I Have Been Banned !!!

I must have missed this,how did you "prove" VM was better (and I'm not saying that it's not ) ?

easy one...NO douche_bag_boy and NO d_b zipper lickers...well maybe with one exception.....

I was talking to a friend of mine tonight. She posted a couple of "leg shots" with her in a mini skirt and her friend in short shorts and both in heels.

No taco or bush, just legs forever (she has great one BTW).

Her "friend" Pewter99, locked the thread today?

Either his girlfriend Kimberly (Yellow some shit or another?) has his balls again, or he's turned gay(er).:smash:
You could not "Prove" that the folks at VM are right to anyone over at CF, they have been brainwashed and will blindly follow their mods like lemmings to the sea...

Everyone needs to get over that couple of years and chalk it up to a learning experience , it won't do any good to hold on to it.
Most here frequent both forums.
I was talking to a friend of mine tonight. She posted a couple of "leg shots" with her in a mini skirt and her friend in short shorts and both in heels.

No taco or bush, just legs forever (she has great one BTW).

Her "friend" Pewter99, locked the thread today?

Either his girlfriend Kimberly (Yellow some shit or another?) has his balls again, or he's turned gay(er).:smash:

Krazyness is that I just don't have time or inclination to read every thread, and consequently I miss out on all these relationships....maybe not going to a 800 mile one way cruise in is the reason....I dunno.....

only thing krazy I picked up on after a few days was the DB fiasco....

Everyone needs to get over that couple of years and chalk it up to a learning experience , it won't do any good to hold on to it.
Most here frequent both forums.

When did you learn you picked the wrong side?
I was talking to a friend of mine tonight. She posted a couple of "leg shots" with her in a mini skirt and her friend in short shorts and both in heels.

No taco or bush, just legs forever (she has great ones BTW).

Her "friend" Pewter99, locked the thread today?

Either his girlfriend Kimberly (Yellow some shit or another?) has his balls again, or he's turned gay(er).:smash:

Krazyness is that I just don't have time or inclination to read every thread, and consequently I miss out on all these relationships....maybe not going to a 800 mile one way cruise in is the reason....I dunno.....

only thing krazy I picked up on after a few days was the DB fiasco....


I don't go there so I don't knwo or care. I generally skip these discussions but I was bored so figured WTF huh?:)

BTW...WTF is a DB?

Everyone needs to get over that couple of years and chalk it up to a learning experience , it won't do any good to hold on to it.
Most here frequent both forums.

When did you learn you picked the wrong side?

I've always felt there's room on the internet and in the community for all the sites. You get something different from each one.

The problems start when they become a "business" and start trying to round up thier sheep to keep them from straying, by censoring any mention of another site or links:(

I visit several sites, some less than others, and mod a regional site.

I like all of them for what they are and what they have to offer and I really wish all this damned petit bickering would stop!

IIRC, I got this link off of CF, through a link on our regional site to something else.
I came here and still mod our site.....see.....we can play well together:rofl:
You could not "Prove" that the folks at VM are right to anyone over at CF, they have been brainwashed and will blindly follow their mods like lemmings to the sea...

Everyone needs to get over that couple of years and chalk it up to a learning experience , it won't do any good to hold on to it.
Most here frequent both forums.

I have been banned from the CF for life by pewter prick - no - I won't let go of that one - it was heavy handed and uncalled for. That SOB is on my shit list for life. I was a cash contributing and picture/article contributing member who had the interest of the hobby at heart. That was all stolen from me by some little napoleonic prick. You can go to the CF if you want - to me it is a cesspool of misguided leg humping wannabees. I'll stay here where freedom of speech is still tolerated THANK YOU.:bestwishes:
.we can play well together:rofl:

But, I like slinging sand in little Susie's crotch.....

Some things you just DO NOT forgive or forget. I don't care if your'e Christian about it or not. Some shit just don't flush. I have turned my cheek many a time in life, now I have learned to stand up and act like a man - if you want to be a door mat you go ahead, I have had my fill of people who treat others poorly, I have little room or tolerance for them in my life. Nowadays if you shit on me I'm gonna smack you down.
You could not "Prove" that the folks at VM are right to anyone over at CF, they have been brainwashed and will blindly follow their mods like lemmings to the sea...

Everyone needs to get over that couple of years and chalk it up to a learning experience , it won't do any good to hold on to it.
Most here frequent both forums.

I have been banned from the CF for life by pewter prick - no - I won't let go of that one - it was heavy handed and uncalled for. That SOB is on my shit list for life. I was a cash contributing and picture/article contributing member who had the interest of the hobby at heart. That was all stolen from me by some little napoleonic prick. You can go to the CF if you want - to me it is a cesspool of misguided leg humping wannabees. I'll stay here where freedom of speech is still tolerated THANK YOU.:bestwishes:

:sos: DAMN, guess I can't blame you then.....

trick is, with handle changes, and me not living on any forum, I seem to miss anything but a major blowout like the DB fiasco...

SarSkip....DB refers to a handle known as Durango Boy, who showed up there some 5 years ago or so, proceeded to take over every thread, and post some shit about anything....it got irritating with all the mis information and then DB/Matt was his name....started in selling shit, and then it got worse with him ripping off a friend of mine, known here as RED....he is on my email list, and Mike and I trade emails back and forth a lot....he about 3 hours south on I 95 from me...at any rate, DB sold Red some aluminum cyl heads, and so RED sent him the bux, and never got anything but a long term run around over many months....right just before this group got started here....so we all hopped DB's ass pretty good, and eventually they perma banned his ass there also....after some almost 1.5 years of the BS...

You could not "Prove" that the folks at VM are right to anyone over at CF, they have been brainwashed and will blindly follow their mods like lemmings to the sea...

Everyone needs to get over that couple of years and chalk it up to a learning experience , it won't do any good to hold on to it.
Most here frequent both forums.

I have been banned from the CF for life by pewter prick - no - I won't let go of that one - it was heavy handed and uncalled for. That SOB is on my shit list for life. I was a cash contributing and picture/article contributing member who had the interest of the hobby at heart. That was all stolen from me by some little napoleonic prick. You can go to the CF if you want - to me it is a cesspool of misguided leg humping wannabees. I'll stay here where freedom of speech is still tolerated THANK YOU.:bestwishes:

:sos: DAMN, guess I can't blame you then.....

trick is, with handle changes, and me not living on any forum, I seem to miss anything but a major blowout like the DB fiasco...

SarSkip....DB refers to a handle known as Durango Boy, who showed up there some 5 years ago or so, proceeded to take over every thread, and post some shit about anything....it got irritating with all the mis information and then DB/Matt was his name....started in selling shit, and then it got worse with him ripping off a friend of mine, known here as RED....he is on my email list, and Mike and I trade emails back and forth a lot....he about 3 hours south on I 95 from me...at any rate, DB sold Red some aluminum cyl heads, and so RED sent him the bux, and never got anything but a long term run around over many months....right just before this group got started here....so we all hopped DB's ass pretty good, and eventually they perma banned his ass there also....after some almost 1.5 years of the BS...


Gotcha...thanks for the insight:beer:
You could not "Prove" that the folks at VM are right to anyone over at CF, they have been brainwashed and will blindly follow their mods like lemmings to the sea...

Everyone needs to get over that couple of years and chalk it up to a learning experience , it won't do any good to hold on to it.
Most here frequent both forums.

I have been banned from the CF for life by pewter prick - no - I won't let go of that one - it was heavy handed and uncalled for. That SOB is on my shit list for life. I was a cash contributing and picture/article contributing member who had the interest of the hobby at heart. That was all stolen from me by some little napoleonic prick. You can go to the CF if you want - to me it is a cesspool of misguided leg humping wannabees. I'll stay here where freedom of speech is still tolerated THANK YOU.:bestwishes:

I understand and agree with you on your assesment or Robert (Pewter99).
I don't know if you've ever met him, but your description (little napoleonic prick) was right on the money:rofl::rofl:
As I said, we used to hang together and I know him personally. It's a shame the way power can corrupt an otherwise good person:(

I too was a paid, life member, had IDK, 10k+/- in posts, did whatever I could to help other members, get involved in local events (didn't have time to do the 800 milers), was a contribuiting member to St. Judes and attented all the fundraisers I could for fallen members, even when thier demise was thier own stupid f'in fault! (**hint*** go prepared, don't go into the desert at night alone and don't leave you f'in car and start walking....you'll probably die****).
Why? Because I cared. I cared for others. I cared for the "family."

Robert aside, It's Jim (Savewave) that I can't stand more than Pewter. I wouldn't piss in his mouth if his head were on fire (can you tell he had a direct hand in banning me?:rofl:) Mr. no balls. Can't pick up a phone (hey he was a news reporter from what I understand....can't expect too much out of those types)
or act like a man.
There are a couple more but it's all water under the bridge. Absolutely no reason to get my BP up over thier worthless asses.

I was pissed when I was banned, and very bitter. Now, I just don't care. Every dog has thier day and each will have thiers.

I thought about getting up a class action suit against the site owners. I paid for a "llife member ship" and I'm Still here:)
Even though the legal cost would be comped, it wasn't worth the damned aggravation!

It was a good decision to let it go.

I won't speak fondly about several of the members, nor will I recommend or support thier site. But other than the occasional thread like this, I never speak of them. When I do, I simply refer to them as BRAND X:rofl:

One of the things I really liked about this site right off the bat, was it's very much like our state (regional) site. Very oen and not overly moderated.

I jump on DC on occasion but frankly, can't stand some of the attitudes there and am slowly weening myself off.

The funny part was, a lot of Brand X'ers came over to DC after the purchase.
DC members and new converts were all talking about how different it was and how Patrick would "Never sell out":rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I hate to say I told you so, but......offer me that kind of $$$ and I'd say adios as well.....:)

.we can play well together:rofl:

But, I like slinging sand in little Susie's crotch.....

I'll bet that pisses her off...:rofl::rofl:

Some things you just DO NOT forgive or forget. I don't care if your'e Christian about it or not. Some shit just don't flush. I have turned my cheek many a time in life, now I have learned to stand up and act like a man - if you want to be a door mat you go ahead, I have had my fill of people who treat others poorly, I have little room or tolerance for them in my life. Nowadays if you shit on me I'm gonna smack you down.

I always say and my wife will support this, I have a low tolerance for stupid. I have no tolerance for overbearing:mad:

Has nothing to do with "Christianity."

It just depends on "what" you do to me?

Might be from all those years in uniform. You can yell and scream, make childish remarks and do stupid crap pretty much all you want. It's not going to make much difference to me.

touch me or my family and you'd better hope someone has already pre-dialed 9-11...cause you're pretty well fawked:mad:

Rip me off, same story....working on one now in Vegas who ripped off our Rescue team to the tune of about $3k.

Won't return calls, emails, etc....he/they "ain't" gonna like what happens next;)

Try not to let the forum wars bother you so much brother. It's bad for your health...trust me on that one:beer:
You could not "Prove" that the folks at VM are right to anyone over at CF, they have been brainwashed and will blindly follow their mods like lemmings to the sea...

Everyone needs to get over that couple of years and chalk it up to a learning experience , it won't do any good to hold on to it.
Most here frequent both forums.

I have been banned from the CF for life by pewter prick - no - I won't let go of that one - it was heavy handed and uncalled for. That SOB is on my shit list for life. I was a cash contributing and picture/article contributing member who had the interest of the hobby at heart. That was all stolen from me by some little napoleonic prick. You can go to the CF if you want - to me it is a cesspool of misguided leg humping wannabees. I'll stay here where freedom of speech is still tolerated THANK YOU.:bestwishes:

I understand and agree with you on your assesment or Robert (Pewter99).
I don't know if you've ever met him, but your description (little napoleonic prick) was right on the money:rofl::rofl:
As I said, we used to hang together and I know him personally. It's a shame the way power can corrupt an otherwise good person:(

I too was a paid, life member, had IDK, 10k+/- in posts, did whatever I could to help other members, get involved in local events (didn't have time to do the 800 milers), was a contribuiting member to St. Judes and attented all the fundraisers I could for fallen members, even when thier demise was thier own stupid f'in fault! (**hint*** go prepared, don't go into the desert at night alone and don't leave you f'in car and start walking....you'll probably die****).
Why? Because I cared. I cared for others. I cared for the "family."

Robert aside, It's Jim (Savewave) that I can't stand more than Pewter. I wouldn't piss in his mouth if his head were on fire (can you tell he had a direct hand in banning me?:rofl:) Mr. no balls. Can't pick up a phone (hey he was a news reporter from what I understand....can't expect too much out of those types)
or act like a man.
There are a couple more but it's all water under the bridge. Absolutely no reason to get my BP up over thier worthless asses.

I was pissed when I was banned, and very bitter. Now, I just don't care. Every dog has thier day and each will have thiers.

I thought about getting up a class action suit against the site owners. I paid for a "llife member ship" and I'm Still here:)
Even though the legal cost would be comped, it wasn't worth the damned aggravation!

It was a good decision to let it go.

I won't speak fondly about several of the members, nor will I recommend or support thier site. But other than the occasional thread like this, I never speak of them. When I do, I simply refer to them as BRAND X:rofl:

One of the things I really liked about this site right off the bat, was it's very much like our state (regional) site. Very oen and not overly moderated.

I jump on DC on occasion but frankly, can't stand some of the attitudes there and am slowly weening myself off.

The funny part was, a lot of Brand X'ers came over to DC after the purchase.
DC members and new converts were all talking about how different it was and how Patrick would "Never sell out":rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I hate to say I told you so, but......offer me that kind of $$$ and I'd say adios as well.....:)

.we can play well together:rofl:

But, I like slinging sand in little Susie's crotch.....

I'll bet that pisses her off...:rofl::rofl:

Some things you just DO NOT forgive or forget. I don't care if your'e Christian about it or not. Some shit just don't flush. I have turned my cheek many a time in life, now I have learned to stand up and act like a man - if you want to be a door mat you go ahead, I have had my fill of people who treat others poorly, I have little room or tolerance for them in my life. Nowadays if you shit on me I'm gonna smack you down.

I always say and my wife will support this, I have a low tolerance for stupid. I have no tolerance for overbearing:mad:

Has nothing to do with "Christianity."

It just depends on "what" you do to me?

Might be from all those years in uniform. You can yell and scream, make childish remarks and do stupid crap pretty much all you want. It's not going to make much difference to me.

touch me or my family and you'd better hope someone has already pre-dialed 9-11...cause you're pretty well fawked:mad:

Rip me off, same story....working on one now in Vegas who ripped off our Rescue team to the tune of about $3k.

Won't return calls, emails, etc....he/they "ain't" gonna like what happens next;)

Try not to let the forum wars bother you so much brother. It's bad for your health...trust me on that one:beer:

I not going into bad business relationships due to car hobby here, as it all predates the vette internet by a year or better....

only one deal was vette related,and it was NOT related to any forum...but a local thing...

and there are still two alive....AFAIK....

What kina money did DC sell for ?

Or you were just guessin lol

Welcome to the motley crew of the Flying Dutchmen.....

first post, interesting handle....

and I have NO idea as to any bux it sold for....I guess 2 million...
What kina money did DC sell for ?

Or you were just guessin lol

Welcome to the motley crew of the Flying Dutchmen.....

first post, interesting handle....

and I have NO idea as to any bux it sold for....I guess 2 million...

As he said....welcome aboard:beer:

What kina money did DC sell for ?

Or you were just guessin lol

Actually, I didn't venture a guess as to the amount:
The funny part was, a lot of Brand X'ers came over to DC after the purchase.
DC members and new converts were all talking about how different it was and how Patrick would "Never sell out"

I hate to say I told you so, but......offer me that kind of $$$ and I'd say adios as well.....

I simply noted that most anyone will sell if the $$$ is right, and the leghumpers that thought otherwise were caught off guard.:rofl:

It's probably easy enough to find out. There has to be a corporate trail somewhere for someone interested enough to find out. I just didn't care.

It's enough to allow a computer geek to uproot from his northern home, and haul ass to Arizona. Buy a new house there, another vette (C5 Convertible because he's partial to the C5's), keep his former racer as a toy, already start modding it with wheels, tires, etc (big $$ items), begin working on his new TV/DVD or ???? gig and ????...so I'd have to "guess that the jack was pretty good;)

He went from a guy that started a small vette website (IIRC after being banned somewhere else-but that's just hearsay), a relative nobody, and having his C4 vette repo'd, to the owner of a relatively successful site, with a better than average following of sheepels, a boat load of sponsors, paid members and....blah blah blah.....

Besides, in his favor, he seemed to be ass over tea kettle into that site and even made several coments over time about "not selling" out.

He managed to get the attention in the corporate web world, of a potential buyer. And when the numbers are "right" you gotta do what you gotta do:lol:

What kina money did DC sell for ?

Or you were just guessin lol

Welcome to the motley crew of the Flying Dutchmen.....

first post, interesting handle....

and I have NO idea as to any bux it sold for....I guess 2 million...

your talking to somebody knows nothing about the internet

Your joking about the 2m

I would have thought 100k or less

It depends? You'd be surprised what some of these places sell for. And the potential income of some of the commercial sites is unbelieveable.

There was a site I saw once that told the $$$$ figures for some of these places.....WOW!!!

2 mil? Wouldn't surprise me. I think Brand X sold in that range? I used to know, but it's been a long time and a lot of water under the bridge:)

Welcome aboard.
What kina money did DC sell for ?

Or you were just guessin lol

I have no direct knowledge but I would guess $500K...Patrick had no where near the supporting vendors paying a monthly blackmail fee like they do at CF...now that place (CF) is a goldmine.