I Have Been Banned !!!

What kina money did DC sell for ?

Or you were just guessin lol

I have no direct knowledge but I would guess $500K...Patrick had no where near the supporting vendors paying a monthly blackmail fee like they do at CF...now that place (CF) is a goldmine.

You might be right.

BRand X had been in business longer, had a better strangle hold on the vendors.

It seems (I may be wrong) that they protect thier vendors much more than DC?

If I had someone covering my ass, I'd stick around too:D
:sos: DAMN, guess I can't blame you then.....

trick is, with handle changes, and me not living on any forum, I seem to miss anything but a major blowout like the DB fiasco...

SarSkip....DB refers to a handle known as Durango Boy, who showed up there some 5 years ago or so, proceeded to take over every thread, and post some shit about anything....it got irritating with all the mis information and then DB/Matt was his name....started in selling shit, and then it got worse with him ripping off a friend of mine, known here as RED....he is on my email list, and Mike and I trade emails back and forth a lot....he about 3 hours south on I 95 from me...at any rate, DB sold Red some aluminum cyl heads, and so RED sent him the bux, and never got anything but a long term run around over many months....right just before this group got started here....so we all hopped DB's ass pretty good, and eventually they perma banned his ass there also....after some almost 1.5 years of the BS...


pretty good summary of the BS :lol: