It was bad, then good, then bad, then good?

What if, for example, tt decided to come to America for six months and decided he really enjoyed his stay. And desides that he wants to live here. So he goes through all the right channels, but after going through all the tests and other requirements he was turned down.
So he says to hell with them. All he wants to do is make a better life for his family and him self.

You know Darrow, I've been thinking about your post for the last couple of day because it sounds good in theory. The spirt of this thread was a comment on the current state. The sad truth is, so many of our beloved immigrants aren’t so desirable. They sneak into the country, do their best not to assimilate, they insist on bringing they’re holy wars with them, don’t learn the language, cheat welfare, run in gangs, steal, don’t salute the flag, don’t pay taxes and generally make it unsafe to walk the streets at night like it was in the country from which they fled. In years gone by immigrants were proud to come to our country and blend in and play by the rules [like we would if we went there]. It’s a whole different story nowadays and a lot of people don’t think it’s right. Demanding this and that changes to suit them. Especially when these undesirables burden your and my infrastructure and tax dollars so heavily. If TT or anyone else that wanted to play by the rules wanted move here he would be welcomed as he should. "but after going through all the tests and other requirements he was turned down" - Sadly this happens all too often to the good people while the undesirables flood our shores.
What if, for example, tt decided to come to America for six months and decided he really enjoyed his stay. And desides that he wants to live here. So he goes through all the right channels, but after going through all the tests and other requirements he was turned down.
So he says to hell with them. All he wants to do is make a better life for his family and him self.

You know Darrow, I've been thinking about your post for the last couple of day because it sounds good in theory. The spirt of this thread was a comment on the current state. The sad truth is, so many of our beloved immigrants aren’t so desirable. They sneak into the country, do their best not to assimilate, they insist on bringing they’re holy wars with them, don’t learn the language, cheat welfare, run in gangs, steal, don’t salute the flag, don’t pay taxes and generally make it unsafe to walk the streets at night like it was in the country from which they fled. In years gone by immigrants were proud to come to our country and blend in and play by the rules [like we would if we went there]. It’s a whole different story nowadays and a lot of people don’t think it’s right. Demanding this and that changes to suit them. Especially when these undesirables burden your and my infrastructure and tax dollars so heavily. If TT or anyone else that wanted to play by the rules wanted move here he would be welcomed as he should. "but after going through all the tests and other requirements he was turned down" - Sadly this happens all too often to the good people while the undesirables flood our shores.

That is the way I look at it too....citizen or not having 14 kids like that woman there on the news for a while....or even 4-6, get REAL, 3rd world habits have to cease when coming HERE....and certainly not to be supported by ANY .gov actions....

What if, for example, tt decided to come to America for six months and decided he really enjoyed his stay. And desides that he wants to live here. So he goes through all the right channels, but after going through all the tests and other requirements he was turned down.
So he says to hell with them. All he wants to do is make a better life for his family and him self.

You know Darrow, I've been thinking about your post for the last couple of day because it sounds good in theory. The spirt of this thread was a comment on the current state. The sad truth is, so many of our beloved immigrants aren’t so desirable. They sneak into the country, do their best not to assimilate, they insist on bringing they’re holy wars with them, don’t learn the language, cheat welfare, run in gangs, steal, don’t salute the flag, don’t pay taxes and generally make it unsafe to walk the streets at night like it was in the country from which they fled. In years gone by immigrants were proud to come to our country and blend in and play by the rules [like we would if we went there]. It’s a whole different story nowadays and a lot of people don’t think it’s right. Demanding this and that changes to suit them. Especially when these undesirables burden your and my infrastructure and tax dollars so heavily. If TT or anyone else that wanted to play by the rules wanted move here he would be welcomed as he should. "but after going through all the tests and other requirements he was turned down" - Sadly this happens all too often to the good people while the undesirables flood our shores.

I couldn't have said it better:thumbs:
- Sadly this happens all too often to the good people while the undesirables flood our shores.[/quote]

I couldn't have said it better:thumbs:[/quote]

You know all I can say is your right.

But I don't think we can make it better by complaining about it. Talk alone breeds racist thoughts where they really
should not be.
Hey Darrow, What else can one do but talk? People talk about many types of problems. This is undeniably a problem. If we don't stand up for ourselves who is going to? There simply is some races of people that choose not to fit in as a whole. Just last night I had one member of of a well known chiseling race appear at my place of business. I gave him a chance, no suprise the chiseling started and I sent him packing. I won't that crap for a minute and as a society we have to stand up for our principals. If they can't behave up to our standards, back to where you came from, no foolin' around. They're not stupid but sometimes I think we are.
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Well, I too have been following this thread and have been trying to just observe, but I might as well put my $.02 cents in now.
Here are some facts that I belive are true from my experiences as a employee of a local school district in Southern Calif. Not a teacher.
School districts and all local and state and federal govt's want aliens--legal or illegal, simply because bigger is better, in their opinion. They don't care who has to pay for it or if it is morally right, just as long as their budget is bigger.
As I said, I work for a large school district, and as such, I can see our future. We have sold our heritage so that we can have a job and be big shots by bossing the illegals around.
Well guess what? They don't need us any more. They can do very well without us.
Do you think they will repay the favor when they take over?
Have any kids trying to get into a state collage or university that you pay for?
The Cal. State system if full and citizens are being turned away, yet illegal aliens are attending our colleges, and they even get resident rates.
It is probablly too late, but we need to keep up the good fight and keep America for the Americans.
And before any "racist" comments come in, 1 set of my grand parents sold their farm to come here. The other set came here because my grand father was recruited by an American company to come here. They came "legally" and didn't always have it easy.
30%-35% of Cal. state prison inmates--FELONS--are illegal aliens. They are not automatically looked at for deportation when they are released, etc., etc.
Reverse discrimination is so totally overwhelming out of control I cannot believe how fast things are changing.
Even though most polititians either think it's too late or are afraid to, the first step is to

Make English the legal National language.

My daughter already knows how to speak English.
I have to pay for private school in addition to school taxes for her to get an education. :clobbered:
Even though most polititians either think it's too late or are afraid to, the first step is to

Make English the legal National language.

My daughter already knows how to speak English.
I have to pay for private school in addition to school taxes for her to get an education. :clobbered:

Yes. I always thought growing up as a kid, it already was the law.:sos:
When I was growing up, I had three M/A friends. Louis, Alfredo, and Gilardo.
They always spoke English, never considered themselves anything but American, and taught their parents English. Their parents immigrated legally, worked hard and played by the rules,and never spoke spanish around me when I came over for dinner.
WHEN I see these guys at H.S. reunions, they only talk about how they HATE the illegals. EVERYTHING they worked and fought hard for in the way of acceptance by our society has been distroyed by the "illegals" as they call them.
These guys feel that what is happening is a disgrace, and believe me, they feel even stronger about it than anyone here.
When I was growing up, I had three M/A friends. Louis, Alfredo, and Gilardo.
They always spoke English, never considered themselves anything but American, and taught their parents English. Their parents immigrated legally, worked hard and played by the rules,and never spoke spanish around me when I came over for dinner.
WHEN I see these guys at H.S. reunions, they only talk about how they HATE the illegals. EVERYTHING they worked and fought hard for in the way of acceptance by our society has been distroyed by the "illegals" as they call them.
These guys feel that what is happening is a disgrace, and believe me, they feel even stronger about it than anyone here.

You're right. The current situation is a slap in the face to all legal residents. I know quite a few people who are not even interested in becoming citizens. Just a green card so that they can get all the gov't services.
When I was growing up, I had three M/A friends. Louis, Alfredo, and Gilardo.
They always spoke English, never considered themselves anything but American, and taught their parents English. Their parents immigrated legally, worked hard and played by the rules,and never spoke spanish around me when I came over for dinner.
WHEN I see these guys at H.S. reunions, they only talk about how they HATE the illegals. EVERYTHING they worked and fought hard for in the way of acceptance by our society has been distroyed by the "illegals" as they call them.
These guys feel that what is happening is a disgrace, and believe me, they feel even stronger about it than anyone here.

My old HS buddy since '60 or so, he been in Ft. Worthless Tx since we went there in '70 when he got back outta the Navy.....seems many of his friends are 'Latino' background....but their families go back to the Spanish Land Grand daze, and so are today not 'hurting' shall we say 'that'.....landowners, ranchers...etc....

and yes, according to Ken, last year....yup...same i'ts not just in Kalifornia...

I tend to pick up a tad of that in N. Mexico when visiting my sister also...visited some interesting new construction sites next door to her...curious as to how they built Adobe looking houses....interesting to say the least...and the workmanship was OUTSTANDING....walls finished to a T, and the walls built to hurry cain standards.... 2x6-16 centers...

tied down like no tmrw....mother ducker....OH, that's the INTERIOR WALLS>...

Even though most polititians either think it's too late or are afraid to, the first step is to

Make English the legal National language.

My daughter already knows how to speak English.
I have to pay for private school in addition to school taxes for her to get an education. :clobbered:

Here in Kalifornia, I'd have to pay to take foreign language classes, but English classes for are offered free to adult illegal alliens at our public schools, that I pay for.