Engine stalls

No one over there has a snap on red brick scanner? If not, order an aLDL to usb cable and some scanning software. Might want to use DataMaster free trial (I like DM the best) and hook your laptop to the aldl and do a scan & log whilst driving and letting it die. That is a hell of a lot more effective than guessing and throwing money at it. It might even be something as silly as a fuel pressure issue.

I was wondering when someone was going to get around to suggesting this! Your shootin from the hip otherwise.:hunter:

I use the OBDlink scan tool that comes with OBDwiz software for PC and can use Touchscan app on your Android phone. DM is good also.

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The scanner will give real time data of the efI system operation. Codes are available here in the tech section.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
With no VSS inout the IAC will not reset but the ECM will think it's standing still all the time. You will never leave the BLM cell #4 (special cell) and that cell is also used for open loop fueling (WOT) Std sender for TPI is 4K ppm, not 4. You can alter it in the bin if needed. The speedo/cruise output on those later ECMs is 2K pulses per mile but you won't need that

still wondering if timing is set correctly, does it go in closed loop (jumper aldl pin a&b and watch the CEL, rapid flashing is open loop, slow = closed)
My trans sending unit goes to the ECU and a wire from the ECU goes to the Dakota digital readout speedometer, which is reading very close to correct.
Well the truck is back on the road with the trans go shift kit installed plus new ring and pinion and all new bearings. I also extended the Pittman arm and idler by 3/4 inches to get a better turning radios. Finally the stalling problem is fixed, buy replacing the dizzy with a new one, that did the trick.

Thanks for all the help guys.:yahoo:

I will try and get some pictures of the truck and post them in the other car section.