Also, because of the winds here, a couple of times I have gotten unequal voltage on each leg into the main panel (70v on 1 leg and 160v on the other), ended up as a deteriorated neutral connection at the pole, power company came out and fixed immediately both times. Maybe because they use aluminum wire in all this salty windy air???
There should be a ground rod at your meter too. You could put one in easily.
Have a good ground rod per code 5/8" x 8ft copperclad with teardrop and #4.
Both times it was their neutral at the pole connection.
Surprising we don't have the dual rod thing down here because we are 100% sand everwhere. But they are very strict on the extra bonding here for pool decks, screen enclosures fences etc even all motors and appliances. I know they don't like separated ground rods called it "jumping grounds" or something.
Lightning did hit a tree out front once, blew the ground clamp off the rod, blew every low voltage lite fixture in the house, blew the garage door opener, destroyed four fairly new tires, alternator, electronic speedo, big chunk of concrete out of driveway, and finally killed the mohogany tree next door. All this was long after my neutral issues.
SHIT, U 2?? I got hit some 9? years ago, what the climber said was the tallest tree on this hill, took out my underground Bell South/ATT phone wires...fried them ROYAL....I went Comcast phone for just Cphone....but it also took out the McIntosh stereo...all sorts of other electronics and the computer, of course....surge protector or not....
which is why I now use the isolation transformers THEN the surge strip....
I was in the front bedroom at 515 am...tree in back yard, opposite corner 1/3 acre lot....the entire front bedroom lit up like brighter than sunlight the crack was more like a wavefront....huge AIR MOVEMENT, thought I had lost windows...but no....I remember looking down from above at myself laying in bed.....strange but true, I say no more about that one, still scratching my ass....
the tree was toast stump still rotting away....there were some plastic DWV 4" pipes from various irrigation and gutter projects left behind by previous owner....under the hedges and the tree.....
for a very few daze I noticed what was 'paper' in the back yard and was busy with packing up junk, insurance, and shipping to the factory for finally went out back to pick up the 'waste paper' it was one of those plastic pipes hit by the shot, and blown in pieces...plastic and all...go figger....and so the shot killed some of the hedges they turned black, and so I looked around and found the lightening damage that came outta the side of the tree and blew all that up.....
I figgered the tree for toast, and didn't want another problem, so down it came....
