were going to do it.”
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This just keeps getting better. Just like the protest leader whose car got stolen, one of these boneheads is going to find out karma is a bitch. Any bets on which will be needing to call police in the next week.
Oh and excuse me for calling them boneheads, I'm sure they're intelligent, deeply thinking individuals who researched the facts of this well before protesting. After all being able to catch a ball, run, etc makes them infinitely qualified to assess the legalities of the situation.

Oops wait, I was wrong about the deeply thinking thing. A quote from one of the hands up players:
Cook said. “So we all just hopped on the bandwagon and came up with the idea of how we were going to do it.”

And the head of the SLPOA who has been complaining about it is the epitome of a dirty cop.

You may think I'm a racist, but since you're quoting the NR and the Moonie Times, I think you're an idiot. Fair enough?

This is why I generally stay out of politics on car boards. Between the people who think everyone should act just like them, and the outright racists (I've stayed away from various BMW forums for a long time, because a subset of the posters sounded like a Klan rally), it doesn't do my blood pressure any good. I expect to find people with conservative leanings in such places, but so many have extremely unfriendly opinions to anyone who doesn't march in lock-step with them.
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so many have extremely unfriendly opinions to anyone who doesn't march in lock-step with them.

That would be you.

Sam Cogley said, "One of these days I'll figure out how people who know so much about cars can be so clueless about everything else in the universe."
Sam, white kids don't stand on street corners selling their wares daily making themselves a mark for police. So apprehension is tough. Neither do they join gangs much often! Jesh...........

Maybe we should force drug sale equality. And gang association mandatory, equality you know?

Don't you get it yet? I DONT CARE! It's now a comedy based on myth more than anything.
Nothing will change except the accelerated decline of Ferguson.
I watched the 1927 silent film "Metropolis" the other night (Btw, watch the 84 version with updated music if you're interested). It's the story Ferguson almost 100 years ago. Ignorant angry masses destroy their own neighborhood.
What's even funnier is the "committee". I can tell you exactly what they will do and how it will fail.
Now the Normandy school district solution....that was BRILLIANT!
So you still have lower expectations of minorities and excuse their behavior?
This comedy writes itself....

This just keeps getting better. Just like the protest leader whose car got stolen, one of these boneheads is going to find out karma is a bitch. Any bets on which will be needing to call police in the next week.
Oh and excuse me for calling them boneheads, I'm sure they're intelligent, deeply thinking individuals who researched the facts of this well before protesting. After all being able to catch a ball, run, etc makes them infinitely qualified to assess the legalities of the situation.

Oops wait, I was wrong about the deeply thinking thing. A quote from one of the hands up players:
Cook said. “So we all just hopped on the bandwagon and came up with the idea of how we were going to do it.”

And the head of the SLPOA who has been complaining about it is the epitome of a dirty cop.
This is why I generally stay out of politics on car boards. Between the people .........

Yup..... That's also why we try to keep politics and religion out of this, too much drama, fighting, nothing good coming out of this.....

There are good people in every race and there are assholes in every race.....

I am absolutely positive that guy would have been shot and killed if he was white or yellow or red or an alien from god knows where..... But that's just me..... :goodnight:
Sam, white kids don't stand on street corners selling their wares daily making themselves a mark for police. So apprehension is tough. Neither do they join gangs much often!

This is an interesting, and probably quite valid, point. Knowing the lengths that the Sheriff's Department would go to to set up a "buy" when I was working in a prosecutor's office, this raises a whole lot of interesting questions about how different areas are policed. Of course, our deputies were trying to go after the suppliers, they didn't care much about the little dealers unless they could use one to roll over on a big fish.
Ok, Guys, this debate has probably gone a little to far. It started over whether or not St. Louis is declining and has progressed ( I should say digressed) to name calling. Not worth it here on a board of people I consider, or would like to call, friends. Sam, I don't know you personally but I seriously doubt you fall into the category of those I blame for this whole debacle. You have your beliefs and prejudices as we all do. I respect that. I don't know whether your white, black, yellow or what, it doesn't matter to me. Next time your in town, let's go down to my old childhood neighborhood and have a beer at one of the corner bars. BTW, I sure hope your black.....for my sake. :D:beer:

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I gotta agree with Bullshark, but not for the reasons he wrote.
Today 1) Jr High School students here walked out with the hands up protest, and 2) I heard a Nickleback protest song.
So I can cay with absolute certitude that the protests have "Jumped the shark"
Now back to the regularly scheduled black on black killings. Which, by the way, we're on schedule for a record breaking year here in St Louis.
Ok, Guys, this debate has probably gone a little to far. It started over whether or not St. Louis is declining and has progressed ( I should say digressed) to name calling. Not worth it here on a board of people I consider, or would like to call, friends. Sam, I don't know you personally but I seriously doubt you fall into the category of those I blame for this whole debacle. You have your beliefs and prejudices as we all do. I respect that. I don't know whether your white, black, yellow or what, it doesn't matter to me. Next time your in town, let's go down to my old childhood neighborhood and have a beer at one of the corner bars. BTW, I sure hope your black.....for my sake. :D:beer:


I lived in some not-always-great parts of St. Louis, before I moved for grad school and work. Never really felt that worried anywhere I went. Like everything in life, one has to keep a close eye out wherever they are.

Some of my favorite neighbors were the Bosnian immigrants, I lived for a while in an apartment about a half mile from where that guy was killed in the hammer attack a few days ago. :(
Some of my favorite neighbors were the Bosnian immigrants, I lived for a while in an apartment about a half mile from where that guy was killed in the hammer attack a few days ago. :(

That was a white guy killed by blacks..... right?? News media swept that under the table. :shocking:
Some of my favorite neighbors were the Bosnian immigrants, I lived for a while in an apartment about a half mile from where that guy was killed in the hammer attack a few days ago. :(

That was a white guy killed by blacks..... right?? News media swept that under the table. :shocking:

thats nothing new, how about the ones "playing" the knock out game and countless other attacks. the lame stream media loves to inform us of stupid stuff and cover up the real news.
Some of my favorite neighbors were the Bosnian immigrants, I lived for a while in an apartment about a half mile from where that guy was killed in the hammer attack a few days ago. :(

That was a white guy killed by blacks..... right?? News media swept that under the table. :shocking:

thats nothing new, how about the ones "playing" the knock out game and countless other attacks. the lame stream media loves to inform us of stupid stuff and cover up the real news.

Even FOX is getting more and more liberal, they not reporting much of that stuff either.....:crap:
I'm surprised the Tamir Rice shooting in Cleveland isn't getting more media attention. If that cop isn't indited, heck, I'll probably join the protest!
Some of my favorite neighbors were the Bosnian immigrants, I lived for a while in an apartment about a half mile from where that guy was killed in the hammer attack a few days ago. :(

That was a white guy killed by blacks..... right?? News media swept that under the table. :shocking:

Got plenty of press coverage from where I'm sitting.
I'm surprised the Tamir Rice shooting in Cleveland isn't getting more media attention. If that cop isn't indited, heck, I'll probably join the protest!

The 12 year old kid that was shot by the cop who had been fired from another department for not having the emotional maturity to be a police officer? That is one of the most depressing things I've ever seen. Apparently the person who called it in told dispatch that it was probably a toy gun, but dispatch didn't tell that to the officers.