Lets do a You tube thread


Brian Wilson and George Martin in studio

Music great: Here’s the late Beatles producer George Martin driving through Los Angeles and talking about “God Only Knows” with Brian Wilson.

This is real. It should be shown on the 6:00 news each night

for a month. Maybe, and only maybe, then the general

population might begin to understand the low life pieces of

crap the police are often called upon to protect everyone from!

I’ve heard many covers of “You Raise Me Up”, but this performance by these two children blew me away! Jeffrey Li is 10-year-old and Celine Tam is just 7. When the pair began singing on a Chinese talent show, they stunned the audience! They may be young in age, but their voices are incredible!

Every family that steps through the gates of a Disney Park has a unique experience, whether it be through interacting with the Disney characters or going on rides. For the Mansfield family, the experience was made all the more memorable because of a special meeting with Minnie Mouse. Shaylee Mansfield is deaf, as are her mother and father. Shaylee’s mom says that when she was growing up she never expected anyone to know sign language or how to communicate with her. The same cannot be said for Shaylee.
At school, Shaylee can speak freely with everyone, as everyone can sign. Yet, outside of school, communicating with people is a different story because there are not too many people that know sign language. So imagine Shaylee’s surprise and delight when she met Minnie Mouse (and Tinkerbell) and discovered they could sign. Her face just lights up in the biggest smile. Her parents are touched too, knowing how special an experience this is for their daughter. “It made her proud of her own language. She made that connection,” her dad later explained.
I love how the Disney staff made Shaylee feel so welcome and included.

Italian Auction – only 44 seconds !
You don't have to understand Italian to follow the auctioneer:

A Chinese Ming Vase is up for auction. The bidding opens at a half-million Euros.
Bidding is brisk and each bidder is clearly identified as each raises the bid by 100,000 Euros.
(The exchange rate at auction time was 1 Euro = $1.43.) Within seconds, the bid stalls at One million Euros,
and the gasp from the crowd identifies the excitement that prevails in the room. The successful bidder is the last one who bid one million,
and the auctioneer counts down the bid, Going once, going twice, and sold to the gentleman sitting in front of me for one million Euros."

Now, you are going to have to see the video for yourself. The auctioneer is exuberant.
The pace is fast. This is how an auction should be run. Please note the excitement on the auctioneer's face after the final bid.
