How is this idea GM?

No, you're right. There is no window. I was alluding to the Masters inside with the warmth & wine versus the peasants outside in the rain.
Capitalism in its true & faithful form would be great. But like every other -ism in the world, it becomes perverted. Those whose egos seek power (ie in this case, monetary profit) become greedy & insatiable and pervert it. NOT ALL do mind you, but those who are of a bent to do so become as junkies and must continue the accumulation of wealth (= power over others= ego enhancement) for its own sake, no matter the cost to anyone else.
Communism, socialism, anarchism, capitalism, whatever other -ism you can think of all begin with the best of intentions. But once in place, human egos begin the inevitable slow perversion of the ideal and sooner or later it degrades into power conflicts, and if not checked then a class struggle. This one we are dealing with now is but another cycle in the sine wave of a societal frequency that has been around since the first two cave men saw each other across a ravine, hunting the same gazelle. Or for that matter, the first two single celled creatures bumped into each other while attacking or being attacked by a third in the primordial soup.
Of course, if all men were equal in every way, what a drab thing life would be. One shade of gray is useless and nothing can come of it. We need colors, differences in life for it to be of any use. We must have, cannot exist without, the drive to better oneself, to do more, to create, to justify our existance or better yet to stand above our peers (ego!). Without differences, conflict, change, growth, anything becomes stagnant and dies. But there must be limits to the differences, or at least legitimate reasons for them, or the extremes will damage the organism (social or other) as well.
Cancer is but the uncontrolled growth of slightly 'perverted' but otherwise typical cells in a living body. Life is wonderful for them--but at what expense to the host? That matters not to them, for as long as they have all they could possibly wish for in their finite lives, the future does not matter. In the end, they die when the host dies, but that is small consolation for the host. Chemotherapy is horrible for the host, but given the limited methods we have today, it is about the only way we know of to stop a cancer. I just hope our cancer is not too large already. The chemo is just starting.

Ah shit, I'm just rambling. I ain't got no answers, I'm just in a garrulous frame of mind today. Think I'll go out and talk to the stars.....Or rather, listen to what they have to say to me. They've seen a lot more than I.
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