Is this vapor lock or something else??

Ok let me talk this out and make sure I understand. You took a "T" fitting (3 ports essentially)placed it inline of the feed line from pump to carb. Blocked off the 3rd port which should be the leg of the "T" and then drilled an 18 inch hole in the blocked port ("T leg") and ran the return line from there to the tank. Correct?

Lars, from your suggestion above can the same thing be done with your setup?

So in both instances there is not need for an actual regulator as long as you have the restriction correct?

Thanks for the info and patience guys!

Yes, you can use a "T" with a blocked and drilled port. The closer you put it to the carb the better the system works, and the very best system is if you do the "T" at the rear end of the fuel log if you're running a Holley or BG dual inlet carb. If you have a Q-Jet, put the "T" as close to the carb inlet as possible. If you use an "AN" fitting, you can have the one leg of the "T" plug welded, and you can then drill it out. A .060" diameter oriface works pretty good with a stock volume pump.

Well I was able to duplicate the problem. Took the Vette out Saturday and it ran awesome for 30minutes. Then I noticed it start stumbling under heavy throttle. Finally I could here the carb just sucking air when I tried to give it throttle. Started chugging and finally died. Rear fuel bowl was full, front seemed empty. Let it sit for about 30-45 minutes and it fired right up and ran good again.

Looking more and more like it is a vapor lock issue. Running by the speed shop after work for some fittings to build a return line.

Well I have the log built for the carb with the return line coming off the back T . I still need to JB weld the barb and drill a 1\8" orfice. I also connected a 5\8 rubber fuel line to the return port on top of the tank but still need to tuck it into the frame rail. I also did not get enough fuel line. I thought 10 ft would do it!!!:willy: So I have to get a brass connector and join the line together.

Heading to the beach tomorrow for a week so no more progress for a few days.